House hunting

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If anyone is wondering this is the last chapter before the epilogue,and this story will be over <3



Christmas is technically over. I mean for me at least,once me,some of my aunties and cousins have spent a day of eating good food and talking together it's as good as over.
I came back from staying with Nana just yesterday. Well me and Lucky came back. He's been keeping me company,him and Nana have been.
It didn't take away from the fact that we texted ALL THE TIME. There wasn't an hour that could pass without Aaron texting me and since none of us wanted to be the first to call... we never did.
I've been missing his voice so dang bad. I've missed having someone to steal warmth from in the night. I've missed having someone to cook for me. I mean Zahir just went back to London. I don't know when he'll be back but I doubt it'll be soon. I've been lonely if not for Lucky running around all the time. He's been growing bigger,and the same way my phone is full of selfies Aaron took at random times of the day is the same way I filled his with pictures of me and Lucky.
He's supposed to be back in like... three days? He said it depends but I kind of hope it's just three. I don't think I can- I mean I don't think Lucky wants to stay without him anymore.
As I'm chopping veggies from my salad my phone chimes momentarily silencing the blaring of a Winter Bellows album. What's been keeping through staying in this quiet place. A text from Aaron. I smile at the screen. It's been almost half a day since we last spoke.
Aaron:Do you remember which compartment I kept my key card in?
Me:Idk just ask Nancy...
I laugh at this. Because Nancy is some made up woman from the Philippines who Aaron was cheating on me with according to the media. I showed him the article and he made a show of telling me how that's not even possible and reasons why. An entire list all because he didn't realise I was playing with him. Now I'll never let him live it down.
Me:Why do you need it now??
Me:You'll be back next week,so...
Aaron:Ugh! I can't find it just open the door,okay?
I frown at my phone,
Me:What are you talking about? Weren't you the one who said I'll be robbed if I leave the door open?
I sigh at the memory of how Aaron nagged from thirty minutes about not leaving the door open while he's gone. What a terrible time for me,
Aaron:What? You think I'll rob myself or something?
I gasp and instantly race for the door I look at both sides of the hall and find there's no one there. I sigh,then the elevator chimes through the air.
The single thought turns into a impulsive chant.
Aaron. Aaron. Aaron.
I smile so hard that my cheeks hurt as I stare at the oblivious man across the hall. He's staring at his phone and he'll realise in One,Two,Three...
I'm already there before he even knows it. Hugging him while my laughter fills the air around us. "Aaron!!"I say enthusiastically and he chuckles,
"Well that was fast."he's holding me in the air now,as I levitate from side to side in his arms,
"You were supposed to be back next week though."I ask,and he sucks in a breath,
"Well... I may have moved my air ticket date because I missed my husband."guilty,
"You couldn't have waited like what? Three days?"I say to him and he makes a face of disapproval as he literally carries me and his suitcase to the door like its nothing.
"Yeah,I could. But I didn't want to."A pause as he places his forehead on my mine,"Didn't you miss me?"he teases,
"Not a change."
"Just admit it already,you missed me."
"I did not!"I lie and we can totally continue this argument for hours but Lucky comes out of the open door and barks,trying to climb Aaron. He leaves pestering me and gets on one knee and pets him. Satisfied,he sits on the ground with his eyes closed,
"Good boy. You've gotten big haven't you?"he scratches him around his ears,"What have they been feeding you?"Lucky refuses to explain the amount of dog treats he ate and escapes to the sitting room where he cannot be seen by his parents,
We both stare at the runaway dog and then each other. Out of nowhere Aaron leans in and kisses me on my cheek,"Love you."he says in that sweet timbre voice I've been missing all this time,
"Yeah yeah,come inside already."I drag him into the house and he sits down happily. He's probably tired. I get to the kitchen and start rethinking what I'm gonna make for supper. Aaron notices me fidgeting around and gets up immediately,
"Shouldn't we just... order take out?"he asks hesitantly,I can almost see the memory of the burnt brownies flash through his eyes,
"Don't worry,I took cooking lessons."
"Oh? So what are you making?"he asks taking of his layers of coats and jackets. While he does this Lucky sits in the couch beside him,
"I'm making gourmet.."A pause for me to build up the suspense,"Sandwiches."he bursts out laughing and I join him,"The safe option."
"The safe option indeed."he affirms nodding his head,
"I'll learn how to cook later."I say taking out four slices of bread and setting my salad to the side,
"Yeah,right now you can compensate by how much of a genius you are."he says simply. My face grows warm at the random compliment,
"Genius? I'm no genius."I mutter as I start toasting the slices and preparing cheese because everything is better as long as there's cheese on it,
"Yes,you are."He says like I just told the biggest lie and expected him to believe it,
"No I'm-"A pause when I realise he probably won't stop arguing with me. I sigh,defeated,"Fine."
"Fine what?"this jerk,
"Fine I'm a genius."
"Damn right."



I love my family. I really do but I couldn't spend another second in the Philippines without Cyrus. I felt... empty and texting him all the time wasn't really filling my Button sized hole anymore so I just did what I had to.
Like this wasn't I miss you. This was I'll pull out my hair if I can't see you in the next two hours,I miss you.
I'm glad I got to come back home and spend some quality time with Cyrus and Lucky can't forget my royal descendant son.
Who will be getting a new house soon. Hopefully if this is the one for Cyrus.
I watch hesitantly as he turns around in circles at the empty white walled space that I choose from the wide selection of homes in this side of town.
Light pours into the many windows. A large living room,a garden in the back in case he wants to get me flowers again,just making sure he doesn't run through the rain again. Four bedrooms,and two offices for me and him. Of course my genius will need his space to work. A highly ventilated kitchen,you know in case he decides to cook and it pulls a brownies aren't black on us.
And most of all its homey. I think he'll like it. I went through a alot of trouble looking for it so I hope he does.
He circles one more time and I look over his outfit. A white beret,and a water fall sweater with other crotchet things that he likes to wear that make him look so freaking adorable. "So? What do you think?"
"Well... this is closer to campus than the others we looked at..."he says sounding hesitant,
"Yeah. That's why I knew you'd like it."
"Hmmm."oh no. That's the sound he makes before he says he won't take it-
"It has a garden in the back."
"Mmhm."he says making a thinking face,
"There a swing in the garden."
"I think..."A pause,"I'm cool with this."YES.
I wrap my arms around him and pick him up and swing him around. He starts laughing amd so do I,
"So,we'll move in to this one?"
"Yeah."I say enthusiastically,still holding him,
"Well,I just need to finalise all the paperwork and payments. Nothing much,we can move in as soon as you want,Button."
"How many boxes am I allowed to bring? Five?"my heart falls from its place and drops along with my smile,"Oh my gosh,I was just kidding,Aaron."
"Or was I?"
"Can you stop? I still feel really bad about that you know..."
"Just bite back with the times I cut your suit."
"New clause,we cannot fight by bringing up our rocky era?"
"We have eras?"he teases and I start loosening my arms around him and he laughs and pulls me towards him,stuffing his face in my chest. I chuckle and tilt him up by his chin and kiss him.
"Let me write the clause down first."I say,
"No! You can't,I still want to bully you.."he whines and I frown at him,
"If you want that I'll make fun of your height."
"That's not fair!"
"Fair this,fair that. The world isn't fair Cyrus,"I mock and he sulks like I really have bullied him. I take his hand and walk him to the car so we can start preparing to move already.

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