Don't cross the line

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I uncomfortably sit next to Aaron on the coach infront of the TV. The only thing between us is my engrossed grandmother,so deep into the screen that she doesn't notice the side way glances that Aaron's giving me that I only return with glares. How dare he wink at me like that while putting popcorn in his mouth. I grunt at his attempts to get under my skin.
"David is going home for sure this time."Nana says and I'm happy to dive into discussing things like this with her. It's way better than trying to convince myself that Aaron doesn't look good when his hair is damp and he's in sweats. The only thing helping me is the fact that Nana insisted we turn off the lights to get the good experience. She's having too good a time with this twelve inch TV.
"Nah,there's no way Alex is hitting the bucket this time."I say through a mouthful of popcorn. If you haven't noticed we had to make another bowl and Aaron just had to take the liberties,
"Aaron are you any good at cooking?"she asks and I feel like intervening somehow because if he says yes they'll start discussing pies or something and I'll feel like the third wheel,
"A little,yes."A pause,"Someone has to do it,right?"He gives me a playful sideways glance and I hit him with a pillow. My cheeks flare when Nana laughs at his jab. Whose side are you on grandmama?
"That's never been his department,believe me."she mutters in the mist of her little fit,
"I will. He's also not very demanding when it comes to food so that's good."Why are they talking about me like I'm not sitting right here?
"This boy,eats whatever tastes good. Although he does prefer when it's made with care even though it might not look like it."silence dawns upon us the only sound is the TV on so quietly as though it's whispering. It's either that or I'm too lost looking at Aaron's thinking expression like he's contemplating something,
"I'll keep that in mind."he finally breaths out and furrow my brows at him confused on why he waited so long,
"So Aaron.. what do you like to watch normally,I doubt you like sitting here with a dating show on."Aaron's deep chuckle fills the air like its just came into legal possession of it. Nothing can take it away unless he gives it up,I for one doubt he will.
"He likes to watch children cry. There's this one video he watches on repeat of- Ouch."he hits me on the head with a pillow this time and I throw it back at him to my disappointment he catches it and winks again. Only when I see my grandmama's suggestive eyes gawking at me do I stop brawling with him. I telepathically tell her that we hate each other and she can't think otherwise. She ignores me obviously.
She's too busy being swayed by Aaron's winning smile and heartthrob dimples. A little voice in my head tells me I am too but I shut it out.
"I like watching cooking shows. They're nice I try to get Cyrus to join me but..."he sighs and pulls a pillow to his chest like people should feel bad for him or something,
"You never did that you liar."I snap but I can't hide the humour that's in my voice or the glint I'm sure he can see,
"I did. I kept leaving space for you on the coach."he supplies and I'm out of pillows to chuck at him so I remain silent,
"I heard Cyrus doesn't want you driving him to campus."she says in a sing song tone,not singing.
"Yeah,there's some guy- what's his name? Anyway,he likes him more than me."he says begrudgingly. I little too heavy into the brooding- I mean what did my man Jesse ever do to him. Ever since day one he's been acting all- jealous? Is that the word? I mean he couldn't be because we're not like that. He shouldn't even care if I have eyes for another or person. The little voice in my head tells me that I wouldn't like it if someone was getting handsy with him,I tell it to shut up.
Eventually and to my dismay I have to go to bed. In Aaron's bedroom.



