Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Unknown Person:

I hate it. I hate seeing Zaria with any other man. She is mine. She can't be with any other man besides me. I want to kill every men who is friends with her but I can't because she will cry then. Even if a man looks at her I can't tolerate it. For the past three years, she don't know how many men I have killed just because they looked at her or said something about her. When I first saw her she was 22 years old at that time. I knew I can't make her mine yet. She would never agree to it. But now I can't wait anymore. She is 24 and will be 25 soon. I know her baba is getting many proposals for her which she don't know. It's better actually if she doesn't know cause what's the point of knowing about it when she is going to be mine in the end.

"Why do you even love this girl?" My best friend asked me as I was staring at her picture in my laptop. "Do you need any reason to love a person?" I retorted back and he became quiet immediately. He knew I'm pissed off at this moment. Zaria was about to tell her so called bhai about me. How I know that? Well this girl is easy to read. I know after I made her professor disappear she will try to do something and for that she will only take help from that guy. I clenched my fists, just the thought of Zaria smiling with that guy makes me want to kill that guy. "She only see him as her older brother. Moreover Zayan likes her sister Zehra. So why are you reacting like this?" My friend spoke again after sensing my anger increasing. I looked at him coldly, "I don't care if he is her brother or what. I don't like it." He didn't said anything else, good otherwise I would make sure he can't speak again in his life. I don't like unnecessary talk about Zaria.

She is pretty that's why I fell for her but as time went by I fell for her personality too. Zaria is a kind, cheerful girl. She is also mature and sensible enough. She is indeed kind but she wouldn't take any shits from anyone. Do something wrong to her or betray her and she will forget you like you never existed in her life. She is both kind and bold. But it depends on how people treat her, according to that she will be kind or a bold girl. But I also know from inside she is a scared kitten. She gets hurt easily but she won't show her emotions to anyone except her best friend Aafia and her sister Zehra. I'm jealous that they get to see Zaria happy, smiling, crying, angry.

Soon, I will also witness all these things. I'm waiting for the right chance to make her mine. For now I will let my love enjoy her sister's wedding without disturbing her anymore. Once again I smiled thinking what I will do to her once I make her mine.

Zaria thinks of me as a coward because I don't come in front of her. I have my own reasons for that. I can't just go to meet her right now when I'm not okayI. 'm like a crazy psychopath bastard. I need to fix myself first before I decide to come in front of her.

Though I'm afraid that what if she don't like me even after I change? Worse, what if she refuse to marry me? I know she don't believe that true love exist so there are high chances that she might refuse to marry me. I know this cause I heard her conversation with her best friend about this topic in a park.

Suddenly I'm reminded of that day. I got to knew that she would go to a park with her friend so I also went there. They sat down under a tree. I was beside them like a normal guy who is playing with a cat. They obviously didn't notice me but I noticed everything about her. I noticed every details of her angelic face, the way her tone change when she is excited or nervous about something. The annoying faces she makes because her hair keeps coming in front of her face. Her annoying faces are worth looking at.

That day she had wore a white kurti with blue jeans. Then she wore a white orna(scarf). As usual she had wore her white sneakers. She looked ethereal even in that simple outfit. I wonder how would she look like if she dress up in a gorgeous way?

I was snapped back to reality from my memory of that day by my friend's voice. "If you are done with your thoughts, now can I leave?" I forgot that I told him to come to my home to get me information about Zayan and his company. I might use these information against Zaria in future. I won't unless she force me in any way.

"Oi Zaria's lover come back to earth." My friend smacked me on my head. "By any chance are you jealous that I found someone but you still didn't?" I asked him feeling annoyed. "Why would I be jealous when you are just daydreaming about a girl who doesn't even know about your existence." He joked but this pissed me off. "She will know about my existence one day!" I said through gritted teeth. "Yeah she will. I'm leaving." With that saying he left.

I'm thinking about what he said. It's true that she don't know about my existence. But that's because I never went in front of her. Once I do, she will obviously know about me that day. I can't wait for her reaction. I bet her eyes will widen in shock after seeing me. All these thought excite me more to make her mine.

She is the reason I exist in this world. Otherwise I would've been dead by now. After seeing her a hope was born in my heart to live. Now I will do anything to make her mine. I will cross any limit for my rabbit.


A/N: English is not my first language so pardon my mistakes! I hope till now you guys are enjoying reading this story. Please don't be a silent reader. Tell me what you guys think. Anddddd there will be more twist in the upcoming chapters 👀

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