The Contracts

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I let my room door slam good just like I did with his after I carry all my boxes into it. So he has nothing to throw a little tantrum about later. I fall to the floor and sigh. My damp clothes feel so uncomfortable but I don't even have the energy to change. I look around at my room that only has a bed in it and all my unpacked boxes on the floor. In an instant I remember how much trouble I'm in,I have to marry that jerk in a few days. And I do nothing to try and change that,because grandmama just texted me saying that Mr Brown came by to finish the pay off.
Now I owe him. And I have to do everything he says.
Before I even know it I'm ugly crying. Wondering how in the world it got to this. How I actually agreed to marrying Aaron. The tears just keep flowing,and I'm hyperventilating. I need water. A warm home cooked meal. A call from my Nana. And a shower. For all of these things to happen I need to get out of this room. I have to face that butt for brains. I'd rather die of hunger in here.
I keep crying for a long time. Maybe till midnight,I don't remember don't bother to check my phone. Turn on the light or anything. I sit there and sleep. For longer than I should've apparently because when I wake up its been two days. With missed calls and texts from both of my managers from both of my minium wage jobs saying that I'm fired.


That same morning I rush out of my room already dressed in my cafe uniform. And your probably like,Cyrus you already got fired. Yeah I know. I have been before back when my grandmama got a heartattack and I didn't open my phone for a week. I begged my job back of course. Which is easy considering that I'm such a good worker. I work hard and other than these two times I'm never late.
I rush out holding all my stuff in just my hands. Including all my notebooks. Yep I also have classes today,no I cannot skip. Because I have been skipping already to keep up with my previous debt,and two jobs. With exams coming up I can't afford to keep that up,because if I fail I might lose my scholarships. How in the world am I going to afford anything then?
I slip on my shoes and get halfway to the door,I realise that I need a ride I call Jesse. My best friend. Well kind of my only friend,the only person willing to accept that I never go out or have any fun. He picks up on the second ring,"What's it this time?"He says already sounding exhausted with me,
"I got fired again,so I need to get to work early and take care of everyone's shifts and beg my job back. I also need a ride."I supply and he grunts. Not asking for an explanation or nothing,he just looks to finding the solution. Explaining later. That's why I love him,he'll always be like a big brother to me. Always that nice senior who helps me out anytime,anywhere,
"Hmmm,bad news."His low baritone has me panicking,because that means he just woke up. He's already supposed to be up right now. That means he's not on campus. My hold my breath,"I'm at my parents,"Called it. I bite my lip and consider my other options. Surprise,surprise it doesn't take long because I have none.
"I came with my car."Ahh fuel to the fire. He grunts angrily,"this is why you need more friends kid,what the hell are we suppose to do now?"I have when people worry about me,especially Jesse. Because no matter what happens. I can handle it myself anyway,
"Don't worry,I can handle it myself."
"You sure?"
"Yep I love you,bye"I don't wait for him to grill me more about how I'm getting out of this. Because truth is,I don't know.
"You love him?"I nearly jump out of my skin because Aaron is right behind me. Then grandmama's voice has to be right in my ear just like it was yesterday telling me about how his voice grew a timber to it. The one that makes your knees weak- her knees not mine. I frown and look him up and down only to find him in an apron. I look back to the kitchen and find the meal he's probably prepared laid out. It smells great,too great. Not because he's a good cook or anything just because I haven't eaten in hours. I look at the two stools and two plates. Just like that I'm not hungry anymore,because this is so a set up. He knew I'd be hungry after I got out. So he planned food and put poison in it. I'm going to die if I eat that food. Heck those muffins are probably from a box,
"The muffins are home made if you're wondering."
"I wasn't because I'm not going to eat your food."He raises a brow,I don't wait for him. I turn around to leave,but he grabs my wrist pulling me back and closer to him. Only then do I realise that he's wearing,a white button up. He's already dressed,in an apron and pretending like he's cooking a meal. No one does that,
"That's not the point. You said you love him."
"Also none of your bee wax,you jerk"I yank myself free from him grip and put some much needed distance between us. I can't keep filling my lungs with the scent of his expensive colonge that probably cost more than I spend on myself in a year,
"Cyrus, you haven't eaten in days- just have a little bit of good then I can drive you to work. I don't even want much in return."it doesn't take a genius to see he wants something. Something I don't want want to give,
"Much means there's still something- hey! Let me go."I struggle to get out of his grip but he drags me all the way to one of the insanely comfy bar stools around his kitchen island. Yes,I'm still calling it his,I think I might be able to get out of here soon. He presses me down into the seat,and once I'm faced infront of his FROM A STORE food my stomach growls. I hate how the sound makes him look proud of himself.
Then the strangest thing happens.
He serves my food for me. Egg,muffin iced tea that he also probably got from bottle. I decide not to jump to any conclusions,he's obviously trying to get something from me,"I have to eat fast so I can get to work to-"
"Beg your job back,I know."He says solemnly,taking a sip of whatever is in his cup,
"You were easedropping."I gasp,and he makes a noncommittal sound,like it doesn't matter that he intruded on my personal top secret private conversation. I can sue him right? "How would you feel if I decided I wanted to take a peek at your important documents?"I point at his ipad which clearly has something on the screen. I raises a brow and very casually slides the entire thing to me. I'm exasperated by this satanic manifestation.
I take a small peek at it. No harm in it,I mean I am a business major. "Mr Brown wants to launch a fashion line? This seems like something to be kept under wraps."I say sliding the ipad  back to him and continue stuffing my face with food,
"Since you'll be closer to the family very soon I thought you should be in the know about these things."
"Firstly,I hate when you talk to me like that. Like I'm somehow lower than you because you're the older one."I say getting up to rinse my plate and cup in the sink,I manage to ignore the curious looks he's been giving me whenever I do anything,
"I had no intention of doing that-"He gets up and stands right behind me,"You shouldn'tbe so insecure about the four years between us it's very small. You also shouldn't be eating so fast after being hungry for that long it's bad for you."
"It's fine I do it all the time."
"Well,you shouldn't be doing it."
"On what grounds are you telling me what to do?"
"As you're husband."the air around us feels heavy as soon as he says that. I thought maybe I could go a day without having to be reminded of the sacrifice I'm making right now.
"We aren't married yet,"
"We will be and I hope you're actually prepared for that,Cyrus."
"I am,and don't be going around calling me that."My drawl slips put as soon as I get angry becoming stronger,
"Do you want me to call you something else like- I don't know,sugar?"
"Don't you dare call me that spare son."
"I think it would be just fine actually. You call me spare son,I call you sugar,how about it?"I want to wipe that smug face off of him so badly but I don't have the time to be arguing with him about whether or not he call me what everyone calls me back home. I let them call me that because I love them and we are all close,but not him. Never him,because we will never be close. Period.
"C'mon stop messing around we have to go."


