Ballroom lessons

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Aaron said with his own mouth last night that he was flirting with me. Or egging me on- whatever the heck that means.
He's doing it more and more often. I'm happy when he's at work. Because when he's at work,I don't have to watch him take of his tie in he way he does. I don't have to see him take of WAY MORE than two buttons off his shirt. I don't have to deal with him winking at me whenever he has the chance. I don't have to deal with his dimples. Or his messily perfect waves of hair. The list is going on people!
Ever since I got sick he's been acting like that- wait! Was it after that or after Paris? Could it be he's taking revenge by annoying me to death? That has to be it,why else would he be acting like that? Against my will I'm presented with the fresh image of Aaron asking me if I think he's handsome. It keeps replaying,over and over in my head all day.
He literally referred to himself as a romantic option.
Just like he did in Paris! He looked straight into my eyes when he said he had already won. That's evidence enough,thank you. I need to find away to get back at him so he leaves me alone. Two options: we put pink food colouring into his laundry. Pro's I can laugh my head off once he realises all his stupid button downs are baby pink. Con's he'll stop doing my laundry with that heavenly smelling laundry detergent that he refuses to tell me the name of. Second option I put a fake snake into his brief case. That'll get him.
I make sure to jolt my plans down into my notebook at my desk when I hear the door open from the living room. Guess the stickers will have to wait then. "You're home early today."I say to him,watching as he places his keys down on the counter. His hair is only a strand loose from how he had it this morning. He nods in acknowledgement at me then takes off his trench coat. I note down the fact that he's a whole two hours early from his usual time of coming back home,"You like that coat?"he hangs it up as he stares at me with a grin,
"If you wanna cut holes into it,I'll just buy another one,so go ahead."He smiles,dimples showing,I want to shake that smug look off his face,"What? You're really easy to read once someone gets to know you. It's like I can see the inside of your little brain."he explains and I take the opportunity to smack him in his stomach. He laughs like it barely hurt,either that or my hand has forgotten how to do it properly.
"So,what happened to coming home at eleven."
"Work load getting lighter lately. Soon I might be able to be back by six."he supplies leaning on the counter,
"God no."I say to him,and he smiles again. You know what's terrible about his smile? It's a golden boy one,the type that makes people feel like they should smile too. The type that has someone's heart beating fast,butterflies fluttering in your stomach. That's what's bad,because everyday it gets harder to pretend I don't want to smile along with him,
"What were you doing before I came in here?"
"Planning your murder,why?"
"Oh,really now?"he's getting close again,his colonge still fresh like he didn't just go through an entire day,
"Yeah,but while I was doing that I read an article. We're going to have to waltz at the ball?"I ask and he nods,
"Yes,that's correct."
"You don't know how do you?"
"I do."
"It's not similar,like at all,to tango. So don't use that as a comparison."
"Well,crap."I say and he walks to his room,I follow him,"What do we do then?"I ask pacing around his door,he silently opens his closet and places a pair of clothes down on his bed,with a flat expression he says,
"I'll help you figure it out in a second,unless you want to watch me change. I won't stop you."I'm not blushing,I'm just flustered okay?
"No,you perv. I won't."I stand at the open door waiting for him to close it but instead he just starts unbuttoning his shirt. I bolt out of the door frame but that doesn't help the fact that I just saw his skin. Like his bare skin,a smooth golden shade. Like silk that's just been draped over human flesh. He didn't even warn me and now I'm standing here listening to him laughing at my reaction probably. I'm also imagining him changing so I quickly remember how to walk and leave,


"What's the problem with this waltz thing? I know you don't have two left feet."Aaron says as he walks into the living room. Like second nature I close my blue notebook immediately,too many plans he shouldn't be seeing in here. When I lift my head I see his partly wet hair dangling in my face,his navy blue hensley falling dangerously low exposing the tiniest bit of skin that's making my heart race for some reason. My eyes dove down to his well fitted pants and the way the compliment his muscles- no this is not me saying that he looks good,he does its just- IT'S THE MEDIA'S FAULT FOR INDOCTRINATING ME INTO BELIEVING MEN LIKE HIM ARE HANDSOME. Besides he's not that hot anymore after I see his animal themed slippers.
"Of course I don't,I just don't think I can do-"
"Get up."he demands calmly,and I stare at him with conviction. He grunts and takes my hand against my will. He picks me up and positions me right infront of him. He frowns at me after I find his right hand on my waist and the left on my shoulder,"Do you not even know the positioning of a waltz."he asks with a flat expression. I'm flustered and rendered frozen for a moment,he's taking my hands before I can protest,"This hand here."his cool fingers lift mine right over his chest,my breath hitches,"This one- here."The other is led to his torso. I can't move,I can't speak. I doubt I'll be able to do any of this at all,
"Let me lead you,okay? Where I move you follow."A pause,"We'll pick up the pace after."he says breaking me out of my trance,I blink at him for a second before he moves for the first time,"One."I manage to follow my eyes glued to the floor. He twists taking me with him to the other side,"Two-"I'm loosing track of his steps at this point,"Three- Ouch..."
"I'm sorry."did I just step on his foot? Yes,yes I did.
"It's fine,let's try that again."I get into position easier this time,we start,"One,two,three four- Ow!"he grabs his foot and curls into the floor,I go down with him."Is this your plan to permanently stop me from walking Cyrus?"
"What? No it was an accident-"
"I'm telling you now you're not getting that money Mr secret agent Cyrus."seeing the humour flood back into his face makes me not worry about him
"You jerk-"I shove his shoulder,and tilt to look at his foot,"Are you really okay?"
"Of course,every time you hit me it never leaves a bruise. Cotton candy fists-"
"Don't you dare call me that,I'm really strong you know?"he smiles at me getting flustered,
"I never said you weren't,I'm just saying that all the meals I made might have found the way to your heart."he gets up with a grunt and extends a hand to me,one which I reject and get up on my own,"So you hating me doesn't have that much power after all."he puts quotation marks over the word hate,I slap his little symbols away hands lazily falling to his waist,
"I really don't like you- no I hate you."I'm adamant,he doesn't seem to care,giving me a dull,unbothered stare,
"Doesn't matter to me,because I'm still going to teach you how to dance sweetheart."I want so badly to hit him in the top of his head right now,
"Wait,I don't want to dance without music it's making me bad at this. So is you going too fast."I remark,he nods and starts playing a slow classical song on his phone and it plays on the counter,"Nothing more upbeat than this?"I mutter as we fall into each other's arms again,
"What? You wanna waltz to rap music?"
"You punk."I say and we fall into a rhythm.
I step on his foot a couple of times. We smile,we laugh. Before I know it,it's eleven at night. We've been dancing for two whole hours and I haven't put a fake snake in his bag yet,crap. Maybe next time.

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