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I take a peak at my watch and at last it's almost time to get off work.
I should be pretty used to doing over time now especially since they pay us well fpr doing extra work. But then again I just graduated from college and I'm used to going home early. Speaking of home,the clear image of our comfy house appears in my mind. The windows that lets the clear light flow into the rooms,the TV where we watch show after show together with Aaron and Lucky,it's nothing like the old place. Ugh,I just want to go home already.
I'm not doing this report anymore I'll finish it later when I'm in the mood to. I lean back into my chair and take another mindless look around my office cubicle. Everyone else is obsprbed in their work and I'm the only lazy one or I just feel that way cause I'm a little insecure. I just want to work as hard as I can and get where I want to be which isn't the subordinate position I'm in now. I have to work from the ground up as much as a position was going to be handed to me by yours truly Manalo.
I told him that was against my principles and he let me do what I wanted after putting up a huge fight. I get to work under my superior Mrs Evans who is currently in a meeting with- Aaron?
I frown watching my husband in the flesh walk out of my bosses office. What. The. Hell. I watch as he shakes hands with my boss and gestures for her to go back to her office,that smug business grin on his face. I can't even tell what their saying from here. Well I can't act shocked because technically I'm working at a company that's under Aurum. My company Aurum Hotels is sister to Aurum headquarters. I work here he works there,far,far away from me. I get to be free from his prying eyes and the desire to give me public displays of affection infront of other people. The exact reason I stay here.
Nevertheless,he always finds a way to come here every once in a while. Not like anyone can stop the chairman of Aurum headquarters even if they tried. He can go where he wants,say what he wants and do what he wants. As the chairman no one has the right to stop him,running one of the worlds biggest companies and making it look easy while he does it. He can come here without he's see through excuse of wanting to check up on things and no one will bat an eye.
Besides everyone knows why he comes here anyway. At my expense of course.
He catches me staring and the tip of his mouth tips curl upwards with mischief. He hasn't changed at all. Still the same clean freak,suit wearing business making Aaron I married. Feels kind of surreal,if you told me I'd still be married to Aaron after all this time I would've laughed in your face. Somehow we made it work. And it'll keep working.
He's in his after work ensemble. That is a tie and his work pants with no blazer on. His dress shirt is rolled up revealing his forearms. If you know you know. As handsome as he is he's not getting out of the trouble he just put himself in by coming here.
He smiles from the entrance and leans back heading into a small room and I instantly know what that means. I should follow him there. I get up and try to nonchalantly head into a broom closet,is there a way to calmly enter a broom closet? I walk in and Aaron is there. Standing upright like he's done nothing wrong.
"What are you doing here?"I hiss and he raises his brows like he has no idea what I'm talking about. News flash he's a terrible actor.
"I have no idea-"
"Don't you try to pull that crap with me,Aaron."I say crossing my arms over my chest," Why are you here? Quickly,I have to get back to work."
"Ah! I'm here to pick you up. You worked over time today."
"And? I'll pick myself up."
"Our son misses you."
"Is that the only trick you have up your sleeve,Manalo?"I ask mocking him because EVERY damn time he realises he's in deep waters he'll bring up Lucky. Used to work. Now it doesn't,
"I have other ways of persuasion."he says calmly looking up and down and again then to my lips. He stalks towards me an easy task considering how small this broom closet is. He crowds me and places both his hands on the wall trapping me. My heart betrays me by beating way too fast. Even after two years he seems to have the same effect on me. He's aware of that and tends to use it to his advantage when he can.
"I have ways of putting green food colouring into your laundry. Back off."I say,
"I do your laundry with mine did you forget?"
"Yeah,against my will. Why else would you wash before I wake up?"
"Now is not the time to be creating a divide between us,Button."he says as though it's actually serious.
"Why not?"I ask sarcastically trying to hassle my way out of this trap of his,
"Our wedding anniversary is tomorrow. That's why I need to take you back."Good lord the way that slipped my mind. I look back at Aaron and bite my lip trying not to look guilty as hell. "You forgot?"
"No,I didn't. I just wanted to finish all the work today so I can be with you tomorrow."I lie and he probably knows I am considering the way he's looking at me,
"Did you get me a gift?"
"Yes."I actually have a gift for him that I had planned for in advance. At least there's that much right?
"Okay,then now that you know let me take you home?"
"Hmmmm."A pause,"No."
"What? I already told you you cannot get what you want if you come here with those stupid excuses of yours."
"Oh come on! It was just this once."
"This is the FIFTEENTH time you've done this,this month alone."
"Damn.. you were counting?"
"Yes,now let me go-"I try stepping on his foot and he moves it just in time before I get his toe,
"Is that the only trick you have Cyrus?"
"I'm afraid I'll have others if you don't get off me soon."
"Okay,okay. I'm sorry I went against your wishes. I just missed you so I came along to get you. I'm sorry my actions affected you."
"Apology not accepted,let me go now."I say reaching for the door my eyes rolling,he holds my hand and pulls me back.
"Can I apologise in another way?"he whispers,his voice low and he holds my chin and makes me face him that way,
"No,you can't."
"You don't even know what I want to do yet,Button."
"Call me that again when I'm mad at you and I'll-"he brushes his finger over my bottom lip and the air becomes warm all around me holding a certain heaviness to it.
"What? Cat got your tongue?"he teases,the tip of his mouth curving up again. He leans in to kiss me but I turn my head away from him. The tip of his nose touches my cheek and he decides to kiss that instead,"Let me kiss you already."
"No?"I nod and he starts tickling me I try not to laugh to hard because the embarrassment of someone catching us in here together would be crazy.
"Stop that-"I shudder and from his constant handfuls of touch and frenzy of kisses he places anywhere he randomly decides. "Aaron!"I scream in a whisper,
"Kiss me."
"Fine- just on my cheek then?"
"Just a small one."
"Aaron Manalo."
"Okay fine."he says getting off me and I finally leave his clutches and go into the office and grab my things. I head out the door after saying bye to everyone and once Aaron realises that his car key is with me he'll follow suit. Only then will I be able to make the new clause that he can't come to my place of work.
And yes the monumental agreement list still exists to this day. We make occasional changes to it and we'll probably never stop. Besides it's my lifetime supply of donuts and treats. Although at times I have to get some for him as well.
That's my agreement with him. It's how we make it work.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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