The runway

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Cameras flash when we get to the venue,it would sound a little prideful to say we're the main attraction but I think we are. Questions get haphazardly thrown our way but since Aaron is doing nothing but looking straight ahead like his name isn't coming from each direction I do the same.
Me and him have a special place to sit as we watch the show. Raised from the rest of the seats,I look at Aaron immediately,
"If you think about it these seats are the worst out of them all. The front row ones are better."I say sitting back into my chair,
"Well,yes. That's why those seats are left for the journalists Cyrus."I'm slightly pissed that Aaron has suddenly adopted this calm and collected aura. I'm at a loss because I know I can't pull that off,it's got me on my nerves as to what's going to happen during the press conference. I obviously can't let Aaron do all the talking for me. The thought stays in my mind as I run my eyes over the venue. It seems a lot like a theatre,the red velvet chairs and the stage. Except the stage extends into the audience in a controlled manner,lights that target this line where the models will walk. Slowly people start to pour in,
"How many journalists will be attending?"I say this looking down at them,they seem like ants from where I stand. I see them swarm and scatter but they don't see me.
"A great number is all I know. When I say we went to any and all lengths for publicity,we did."Aaron remarks,unbothered by the happenings below,the preparations and all,his gaze is glued to the runway that's still unmoving.
Soon,a man with a tray in his hands comes over and simply announces,"Refreshments,Sir Brown."that sir might be addressed to me but I choose to believe it isn't. Aaron raises his hand in an unspoken signal,
"Save in the champagne amd get us water instead."
"Right away sir."the man disappears into the back and we're left alone again. With this lightning and a suit like his it seems like he's some sort of criminal mastermind,watching his plan unfold with little to no emotion. I find it strange,I might have believed this is how he behaves before we lived together. But now I can't- I've seen him,laugh,be so mad it looked like there was steam coming out of his ears. I've seen him panic,I've seen get a kick out of mocking me. I've had arguments petty and serious with him. I've seen him be human. I don't know how to feel about that.
And I definitely don't like him acting serious when it's just us. Good thing I know how to solve that,"it's a shame you couldn't get live music."I whisper teasingly into his ear and like its choreographed a spotlight shines on a platform with the live music entourage. A smug grin crawls over his lips as they start to play gentle classical music,
The first model walks out and murmuring seems to cover the room like a heavy blanket of fog,"What's wrong?"I ask my now personal informant,Aaron,
"That model is Jennifer Hills,"he says simply and my eyes fly back to the tall blonde woman on the runway,bright red lip stick and an elegant ensemble. "She's a super model,I suppose they didn't know she would start the show."our waters arrive just then and we watch in silence.
It doesn't take me long to realise that the line isn't bad at all. A similar theme of black and white,evening gowns and suits. Considering the arrangement and planning that went into this it's bound to succeed. Finally the last dress comes out and it's breathtaking. A white cocktail dress with a train,the fabric fades into a shade of grey as it reaches the bottom,it's gorgeous. "Another super model?"I ask Aaron as in regards to the woman with black hair and a pale complexion who walks the dress down the runway,he nods and I go back to being in awe over the dress. Soon the show is over and the venue is moved else where for the part of this trip I'm most scared of. Conversing.
With way too much ease Aaron walks into the centre of the room and subsequently becomes the centre of everyone's eye. His grey suit posing for gold and hair that might as well be sold as silk. Gem in a ring personified. And then there's me I stand silently beside him as he walks around as says hello to people... obviously I speak just not a lot.
I'm quietly sipping champagne in the corner as the nearly sad classical play in the background,"Cyrus."my head jerks up instantly to see who's called me. I face a tall Indian man. His hair is swept back in a calculated manner he pulls off with ease. He wears black thick rimmed glasses that seem to rhyme with his white suits flowy fabric,underneath is a baby blue turtleneck. He carries himself in a way that doesn't scream but sing- elegance. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated,
"Hello."I say and he half smiles,
"I hope your suit doesn't have any problems."his words send me into a state of confusion before Aaron's familiar hand wraps itself over my waist pulling me close,I nearly want to shove him but I resist the urge,
"This is Zahir Patel,the assistant designer for the show this evening."
"Ah,makes sense since I'd get to have the spotlight by walking down the runway tonight. Although you might be able to see that later on. Only if you want to come that is,"I'm a little stunned by the British accent of his,
"Of course."he smiles again and turns to Aaron,
"Hope you liked the show,Aaron."
"I did,thanks for recommending event planners for us Mr Patel."at the sound of the conversation heading in the direction of the details I zone out a bit,
"Why your welcome- mind if I whisk away your husband for a bit?"before Aaron can even finish nodding he does exactly that,taking my arm and dragging me into the crowd. "So- how does it feel to be the husband of business legend Aaron Manalo? I mean we've been dying to know,ever since the wedding you went total MIA."
"Oh,you're saying he's a legend cause he's so young? Or because of something else?"I ask,head a little hazy after being sent through the ringer.
"Both obviously. A prodigy,handsome AND rich,you'll never know the chaos you caused by marrying him,Cyrus. Can I call you that?"
"Sure,as long as you let me call you Zahir. Anyway,you'd know he's a human like the rest of us if you live with him."
"It took you only a couple months to realise that?"he says,teasingly,
"Well,yeah. Fairytale love story,it happened so quickly."even I didn't know about it,
"Guess you two will go into the details during the press conference."He remarks sneakily taking a glass from a tray,
"Yeah... we will."I although I enjoy the rest of me and Zahir's conversation I keep looking at Aaron from across the room speaking to a group of people who seem to only care about what he has to say.
"That's my number."Zahir says giving me my phone,
"Thanks,we'll keep in touch. And if you ever change your mind about the South call me to show you around."I say with a wink and he laughs again leaving me alone. I sigh after the feeling of Aaron around me arrives,"What do you want?"
"We can't spend the whole event away from each other can we now,Button."He says taking a swing of his champagne,
"I thought we weren't getting drunk tonight."I raise a speculative brow at his glass,
"Precisely,this is my first glass. I never get drunk."
"Why's that?"I say hoping dearly that he doesn't say that stupid joke again,
"So you don't run away as I dwell on my intoxication. I'd worry far too much if you're out of my sight."he states,smugly and I scoff,
"I know,you can't bare it. You begged me not to do that."It's only after I've said that I realise he wasn't supposed to know I knew. I bite my lip and shrink down a couple sizes because under his burning gaze. The air around us shifts,like a storm cloud over our sky,
"You little cheat."he hisses under his breath glaring at me,
"How AM I the cheat? You're the one who-"
"You're supposed to be asleep,and you lied to me by putting on this air of slumber."he looks at me like he can't believe what he just heard,
"It's not lying if I never opened my mouth Aaron."he scoffs,loudly at this enough to turn a head or two,
"You are beyond having nerve you are simply and with ALL due disrespect audacious."
"You should have never said those things to me in the first place."I shoot back and his eyes are nearly drilling into me,we're breathing the same air,"No need to chew me out in public though... calm down."I say touching his collar like he isn't nearly under my foreskin to try to personally kill each one of my cells but to be close to his loving husband.  As I straighten his tie he purses his lips,
"If you think that getting all buddy buddy with me will get you out of this Cyrus Mclain you have another thing-"I shut him up by kissing his cheek. Quickly wrapping my hand around his arm and taking him to our interviews,

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