The rain is as good as a cage

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I'm done in the bathroom faster than I expected. I feel great now,I even whistle as I head back out. But then I hear thunder roar in the sky as it cracks down somewhere on this earth. I shiver with fear,my heart pounding in my chest. Once I calm down I watch as the rain pours down.
The bathroom is separate from the main hall. So there's a big gap of wet floor and rain in between the bathroom where I am and the main hall. My jaw shakes from the cold and I contemplate whether I should just wait in the bathroom where its warmer. I decide that I should probably just call Aaron,the thought fills me with this rush of warmth for whatever reason. I think about how I could've called Zahir and not him but I instinctively went for him. I feel a little embarrassed with myself.
Nonetheless I start to pull out my phone when I hear a voice from behind me call out,
"Funny meeting you here."a smug tone says and when I look back its none other than that creeper from campus,the ring judger. Instantly I back away and nearly place my whole body into the rain. I shuffle uncomfortably foward,not wanting to be close to this man. He greets me with a smile that sends the same shivers down my spine,"I just thought you were Aaron's side piece or something. Looks like it's serious enough for him to dress you up and take you here. Figures why you thought you were so special last time."his suit looks like fresh dog poo,I mean a normal shirt and a blazer? He could've put more effort into this considering people have been planning outfits for this event for months. Meanwhile he looks like a thug ripped from a comic book,my distaste must be shown on my face because he twists his,
"Yeah,I am PRETTY FREAKING SPEACIAL he put a ring on my finger for a reason,you piece of rotten trash."I nearly want to spit in his face but I'm the classy boss in this situation. Like hell I'm gonna stoop to his rock bottom level. My words clearly piss him off because he gets angry,before I can even think he grabs me by my arm and forcibly pulls me closer to him. "Let me go!"I yell in pain from his death grip,I nearly want to cry from how bad it is. I think I feel more panicked because its dark,it's raining and there's no one around to tell him off besides me. I'm panicking.
You'd think this would only happen in the movies. I think to myself as I struggle from his grip,to no avail,
"Listen here little Mr nobody you only got out of your hood rat life cause you sold your body to some busines tycoon who will leave you as fast as he got you. And yet your so ungrateful,you should be because I had laid eyes on you. Don't forget that your black as piece of coal."
I have to physically stop my jaw from falling to the ground. I don't even know why I'm shocked,of course he's racist. I want to slap him but I need all my strength from breaking out of here,I'll run in the rain if I have to,clothes be dammed. I'm not staying here period. And when I get out I'm cleaning my arm with hand sanitizer. Get rid of his musty crusty germs. But all my struggling isn't helping me at all,I feel hopeless as I keep trying,and trying. "So pick one are you gonna be grateful or not?"

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