I'll take care of you because I want to

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The room's door opens and Cyrus comes out,me and Kate get up and walk towards him,"How is he?"she asks and Cyrus offers a small smile,
"He's fine,he just wanted to talk to me a little-"that's a lie I can decifer,but Kate's vision might be blurred by distress,
"Okay then- sorry to interrupt whatever you two were doing."we both give her a look and she smiles,"Aaron's hair never looks that messy on his own volition."is it that obvious? I inwardly scream,
"I'll take Cyrus home now,he got rained on and he needs to be warmed up a little."
She nods and disappears into the room with Mr Brown. I take Cyrus' hand and lead him out. We walk through the wet gravel and step through shallow puddles,the only lights dim as the fade through a distance. Least we rely on the flickering street light beside our car. In the silence it shocks me when Cyrus' head falls on my shoulder and he holds a blank expression. I don't ask as I wrap my arm around his shoulders and keep leading him to the car,
"Should I ask your private chef to make you hot chocolate?"I tease and he smiles lightly,
"Yeah you should. I'm chilly,"
"I'll drive faster then."
"Sure but just know I'm not in the mood to get arrested tonight-"
"Whatever."I say. I wonder when he'll tell me what happened in that room. It should happen at his own time though


"Here is your hot chocolate and of course a treat for Prince Clairmont."I drop the dog biscuits on Lucky's special comforter that's just for him to sit on while he's on the couch. I give the blanket engulfed Cyrus his cup of hot chocolate which he holds with both of his hands and makes a satisfactory sound that makes me happy,
I sit down beside him AND Lucky,you know can't forget him,he's a royal descendant. A smile perched on my lips as I sip my own cup of a sweet and warm substance. We're watching one of Cyrus' cartoons,I think this one is called lovely Princess or something like that,
"This is so something I would never see you watch normally."I remark and he scoff,covering himself deeper into his mountain of soft fabrics,
"That's because you don't know me."
"I do."
"No you don't,I'm like an onion with all these layers that-"
"I've already uncovered. Ask me anything about Cyrus I'll know it."I challenge and he makes a face that says I won't be able to do it,
"What do I get if you lose?"
"A candy bowl."
"And if you win?"
"You let me do your laundry."
"You're such a weirdo."he says with a smile on his face,he stands up straighter in his mountain and makes an adorable thinking face. "What's my favourite color?"
"Generic question- pastel yellow."
"How many times a month do I wash my hair?"
"3 to 4 depends on whether your in the mood."
"Favourite movie?"
"The Princess and the pea barbie movie. This is too easy."
"Fine then. What's my favourite picture from when we went to the arcade?"
"The one where I kissed you in your cheek-"
"You douch."he throws a pillow at me and I barely dodge it. If he had more I'd be in trouble,"Favourite food."he's facing me now head in his hands,like this is intriguing him. Happy to entertain the notion of me winning I continue,
"Cheesy ramen noodles."
"Favourite song?"
"Better days by Winter Bellows."
"My favourite dating show?"
"Love on a limb."I say acting as though I'm bored with his easy questions.
"Fine! You win,I'll let you do my laundry or whatever."A pause,"Why do you want to do my laundry anyway?"
"Because it would make me feel accomplished as a husband."
"And why do you need to feel that way?"the oven with my cookies chimes and I get up to go get them,
"Because I want to take care of you. Mr secret agent Cyrus is this an investigation?"he scoffs and lays back into the couch,while I fill a plate with chocolate cookies and bring them to the coffee table. Lucky whines and I give him another dog biscuit. He decides to eat in Cyrus' lap we both laugh at his silly behaviour. At least he's not tearing apart slippers...
I look at the laughing Cyrus and decide to lean in,I kiss him now having the right to do that. His breath hitches when I leave his lips,I move to the side of his face and kiss his cheek ready to burn a trail on him when Lucky decides to lick my chin,"Lucky..."I say dully,lips pursed at his interruption,Cyrus breaks into a fit of giggles,
"Oh Lucky,my hero. You saved me from this man-"
"Man?! I'm your husband."
"Whatever. Lucky just saved me."he cuddles Lucky into his chest and I never thought I'd be jealous of a dog but here we are. My own son at that.

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