That entire car ride I had to stop thinking about so many things.
It was only a couple minutes after he left my room that night when he went into his. With a bang of course. I went out of mine to get some water,that's when I heard him. Sobbing. The cried and cried for hours until his breaths started to come in short. That wasn't even the strangest part,the weird bit was that I stood there.
At this door counting the minutes,then minutes into hours before he would stop. Weighing what could possibly be making him that sad. I realised it was probably me. And I hated that,because if its me then I felt guilty. Guilty for yelling at him but that doesn't mean he didn't do it to me too.
If he hates me so much then why did he even agree to marry me in the first place? Why didn't he save us the trouble? What did Mr Brown mean when he said to me, don't worry son,I found a way to get him and his grandmother to do it? Was it him? I learnt a long time ago not to put anything past him.
I woke up early just to try and cook him breakfast but he didn't leave his room. And then the day after that,I kept checking on him because I thought maybe he's dead. He wasn't. Just sleeping. I kept cooking,hoping he would just wake up and eat. I was worried sick and I could barely focus at work.
All that only for him to wake up finally and the first person he calls is some man names Jesse. Not the guy who was cooking him breakfast every single day and leaving work at lunch to check if he died or not. Then hehad the audacity to say I love you to that random guy. INFRONT OF ME. His FIANCÉ. Who the hell is he anyway?
I tighten my grip on the steering wheel so hard my palms start to ache. I hate this. All of it. Who does he think he is being all secretive and mysterious? He should know nothing gets passed me. Nothing.
It doesn't end there,I drive him to work then he gets off with not so much as a thank you. And do not get me started on their uniforms. Who in wolrd let's people wear something that's so tight around the waist? That's unethical. So is him working there in the first place. He's probably just there to get life experiences,what else? He's THE Mr Brown's secret son as the media dubs him. The one whose been taken care of well all this time. He's stealing jobs from people who actually need it. Then begging it back?
Oh just think about it makes my head hurt. Not just one but two? Ugh,what is he trying? What's his plan? Whatever I think to myself getting off the car,I walk to my place of work-
Not successfully avoiding paparazzi I keep my head down,avoiding all they're preying questions. Like I have been for weeks now since Mr Brown decided to publicly announce me and Cyrus' engagement,before he had even agreed to it. They have a lot of questions many of which I don't know the answer to myself. Aaron Brown does this mean there wasn't actually any rivaling for the position of vice chairman between the two of you? Aaron,Aaron! Does this mean that you two have been in love this entire time? Mr Brown,when will the ceremony take place? How many guests? Will it be a private event?
All of them make me want yell at the top of my lungs I don't know people leave me be. Except for the love one,I know I'm not. Never will be. Neither is he but we can't go and say that infront of people- when they ask we just have to pretend to blush and smile. That's it.
I finally make it into the building,and immediately my assistant is waiting for me. Without a second thought I go to the tip floor. And drive this stupid marriage out of my head. Because it needs to go.

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