This is life now

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I wake up to the smell of Cyrus. Everywhere,his tropical flowery scent invades  everywhere I turn,but I'm happy with the impending doom that he might punch me in my face any minute now. My senses come back to me and so does the memory of last night. He fell asleep in my arms,where he still is now. With my slight movements he stirs,still slumbering like he doesn't have a day to get to.
I pull him closer and put my head in the dip of his neck and jaw. I finally take that shot of his pure smell,"Do you always do that to people?"Cyrus' sleepy voice asks me,
"No,just you."I answer still savoring the scent and feel of his body in my hands,
"Well boy aren't I lucky to have that..."he says,sarcastically. I chuckle into his skin and kiss his neck,
"Good morning,Button."he groans and tries to hassle his way out of my grip,in vain of course. I still want to cuddle him so in my arms he'll stay,
"If I say morning back will you leave me alone?"
"Not a chance."the door to our bedroom creaks and a couple seconds later Lucky jumps on our bed- well jump is an overstatement,struggles would be more fitting. He's still just a small puppy. He starts licking Cyrus' face making him wake up immediately,
"Okay,okay. I'm up,you two are so annoying-"A pause as he frowns at my hands wrapped around him,"Let me go,Aaron."I shake my head in response. I assume him kissing my cheek is suppose serve as leverage for me to let him go. I comply and leave him to get up so he can pet Lucky. "I wonder where were gonna take him for Christmas..."
"With a dog sitter while we're in the Philippines."
"I thought we we're to my grandmother's place for the holidays."we stare at each other with the now realisation that we had two different plans. I let it settle with me as I take his hand in mine,
"I go back home for the holidays every year. Its the only time I see my family."
"I understand. I go to Nana's house and spend about two weeks..."he seems sad as he explains this. I peck the top of his head gently,
"Don't worry,we'll spend a couple of weeks apart then we'll be back by the end of December. Nothing to worry about."
"I wasn't worried about you just Lucky."he remarks and I raise a speculative brow,
"Oh really now? You won't miss me even a little?"I say trying to poke him in his stomach. "Say the truth Button."I say trying to tickle him as he attempts escaping my wrath,
"No- leave me alone."he yells,as I finally fully grab him,I'm having too much fun teasing him.
"Not a change,until you say the truth about you missing me."
"No- oh my gosh stop tickling me. Aaron!"
"Just say the truth,"
"I have said the truth already!"I continue tickling him again and again and he squirms around for a while until I fall on top of him,"Get off me."he demands and I silently admire how good he looks for this specific angle,adorable.
"Say you'll miss me and I might."I lower my head towards his until our noses touch softly,until I can hear the hitching pace of his breath.
"Aaron."he warns brows bunching at the centre. If only he knew that's making me want to stay here even more,
"What?"I ask. He's struggling not to smile at this. I dip down and place my lips on his,it takes him a moment to reciprocate my action. Nothing heavy like yesterday,just something small and cute. I mean it should stay that way but if he puts his hands on me I'm in trouble. I pull away and place my forehead on his,"It won't be just a couple of days,it'll be weeks. Weeks,like a lot of days in a bundle or a month and a half."
"I know what a week is Aaron,"
"Yeah,so you know what it'll be like when I'm gone?"
"Yes,and I'll be fine. So get off me now?"