I open the door first and Cyrus' obviously hesitant steps tread after me. I turn on the lights and reduce their brightness to a low orange to which Cyrus gasps in disbelief,
"Why can't mine do that?"he asks and I raise a speculative brow at him,
"It can,I believe you've just never tried it."
"Oh."I kind of feel like telling him how cute he is but he'd probably find a way to spit in my coffee every morning if I did that. So I just smile to myself instead. I walk to my nightstand and take my current read of the table and sit down in bed. Hopefully my nerves aren't visible.
I only saw how bad of an idea letting Cyrus sleep in my bed,beside me was when I really let it sink in.
My brain started having thoughts it shouldn't be having like: will he snoop around if I let him? Does he snore a lot? Does he stir often when he sleeps? Does he hog the blankets amd will I be able to be mad at him or will I get too entranced in how peaceful he looks when he sleeps?
He walks carefully like the floor is burning his feet somehow sparring a couple things at glance when he passes them. He stops right infront of the bed and stares down at it as though it's a misbehaving child,"There's only one blanket."I meet those eyes that glow in this light making my heart wake from its sleep. Like it does each time. With every emotion that floats in them,my heart beats like it must respond to it.
"Yes,there's only one blanket because there's only one bed."I say noncommittal,flipping a page of my book,
"You could of gotten two,Mr Stingy."he grumbles as he aggressively get under the covers,
"You think I have endless blankets in this household? I'll have to remind you yet again that I used to stay alone here."I say watching in exasperation as he makes a line between us with pillows. This man. I bet he's going to tell me not to cross the line.
"Oh,I know. I'm constantly reminded by the microscopic amount of milk and toilet rolls you buy each time."that sass,the complete disregard for rationality the crease in his brows. Otherwise known as what gets me going,also each time,
"You had to make a store run one time. One! Un. Uno."I put down my book because if we're going to argue we might as well make sure we're both wasting our time.
"What? That's all of the languages you can say one in? I thought you were a business man."he laughs and find myself smiling at his teasing,
"What does that have to do with anything?"I ask and he leans on the wall of pillows he put between the both of us,getting his face close to mine. Clear shot of Cyrus freckles upfront and close is saved to memory because my brain is collecting each angle without my permission. It stays embedded into my mind. Along with each of his of smiles,the soft,the sweet,the lovely. All of them. I want to know them all,
"Because you have to go to other countries all the time. You know get your keep,hustle. By the way did the celebrity thing I mentioned work out?"when he talks he can ramble,and he'll do it so well. So well that you fall into that rhythm of wanting to talk like him. Me seeing this side of him is... rare. I want to cherish it when he does. I really do,because it's fun.
"Yeah,kinda. Only a tiny percentage increase though."I take a peek at his bored expression. He's seeing through my lies,
"Is it that hard to say I was right Aaron?"he says,teasingly. Aaron. He said my name,he never says my name . I've been so used to him calling me names that I forgot he can call me mine. Now I like it. A little too much.
"Fine,just this once then."I say in defeat leaning back into the head board and diving back into my book.
"Is that what I got you last time? How are you liking it?"
"It's alright."better than I thought it would be. More immersive. Nice plot. I have no business telling him all that so he can smile and tell me I told you so. He's ego is big enough already,
"Are you at the twist yet."
"No... is it what I'm thinking it is?"he shakes his head,a Cheshire cat smile paints his full pink lips,
"I bet you didn't guess that- Crap! I almost spoiled the whole thing for you!"He slaps a hand over his mouth before he spills the beans. He's closer to me now and I can't remember when he moved or why I shouldn't like this.
"I think we should stop talking about this before you spoil the whole thing."
"You're right. Ring me up when you finish,okay?"he raises his hand and when it drops it lands on my arm.
Holy moly.
He's touching me. He's touching me and he's so close. On my bed.
I feel the warmth radiate off of his palm onto my skin. My heart beats hard like it wants to explode. What he's saying drifts away,growing muffled and all I can see is his lips moving,his angelic smile the glow in his eyes. He's animated way of moving his hands,chaotic choice of words. He's so pretty it's causing me serious pain right now. I swallow and I let the urge come to me clearly. I want to kiss him.
I really do.
I feel my head lean in a little then I rightfully slap myself back into reality. Where I can't kiss him because that's a terrible,terrible idea. It doesn't matter how soft his lip look. It doesn't. It doesn't. I keep chanting in my head,until I'm short of breath. Trying to gather myself desperately. Looking for the old Aaron Manalo. The one who was in control,the one who had his hands on the wheel. Now this guy whose so tightly wrapped around this man's finger that if he ever finds out its game over. Not this mess,
"Oh my gosh,are you alright?"Cyrus takes me back to reality and I try not to look at him it'll only make this worse.
"What- why?"
"You look redder than a tomato."he drawls and before I can think to move his hands are all over my face checking my temperature. My cheeks,forehead and then sliding down my neck riding over my Adam's apple.
Medical attention needed. Urgently.
"Aaron,do you want me to get you something."I'm not- I don't want to answer that question because lord knows what I'll ask for. The height of sins or something.
"No,no I'm fine."I pluck his fingers from my skin and awkwardly shift to the edge of the bed,"We should probably go to bed now,huh?"I scoot into the covers and hope he doesn't notice that I'm hiding from his gaze,
"Hmm- makes sense since your so old."he mocks and I sigh but I'm happy as he slides beyond my sight,behind the wall of pillows he made. You know what? I don't mind it at all and I think it was a good idea to put it there.
"I'm not old,if I was people wouldn't be talking about how we don't have an age gap."I look at the pile of cotton and cloth as though I can see him. I hope he feels me watching at the least,
"You don't actually believe I think your old,right? I know your twenty four. How could I forget? Youngest CEO around,people never forget that about you."I laugh
"I'm not the CEO of Brown enterprises or any of the companies I'm just acting vice chairman."I explain I hear him shuffle around,
"I heard that you do everything since Mr Brown is getting so old."
"Yeah... I'm looking for someone to help out actually."I'm ready to open the can of worms that whispers to me the things he said that day at the store. 'Leave and never come back' it haunts me like a bad dream. He can hate but will he really leave for ever? Who will he have after that? No friends and just a grandmother who lives so far. Why would he ever think to leave? Isn't he scared of that really means.
I know I am so I'll convince him working at the company isn't that bad.
"Oh? You haven't found someone yet?"
"Not yet. We have to find someone around my age you know from the sake of the trend and someone who works hard."
"Says every employer ever."he snorts and I struggle not to laugh along with him,
"This is serious stuff Cyrus- do you know anyone?"
"Why would I know someone?"he asks,
"Because you work in business. Unless I forgot."
"No but you did forget that I don't really talk to people. I wouldn't know who's hard working or all that run of the mill stuff people lie about having."I hear him yawn and I calculate how much time I have before he dies on me,
"Are you sure?"
"Sure."what about you? I want to ask him that. Because he is hard working,driven and stubborn. He's ready to work with what he's got,sometimes he stumbles and makes a mistake but he always gets back up. Those are good qualities to have if the hardships I think will happen in the future happen. We need someone like him. I want someone like him by my side.
"Well... if you ever do tell me,okay?"A pause,"Cyrus?"I check over the wall and I find him asleep. The lights making his skin have a sunset sheen,the sunset that hits that perfect moment when it's kissing the water and the water smiles letting it flow over its glimmering surface. That perfect moment. He looks like that.
His breaths come in deep,lashes fluttering just slightly. He's at peace and gorgeous. He's gorgeous. I won't bother lying to you about that because I think I've officially crossed the line.

The Agreement •MXM• (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now