My clothes,your name

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Two weeks later

    I did my mid terms,Aaron went on a business trip. Its been nice having the house to myself. So happy me and him didn't have to go on a honeymoon together. He said he was too busy to go. Ha! Jokes on you that's exactly what I wanted to happen.
Good things don't last for ever though,he's coming back today. The thought makes me so sick that the lady infront of me at the cafe thinks that I'm making this angry face at her. I carry my warm latte out and my phone chirps,my professor.
The text reads that I should come to campus to see her. Oh no! Does this mean that the good grades I got weren't actually mine? Was I framed as a spy from Russia? Are they expelling all students who eat unhealthy amounts of ramen when there husband is in a business trip? (Not my fault I never learnt to cook.)
I don't wait for my mind to come up with the answer,I start running. Well,speed walking actually across the street so I can make it to campus,and get to her office which is pretty close right now. I wanted to near because I have a class in an hour,so I planned to go to the library while I waited.
I stride into the hall and everyone is giving me weird side eyes and looks,and it feels like getting called to the principles office in high school. Now being conscious of how I look to the outside world and not my head,I look over my clothes. Maybe people are wondering where I got designer clothes on such short notice and what happened to all my old t-shirts? Well I'll tell you,
When Aaron left he sent me to this shop and didn't tell me why. I got there and they started taking my measurements and asking me all these questions. Then they sent me home,I thought it was a done deal that it meant nothing. Two days later all these clothes were at my door step,along with text from Aaron saying that these are my new clothes. Dear lord,I was angry because that was totally an insult to my clothes. I'll let him know that they aren't old their not ugly their vintage. It's an aesthetic if you didn't know. But that didn't matter because me wearing the clothes was in our agreement. If I'd refused to wear them then I would have to get rid of my stupid question clause.
Oh how I hate him! I really do.. but I had to wear his clothes. They make me look like a rich kid. Do you know how weird that looks,wearing something like this when you buy ramen from a corner store? People talk,okay! The old lady at the counter gives me looks each time. Not only that it seems like all these clothes- they're meant to match his. Bah,I know gross he has the most disgusting minimalistic style where every outfit looks like the last in a different font.
In total he bought me ten pairs of shoes,yes,he also got me a shelf to keep them. Lots and lots of shorts in all these pastel colours and stuff. Hats,beanies and caps the usual. And a bag. Which was totally an insult to how I carry everything in my hands all the time. Its all just him poking fun at me. I hate it. But I have to wear them or else I have to buy him a dozen donuts. No way am I doing that when I have another option.
I open the office door slowly after knocking,I get in and find Professor Green's calculating eyes drilling into me. Like they always do. To everyone. All of hernheat gets cooled by the man who shares the office with her,Mr Taylor. A tall black man like myself,(exclude the tall bit since you want to be judgy) who wears glasses and is always in clothes that make him seem like he should be on the set of a period film.
"Hello,I was called here-"Dr Green flips her messy blonde locs out her face,
"Yes I called you,it's about your tuition."crap. Is she going to tell me about how the scholarship only covers until sophomore year? How am I going to pay for it then? My heart starts to pound,
"And your scholarship."my stomach drops and I almost get confused as to why its not on the floor beneath me. I keep silent waiting for him to continue,"You don't have the rights to it anymore."hell. Just keep your cool,I tell myself lifting my heavy head to face what seems like my doom,
"Why? Did I not pass the bar?"why am I asking? I did. I know I did,so why are they..?
"It's not that,Cyrus. It's more about your wedding."I crease my brows and look between the two. Mr Taylor,tilts his head at me,
"Did you not look at the university page?"I shake my head and try to find out but he grabs my hand,"No need to look at all the bad people have to say about you,darling."
"People think you don't deserve it. Considering who your father is."now I understand the hate brewing beneath her eyes. She thinks I lied to her,she thinks I tricked her. I open my mouth to defend myself but how am supposed to. I can't say Mr Brown is a terrible father because who knows what he'll do to me  and my grandmama if me saying that gets out. The worst part is,even if I risk it,it will sound like a desperate criminals cry. What someone comes up with when they've been caught. Tears pool in my eyes,I don't shed them.
It hurts knowing everyone thinks I lied about needing this scholarship. That I've always been Cyrus Mclain,not Brown. Because I grew up without that name. Legally I do not belong to his name,I never will. But there's no one here to listen to me. Not even the professors who put me on a pedestal for being so smart and hard working.
Mr Taylor gives me a pitying look that burns. It's so weak so easy to miss,like he's having a hard time believing that there's an explanation for this. "I'll find a way to pay all of it."I say,but they give me a confused look,
"Why would you need to that? Didn't your husband pay for it already?"Mr Taylor asks with a lifted brow.
Aaron you demon spawn.
I nod and smile to their faces,"If that's all I'll go now."I leave lacking the little nod from Dr Green that I did everything to get. I did everything to be something to these people. But know I'm nothing. I'm nothing in a few seconds,and I walk out trying to forget the shame that comes with walking through these halls with all these eyes,
Suddenly I'm just a little boy again in the playground. Getting called names by the older kids. They'd laugh when I couldn't answer the question of where my dad was. Because I didn't know,and I couldn't cry about it forever. So I grew a temper,I pushed people out at the slightest hint that they might be a bad person. That left me with no one,no friends no confident. Nothing. My only friend is a whole three hours and a dent in my valuable time away. And she's my Nan for gods sake.

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