Damage control plans

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There's no way I'm gonna go home tonight- until I know for sure Cyrus is asleep.
I also have no intention of staying at the office,it's my least favourite place right now. That and my apartment sitting room.
Let me give you run down,the secret admirer plan totally failed. Like it failed so badly that it created a new criteria for failing. Now I don't wanna go home until I know I don't have to face Cyrus. So I'm headed to Austin's house and I might sleep there if I'm feeling cowardice. I'm as coward as coward can get so most likely,
When I knock on his door I don't wait for an answer I just walk in,using the spare key I have of his. Victor is playing video games on the couch,and Austin's in the kitchen,good I mean I expected Victor,he's motorcycle is outside. I won't have to tell this story twice. Without taking off my coat I plop down on the sofa and sigh as loud as I can making my presence known to the idiots who set me up for this,
"Looks like the man of the hour is here- tell us what happened?"I admit I don't give Austin credit where its due,he knew I was coming so he made cookies for me. But no amount of sugar and carbs is going to get me out of this one,
"On a scale of one to ten,ten being the worst how bad is it?"Victor asks taking off his headphones and turning to me. I blink like I'm on my death bed and mutter,
"Two billion,it's so bad that I don't think that scale will work."they both make pitiful sounds at me,I mean I bet I look pretty pitiful,I'm sinking into this couch not trying to fight it. I don't have the energy to even get up and look at anyone or even take off my coat. "Austin?"
"Huh?"the words come out muffled because he's stuffed his face with chocolate chip cookies,
"You win,I admit defeat. I officially say that I really,as in really- like Cyrus."having to admit out loud for the first time to someone,makes me realise how weird this is. How I can't make it go away if I just don't talk to him anymore. I have to actually deal with this,
"Yay! But now is a terrible time isn't it?"he says looking at me,"I can barely celebrate. When you said something had happened I thought it was good. I even wore my lucky shirt."his lucky shirt is just a plaid button up that he wears with a vest. He calls it lucky because he won a Pumpkin growing event with it on,and a ticket lottery on the same day. So to him it's the luckiest a shirt can get,
"Well? Give us the run down?"Victor asks impatiently,
"So- last night I went home early and found Cyrus had gone to the park with Preeti,that woman who works the counter at the apartment complex I live in-"
"Wait,wait the lady you were giving the gifts to?"Austin asks his thick eye brows raised high in surprise,
"Yes,little did I know she went ahead and split the beans on me. Cyrus came home furious,he yelled at called me a lying douch bag and said I was terrible person-"
"That's gotta hurt."Victor gives me comforting pat on the back,as he takes a bite of Austin's cookies,
"I told him I wasn't- he told me to tell him why I did it and I..."
"Clamped up?"
"The moment keeps replaying in my head over and over he asks me why and I just sit there,mouth not forming word for the life of me. Ugh!"I throw my feet up and stomp them on the ground like I toddler having a tantrum,I don't care how stupid or childish I look anymore. "I couldn't say anything now he hates me!"
"Oh come on Aaron,he doesn't hate you. You just had an argument- if you apologise you'll be fine."
"Fine? I don't want to be fine- I wanna go back in time to the moment I got to choose whether or not I make this stupid decision and not make it!"I'm whining and I'm glad my friends aren't pointing out the fact that I'm a grown man and also the vice-chairman of a company headquarters.
"I'm sorry,Aaron. I didn't know it was gonna be like this- I thought he would like it."
"Who knew this would happen right when you were about to reveal yourself."Victor clicks his tongue a couple times and I hug a pillow in the midst of my pity party,
"If I apologise things can never go the way their supposed to go. Things will never be the same."I groan eating one soft cookie,the first of many as I'm sure I'll try to eat my way out of this predicament. Bye,bye balanced eating habits,
"You think he'll go live with his grandmother now?"I stop and look at the both of them in horror,
"He wouldn't do that would he?"I pled desperately but the answer is quite clear because the both of them in perfect unison say,
"Umm."it cannot get any worse,I swear.
"I think you should just apologise,clear up the air before you go diving into anything else."Austin says,and I partly agree with him. Knowing Cyrus though he might just book a flight to the dessert and leave me there to die,
"I think you should give him some time before you do anything more,like apologies."Victor states and I nod along weakly.
"We're short of time,the masquerade ball is near. They haven't even chosen their suits and masks yet."Austin cautions with a weary gaze,and I'm in a rut because I totally forgot about the ball. I doubt we'll even go considering I can't give him lessons anymore.
"Maybe we should just cancel the whole thing. I'll say I broke my leg,I've already made up a lie about my marriage so what's another?"I say in defeat,
"I knew this whole marriage thing was lie."Victor sings,
"Not the time,Vicky!"Austin yells and I sigh for the fifteenth time,
"Can I stay at your place tonight?"
"Sure,I'll get the guestroom ready."Austin is the best friend you didn't deserve but needed,

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