It's a couple days before Aaron has to go to the Philippines. I mean he asked if I'll miss him and to be honest,even though I won't admit it to him,I will miss him. I'll miss his cooking,his laugh,his everything.
Hopefully being with Nana will help fill void but I'll be back to the apartment before him. We discussed it and he might be gone until January. The thought is a little more scary when you weigh that out. But I can't go with him,I have school,I can't just blindly follow him. I can't. NOT THAT I WANTED TO OR ANYTHING.
I just want to be real you know,weigh the options here. I'm trying to focus on my own things but I can't stop thinking about his impending departure to another country. I mean we just got... closer,if you will,to each other. Closer as in I don't sleep in my bedroom anymore. And get your head out of the gutter we haven't done THAT yet. We might,I mean only if he wants too. I mean I kind of want to,not want to,want to. Just kinda.
6:45 in the evening. He's about to be back soon- the sound of a key card swiping chimes through the air unlocking the door. Like my legs aren't mine to control they take me to the door,and I stand there waiting for him to open the door. He does,our eyes meet and I look at his usual slightly ruffled hair,and two buttons down on his dress shirt,
"Hey."he says with a raised brow,
"Hi,"I say to him with a small smile,
"Is that my hoodie?"
"Uhhh... no?"I lie and he makes a face at me. I did wear his hoodie only because it was there and it smelt nice and reminded me of the night at the arcade.
"It totally is."
"No its not-"A pause for me to think of something random to ask,"Did you book your plane ticket?"I ask and he nods,
"Yes,I did."we stare at each other for another minute or two,"Are you going to let me in or have I been exiled?"
"Not yet. Here."I say stepping back for him to enter. He keeps staring at me like there's something on his mind,something he's thinking about deeply.
"I'm going to do something now."
"By something do you mean..."I gesture to his lips,and he nods,only then do I realise how close he is,
"Oh,"then he kisses me. Hard and deep his hands going the same route as the last time he didn't hold back. Tilting my chin up and the other on my waist,I wonder if this is what he meant by bad things the other day?
I wrap my arms around his neck and grip his hair in that way that makes him grunt. Then he pulls away,and the strong but satisfying scent of his colonge dissipates into thin air,no longer crowding me. I might not miss him,but I miss that. I feel slightly empty without his hands around me.
I watch as he walks into the kitchen and places cup noodles that I know are for me into our pantry.
"How was work?"
"It was alright. Just finished up good old Johnny's case,"
"That guys still alive?"I laugh and he nods looking more frustrated than humoured. He makes himself a cup of the tea he likes to drink in the afternoon and sips it. I approach him and kiss him again,just a peck this time. He returns it,and I run a hand down his jaw and down his chest,all the way to his lower torso. The air grows cloudy as tension lingers. His eyes widen and his brows raise. As he looks at me then my hand then all over again,
"I mean you know what this means,right?"
"Yeah,but- this. Okay,are you suggesting...?"
"Yes,I'm suggesting all the suggestions. Come here."I lead him to the couch and make him sit down,I stand between his legs and kiss him again. A feverish desire building as I touch him,my heart starts to pound.
"What's gotten into you?"he asks his voice horse,
"Nothing,"I whisper,a little cocky now that he has no idea what exactly it is I'm doing. I give him a mischief spelling smile,and he watches in confusion as I lower myself down to the ground. He understands once I touch his belt. His breath hitches,
"Cyrus."he warns,his face flushes into the cutest shade of pink,
"What?"I say getting my fingers in-between the loops of his trousers. He let's a low yelp slip from his lips,
"Slow down. What's all this about?"I put my face over his crouch and he frowns at the position,
"Because your leaving."I say simply,knowing fully that I'm sulking. I know what me being upset does to him,I can get whatever I want if I try hard enough with him. Not to boast but I'm his soft spot,
"I don't want you to feel pressured to do this for me,Cyrus."he supplies his tone serious as he attempts to close his legs,I spread them back open,
"I'm not,I have been... wanting to for a while now?"
"How long is a while in this situation?"he teases and without a choice I spill,
"Since we kissed for the first time."I explain my finger making circles over what looks like a bulge in his pants. His tensed muscles loosen as he drags in a breath. He relaxes into the couch in a way that makes him look like he's melting,his legs fully open. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look hot right now. Like a king waiting on his throne with what I thought was level of unachievable handsome arrogance.
His chin juts out as he gestures with it,"Go ahead then."this idiot. I roll my eyes while I unclaspe his belt and push down his boxing briefs.

The Agreement •MXM• (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now