I don't need gifts like that

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10:46 at night. The lights are off and grandma had to watch our show again but only for a little while. Then I had to wait for Aaron to go to sleep,which he did about two minutes ago.
The time is right to see what's on his laptop. I'm cackling inside I know it's something embarrassing and he knows it too,he was sweating so hard when someone asked a single question about it. Oh,Aaron you sweet summer child,such a bad liar and now I'll catch you. I've been unable to get my revenge for so long know but today I will and he cannot escape my wrath.
Slowly,I leave base one- the bed. I have to be careful this is the most dangerous unit,closest to the alarms especially since we don't know how light of a sleeper he is.
With intense spy music playing in my head I make an epic escape from base one because I'm secretly a secret spy. Wow,that's a lot of secrets,that's how you know I'm the real deal. Insert evil laugh.
Base two- area around the bed. This requires a specified skill that I mastered when I escaped prison all those years ago. Am I making up things? Yes,I am. The skill is tip toeing as a master I do it extremely masterfully. No one can top my top secret agent level. I'm the best in the business.
The final base- the desk,I slide into the chair and carefully open the device containing the top secret info about our criminal. What do we need this info for? Blackmailing. I never said I was a goodie two shoes spy,I'm one of the bad as hell ones. Doing whatever without a care- but that's when I meet my first problem. A password.
Just who does this buster think he is? Trying to stop my winning strike. Well you've got another thing coming.
Okay,only three tries left. I rack my genius super spy mind and find the first option. The passcode for the apartment. You can either use the key card or the passcode. That might be his password... I type it in. And I get a big red ERROR in my face. Two tries left.
I search through my mind again asking the question if I was a self help indulgent twenty four year old man what would my password be? Ah ha! His birth year. It has to be his birth year,1999. So simple and easy. It has to be that- I type it in and BINGO! It works told you I was the best.
Moving on with my mission I enter the homescreen and I find a very cluttered space. Full of all sorts of work files. Negotiation files. Database files. Estimation files and more. It's what you'd think would be in the vice chairman's computer. But I know this is just a cover,a rogue,a facade. It can be uncovered by going through his search history.
So I go through his search history and I find very,like VERY boring search history. All sorts of mild stuff:how to make vegetable brouth,does Jessica Vines have a cookbook, and- "Cyrus."
"AH- oh Aaron."A pause for me to close his laptop and look up and down his pj's. And can you believe this man? He has pj's,like not cozy stuff you wear at night,like pj,pj's the matching ones. The ones with buttons and a pastel,grayish colour. Eventually I find  my way to his calculating eyes,that are squinted and obviously tired,"What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? Well,I wanted to get a glass of water because I was perched."Of course you were,"And when I got up I saw my husband,snooping around on my computer can you believe that?"I swallow at how monotonous his voice sounds,like he could never be more bored,"he was going through my search history for some reason. I wonder what that might be?"he picks up his laptop and puts it into the drawer on his desk,
"Well,I'm not the only guilty one maybe if you had just told me what you were looking at back then..."I fidget with my fingers trying not to look on edge that he caught me during a mission. But hey,I'm the best in the business getting caught red handed is part of the job,"I mean how was I supposed to know you weren't cheating on me?"I look up like this is the totally real,ine hundred percent reason I went through his stuff,
"Oh,please- you wouldn't even care if I was having an affair."he scoffs coldly like I had made some sort of joke or something. Walking away from the desk to the door I follow him with the new information that I think I would care if he had an affair. I mean Isn't that why people get married? To care about stuff like that?
"So,why exactly did you go through my search history like a creep?"he asks as he pours himself a glass of water then dumps it into a kettle so it can be warm. Because according to Mr know it all cold water at night is bad for you,
"I already told you."I say,innocently and he eyes me,fingers tapping against the marble of the counter,the sound echoes into the silence.
"Well,okay but for the record I know you did it to blackmail me."wait,what? How did he know that? It seems he truly is my match,
"Why- I would never-"
"That."he points an accusing finger my way,
"That what?"
"The way your drawl comes out when you lie."I feel my cheeks redden at the weight of him watching me. My accent did slip,but only a little. A lopsided grin spreads on his lips as he pours the now warm glass of water into his glass,steam rising from the rim ever so slightly. I bet it would be clearer if we weren't in the dark,in the kitchen. It reminds me of that night he put his wedding ring on me. I have yet to really take it off ever since then. He told me not to lose it because we would exchange them,all this time and he still hasn't come for it. So it stays as a reminder of our petty falling out every time I fidget with my hand only to find it there,
"Well,I'm not the only one am I? You start blushing and sweating when you lie."he doesn't look at me but a ghost of a smile crawls over his lips as he stares at the now too hot glass of water waiting for it to cool,
"So? It's less noticeable than your cute slips."
"Did you just call my drawl cute?"
"Mmhm,I thought so ever since I heard you speak the first time you came here. You were so pissed and it slips when your mad too. So I heard it. A little faded but still there none the less,you just hide it more now."he says through a yawn as he continues to stare down the glass like an impatient child. Kind of adorable. I shake the words he just said out of my head and get back on track,
"Less noticeable or not it told me you were lying about the work file thing."
"Great detective work there,agent sherlock. Now tell me did you ever find out what was on the file?"This jerk. Always mocking me,
"I would've,but someone ruined the pace. No worries,I'll find out later."
"Really? I doubt you can guess my password a second time,Button."
"What makes you think I can't?"he doesn't answer me but just scoffs as he finally takes he first sip of his water only to get a pill from one of the cabinets then swallow it,"Your stomach hurts?"I ask and he makes a noise,
"It hurts when I get too stressed about something."he explains and I smile at my opportunity,
"Stressed? About being caught red handed?"he laughs at this,his normal chuckle. He finds it so funny that his dimples pop,
"Maybe."he says in a sing song tone. Like I'll never find your secrets,Aaron. Count those days,
"What were you looking at?"I ask before I can think it through,
"Now,why would I tell you Button?"
"Because I'm your husband."now he finds this funny,he has to hold the counter as he laughs as quietly as he can or else he might wake Nana. He ends up sounding like a dying,old kettle. He wheezes until he can no more,
"Oh so now I'm your husband?"okay,I did say that he wasn't a couple of times but does that matter really? I watch as he ignores my case completely and takes the last sip of his water and heads to the room,
I stand there upset. He turns and looks at me,shakes his head still laughing at my statement,slowly he walks over to get me. Wrapping his hand in mine he gently pulls me back to bed. This time I don't try to break into his laptop. Not yet at least. Insert evil laugh.

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