At the Manor

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I didn't sleep well. Not after Cyrus got a call from his grandmother and he became a different person. Like he had shut the doors again,that cold aura radiating from him. Like ice burning me like fire.
Worst part is we were fine. We were eating,arranging stuff in the kitchen laughing. Making harmless fun of each other. I wanted to tell him all about my cooking app and he wanted to get me started on some silly romance novel. And I was happy,not just miraculously happy with him but more than I've ever been in a while. Then he left,closing his door all of a sudden. And god doesn't it hurt ten times more than when he just bangs it because he let it creek shut. What does that mean? Why does he show me who he is then he leaves like it never was? Like we didn't get along so well that we might actually pass for a married couple?
We can get along. We should. He doesn't want us to and I hate that I don't know why.
It's actually causing me physical pain.
I can't do a thing about it even now in the car. Days after that moment I still haven't told him a thing,pressed him about what's wrong,nothing. I just steal a glance now and then at his blank face as we get to the Manor for a dinner party Mr Brown invited us to.
I know how these go,we wear suit and pretty dresses. We eat expensive food from the family chef. We drink pricey wine from him million dollar investment of a wine cellar. Silently follow all his silent orders,then we go home. Silent rule number one me and Cyrus are supposed to act like a sweet couple. Too bad Mr B,I can't even talk to him forget us being all touchy at the dinner table.
I steal another glance just us we get to the drive way of the house. We're wearing matching suits that should be enough for him,right? He has a deep navy blue four piece that fits him well according to my flaring cheeks. A reliable and embarrassing source. A cream tie,all the stuff to make him look prettier than I find comfortable. Because he's already pretty,now I'm in the danger of someone noticing me noticing how nice he looks. That doesn't sound bad but it is,because if that happens,he'll know too. Then he'll have a reason to call me a creep. I can already see it,him talking in that sweet soft southern drawl telling me to piss off.
"We're here."I say getting out of the car like something is chasing me,I need to get away from him. ASAP.
The Manor looks the same as it always has. It's done in a seventeen hundreds Georgian style,with a million plants surrounding it. The heavy grey clouds always find their way right above it,like it'll rain. But it never does most of the time,like mystery. A mystery among the mysteries. Why are the so many plants where the green seems... sad. Why does the gravel sound scared to sound like the noisy stone it is when faced with tires? Is it because they know of Mr Brown's temperament? I think so,because I too wilted like a slice of bread left in the open after spending a mere five years here. Say,what becomes of the rose bushes that have no escape from the cold aura that is sure to leak into the property?
"Ahk-"the small yet audible scream meets my ears and I turn immediately to help whatever he's gotten himself into. He holds his foot as he winces,"It's nothing- I just stepped on it wrong..."he says in hoarse voice and from the looks of it he won't be able to walk without my help,
"It looks like you sprained it,"I say getting on one knee and touching his lifted foot,
"That's not even reasonable. I didn't sprain my ankle."he protests trying to get me to stop holding his foot but he can't. I'm all he has for balance,me and my shoulder which he has perched his palm on,
"How would you know? You're always stuck in that head yours,tell me? Is that reasonable?"he frowns,trying to throw daggers at me with his eyes but he can't. He's in too much pain. Chirst,what do I do?
"Oh? Is this another cinderella remake or is Aaron proposing again? Either way should I get my camera?"Kate's voice sings as she walks from the front door in a pastel green loose fitting gown with frilly ends,it flows in the wind along with her blonde hair.
"That won't be necessary."I really want to get up and greet her properly with all the gentle man in me. But I can't,I'm gonna stay here until I find I way to get Cyrus into this house without him hurting himself more. I focus on his ankle and bend it slight to the other way and he yelps. "Guess that proves it huh,Button?"I say smugly and he clicks his tongue,
"Did he sprain his ankle?"Kate asks with a worried look on her face,
"No,Aaron here is exaggerating the situation again."Cyrus smiles through what I'm assuming to be waves of pain,
"Do you really not want me to carry you in that much?"I say standing up and holding him by his waist,
"Carry? Aaron I'm a grown man."
"And I can still carry you despite that,stop being difficult."he gives me a tight smile and steps on his wounded foot with lots of terribly hidden effort,
"I'm fine,Aaron."
"Yeah,Aaron. I think you should stop bugging your husband now,he's never called you by your name so much in one sitting."she smiling,she thinks us having a fight right infront of her is fun.
"Fine... Just don't ask me to help you later."I raise my hand in defeat and walking towards the door with the both of them.
"How was the drive?"
