Wedding bells and Silent treatment spells

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Me and Aaron haven't spoken since that night we- we what? I don't even know what happened all I know is that we held hands and I felt something. Something I didn't understand.
I couldn't elaborate on the way his eyes burn holes into me sent shock waves through me,it had me vibrating with something-
That's the godforsaken issue at hand. I don't know what happened,how it happened. One second I was away then next I was dangerously close to him,breathing the same air as him and I didn't understand why I felt that way. Towards him of all people.
It's taken me two days,to come up with every excuse in the book. It was nearly midnight,just like the other night when I thought he looked handsome- just slightly though. I was tired,so it's normal to do foolish things when you're tired. Everyone does. None of them fit,nine made it make sense as to why me and him calling each other names felt so much like playful- I can't believe I'm saying this... flirting?
But know isn't the time to be considering that. Because I have my wedding ceremony with him in only a few hours.
I'm sitting on the chair of some sort of dressing room. Where they get me the groom,ready for my big day(jazz hands). As the hair dresser dubbed it. I thought I had experienced everything in this world,faking a smile when I'm actually upset wasn't on the list apparently.
They've dressed me in a fitted white tuxedo,with the tightest bow tie known to man (or maybe I'm just tense),polished shoes and all that stuff to make me look like the prettiest fairy tale Prince. Truth is I don't feel like that at all,and they're putting something that makes my blemishes look less visible.
Oh good lord.. we're going to take pictures,aren't we? I shut my eyes in disapproval for the pain to come. "So what do we do with your hair?"The white hair stylist takes two of her manicured fingers to make a near perfect flaw in my otherwise fine afro,
"Nothing."I smile but apparently she thinks that's a joke because she keeps plucking at it. "Can I do my hair myself?"I finally manage to say and  she gives me a look that clearly says no,
"I'm the hair stylist hun,"she gives me a sour smile like she's speaking to a child,
"You don't seem to know what you're doing though."I mutter and she gasps words for a good lecture on her tongue,at the ready- an commanding voice stops her,
"Amy,he's hair doesn't work like white people's hair that's why he doesn't want you touching it."
"Preeti what are you doing here?"she smiles and comes towards me still in her head manager outfit,
"Your soon to be husband asked me to manage the event."she supplies,
"If you haven't noticed your a big part of the event actually,it's becoming less and less of a wedding and more and more of the chairman's son reveal."
"Don't you go and get me started."I watch from the corner of my eye in satisfaction as Amy backs away,
"Can I help you fix up your curls?"she points to my hair that has tiny horns now thanks to a little someone,
"Nah,I'm good thank you."I look into the mirror and I nearly don't recognise myself dressed like this,decked in all of this small fortune priced things. It doesn't make me feel confident at all,it makes me feel like a frod. Like I'm trying to wear a new skin,over a flesh that already knows who it is. And it is not this,posh looking chairman's son.
"They just had to put you in the new fashion line suit."
"Right?"this is the first time I've smiled all day long. Maybe it's the black in me,being more comfortable with other people of colour. I swear I don't do it on purpose,it's the same way a woman is more comfortable with other women I think. I pat my hair down until it looks just like how it was a minute ago.
"Well,Is Mr main attraction ready to go meet his groom?"
"Think so."


    I get out of the limousine at the same time Aaron comes out of the event hosting location doors. A huge flower laced entrance all white and orange with palm leaves attached,fairy lights every where. And there he is in the centre of it,in a black four piece suit- a white flower on his chest. Hair slicked back perfectly and only a single strand peeking loose,either because he's tired or someone did it on purpose. If someone did it,curse you and your entire family to lifetimes of bad hair do's because that makes him look way to appealing.
The closer he gets at his quick speed because of his powerful stride,the more my heart thumps. Like its trying to get a better look at his two adorable- yes I admit it,moles. Especially the one on his chin,especially.
"You're late."is the first thing he says to me,brows pinched,
"Not on purpose."I counter and I probably sound like a child to him because he ignores me and sticks two of his finger hastily into my front chest pocket. He successfully puts an identical flower to his on my person. He nods at the angle he's placed it at and I end up feeling like he just electrocuted me right there. Right where he touched me,this is exactly why that can't be happening until I figure out what's happening.
I frown at his frown and watch over the ever so clear bags under his eyes. Sleep deprived or overworked? Or both? Despite it he looks like he's on the cover of a magazine for some teenage dirt bag phase or something. It's annoyingly blinding how he's pulling it off. "Hand on my arm,and smile or else you'll mess this whole thing up."
"Are you talking to me? Or you?"Why did I say that? I'm not even supposed to be provoking him today now I sound like an A class jerk. To add to the fire he's not indulging me,he just gives me a scowl.
"Here-"he extends his arm,"hand on my arm."I do as he says,wrapping my hand around him and we walk towards the venue,all our stiffness in toe. Will we be able to pull this off and look like a couple all at the same time?

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