"It was alright."
"Make yourself at home,Cyrus. This is by right your house anyway."I can feel the cold growing around him as soon as she says that,
"Is Mr Brown home?"I ask,changing the subject. The main door opens and we're lead through the large house,everything here costs a small fortune. Vases that count as relics of the times,art that was bought for millions of dollars. All in order to fit Mr Brown's picky taste. When I first came here it was the same uneasy feeling of being at a hotel,like I was supposed to leave soon.
"Didn't I say I would be?"his sharp baritone,that's taken a dive due to multiple lung issues. He sits on his special cream chair that matches the green wall paper. He leaves his newspaper on the rose wood table as he gets up with much difficulty. It doesn't take a genius to see that he's getting old,he needs a cane to walk for godsake. Maybe this is why he wanted Cyrus back,to make sure he's got a hold of the company before he passes?
I swiftly save the theory into my archive of other options.
He comes to me and gives me a stiff hug,I watch from the corner of my eye as Cyrus holds little interest in watching our exchange. The hug ends and he leaves me to stand infront of Cyrus with a stern expression one he returns. He doesn't shift under the calculating gaze,almost like he's challenging it,"Last time you didn't say hello to me and today you do the same. I won't let it slide a third time,Cyrus."He breaths walking to the dinner table and we all follow after him slowly. Kate takes her place beside Mr Brown,I sit next to Cyrus.
Candles,and white table clothes dressed over the surface. Blue hyacinths right at the centre all tied together by the massive golden glass chandelier. As plates arrive courtesy of the maids assigned to take care of the house Cyrus says to what I thought was to be left as it is,
"You'll have to excuse your son."a dip creases between Mr Brown's face,he puts his glass down and faces Cyrus. Quite easy since we're all parallel to each other,me to Kate,him to Mr Brown.
"And you'll have to address me as you're father,if you've never been told."like a string being stretched to its limits,the tension grows,
"Why should I?"Kate chokes on her wine and I suck in a breath. This is bound to end badly,
"The chicken! Oh my the chicken,Austin lent us one. So it's from his farm,such a great guy that kid."Kate laughs nervously. Damage control. Funny how often we had to do this back then,instantly changing the subject so Mr Brown doesn't breath his wrath over us. She was much better at it than me,a pro of being a television personality I think.
"He did? With the way he names all his animals you'd think he wouldn't."I say joining her in the empty laughter,
"Exactly."mission accomplished. Tension dispersed,
"He names all of them?"Cyrus asks to which I nod,
"Have you met Austin yet? He's a family friend of ours."she places a hand on Mr Brown's chest,
"Yes,I have."He says nervously,afraid of stepping on the wrong egg shells. The food arrives and strangely the dishes are being served under sliver covers. Each with our own,even Kate looks confused. In our special mode of silent communication we give each other cautious looks. They're uncovered as soon as their all here,all by different maids,simultaneously. Its almost scary.
It's normal food. But when I look around its all different dishes of each one of us. Kate has duck spread over rice with a special sauce and a portion of fresh greens. I have mushroom soup with freshly baked bread and butter. Mr Brown has chicken cordon bleu. And Cyrus has a simple beef Wellington. With champagne instead of wine. As he looks at it,he grips his fork,like he's angry at the food,he solidifies the anger and looks at Mr Brown with all of it. He pays it back with a tilted smile that sends a shiver down my spine,
"Think of it as a tribute to her. She was never able to eat here after all."what?I watch in confusion as Cyrus' jaw works with what looks like irritation,without missing a beat he turns to Kate,
"I think I need to use the restroom,can you tell me where it is?"he asks and she tells him with pursed lips,like she noticed what I did. He leaves not bothering to move the chair he was sitting on out of the way creating a loud departure. He soon disappears down the hall with a strong stride.
I try to ignore him and eat,I can't. I look to the hall then my plate and lose most of my appetite,"I doubt he understood those instructions,I'll go make sure he found his way."I say without thinking about it first,
"Alright then."Kate says giving me her confirmation nod,she agrees that I should go look for him. I race out from the table the same way he did.
Storming through the hall I reach the bathroom,it's shut and empty inside. I heave nervously wondering where he could be and I face the opposite door to find a creak,slightly open. The door to Mr Brown's study. I go in and look around the open window that lets the dull light from sad skies bleed into the room. Making the purple wall paper with enough detail to pass as a classic literature piece,going well with its golden accents. The dark oak shelves glimmering like stainless steel after restless cleaning being done in every corner. Filled with books I doubt his old eyes can read anymore.
My eyes race around the room looking for him my feet are already shifting to go somewhere else when I finally do. At the desk,with a picture held tight in his hands. It becomes clearer as I approach him,a woman. Who shares his features impeccably. His freckles and green eyes,fawn skin and beautiful smile. A smile that she flashes in the old picture,teeth almost as white as the pearls on her neck. I find tears on his eyes,no doubt this is her. His mother,
"Mr Brown told me she passed when you were young. Too young to even remember her."I say before I think and he scoffs wiping his wet cheeks. "Are you sad about it? I mean of course you are-"
"Is that what he tells you? That she died to make himself feel better?"his voice is choked,strangled,like the words were better off left where they are.
"Isn't that what... happened?"that's what happened. I was eating dinner with him and the topic of him complaining about how stubborn Cyrus is came up. I asked where his mother was. He told me she had passed when he was young. I didn't say anything else over the matter. He looked sad when he said it,I had no reason to press.
"No,no it's not."he places the picture back down and I notice to my horror,she's eating beef Wellington. Dressed just like how it is on the dinner table. I form what wordsmof sympathy that I can but he stops me before I do. "My mother abandoned me when I was younger."he takes a seat on the desk and I pull the chair beneath it out and rest as well,
"This picture here was taken before she gave birth to me. When they had just started dating I think."He says looking at it like its a distant memory of his that fills him with regret,"then she gave birth. She started to look horrible,like the life was being vacuumed out of her. She had to work two jobs just like me. She was so far off into poverty that she came to live my Nana when I was a toddler."I nod along despite all my questions,was this all before Mr Brown became the man of money he is now? Why did she have to do all this despite being his girlfriend... "One day,she left me with Nana. She said she had to work the night shift in a hushed voice under the warm light of the sitting room back home. That was the last time I heard her voice. I think my Nana and grandad knew,because he didn't turn off the TV like he did before to tell her to be careful on the road. Nana didn't blow her a kiss,she didn't even look at her. They justmlwt her walk out. And when she never came back they didn't look for her. They never went to the police or anything."his eyes flood with what seems like a clear memory,a face numbed by the feeling.
"Why would someone who was missing carry a duffle bag with her? One that had all her clothes and belongings?"I sit in shock. Because that's not what I was told. There has to be an explanation for all this. Something like... Mr Brown was told she had passed. Something like that. I think he knows what I'm thinking because he looks at me,"There ain't no way Mr Brown didn't know. He knew because he was told that she ran away without me."I lose any other words that I had to say.
"I'm sorry."
"Why should you be sorry? There's a man who should be and its not you okay?"he says with tired eyes and I think to myself is this the friction between the two? His mother is the missing link? Does he think that it's Mr Brown's fault that she left? I save the new information into my archive.
"Do you want to stay here or can I take you back to the table?"
"Take me? I can take myself you dork."there he is. The firecracker,full to the brim with petty little insults. Button in all his authenticity.
"Fine by me."I still walk ahead of him to the table and I make sure to give the maid the insult of a meal and ask her to take it away before he sees me doing so. The person who does see me is Mr Brown he gives me a look that I ignore.
"How's college coming along Cyrus?"Kate asks with a smile,
"It's going.. fine."he did not just contemplate anything else. He did not.
"Fine? With everything people are saying about you I doubt your fine. I told you to go to a better college that I was willing to pay for but you decided you didn't want to. You had all this time to decide."Mr Brown monologues,I frown at him. Why is he acting so hostile? "I'm sure Aaron is aware of what people are saying out there why don't you tell the boy?"
"People say all sorts of things. Things like me and Cyrus' wedding and marriage is a elaborate set up."Kate laughs and he gets the memo that that was a threat. A threat to reveal the truth to Kate. It is because she doesn't know and she keeps telling him to stop forcing things on his "children"(me and Cyrus). If she was to find out- who knows it might just be the last straw.
"I'm fine with what people say actually. Back home everyone knew that I was your son,imagine the talk when they found out I could barely afford squat?"Cyrus says with a grin and in return Mr Brown looks like he's about to start breathing fire,
"That was your choice to stay there."
"It was your choice to let her go."silence befalls us once again. All of us interpreting that sentence differently. Kate may think he's blaming her death on him. I think he's saying Mr Brown could've changed the outcomes of today. Mr Brown sees it as an insult. I don't know which is right anymore. I clear my throat pushing my dish aside,
"I think I want to show Cyrus my old room. Like we'd planned,right Button?"I say this with a sweet smile in his direction he returns it with confusion. "Come on then,let's go."

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