Chapter 18

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Next morning after I woke up I wasn't feeling good. My stalker was on my mind. Who can it be? I don't think it can be someone I know. I couldn't focus on anything. Asael kept trying to fix my mood but today he also failed to make me feel good. I felt good after my Fazr prayer then again my anxiety started. I can't bear with this anymore. I can't try to be strong anymore. Ya Allah help me.

"Zaria!" Maa yelled making me come back to reality. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head as no. I don't want maa to know anything. "The house will get lonely after you go back to your home. I will miss you even if you will be gone for only three days." I hugged her. "I will miss you too." "What about me?" Alaida came from uptairs. "I will miss you too." She pouted hugging me tightly. "Don't leave bhabi." I chuckled at her. "Stop clinging to my wife all the time." Alaida pulled away from the hug glaring at Asael meanwhile me and maa are laughing. "If she is your wife then she is my bhabi too so I will cling onto her." She showed her tongue at Asael and before he could catch her she ran uptairs. "Glad to see you laughing." I looked beside me to see maa left. "I'm fine now." I didn't lie, after talking with maa and Alaida I feel much better.

We will leave for my home after baba leaves. He is leaving for Bangladesh today. "Baba I will drop you then I can drop Zaria" Asael said as I came downstairs after getting ready. "Aaran will drop me. You go with Zaria otherwise both of you will get late." I went towards them as they turned their attention towards me."Baba driver uncle can drop me. Asael should go with you." Baba smiled at me patting my head. "You are going to your home for the first time after marriage so Asael should go with you. Moreover I'm not going alone. All of you take care of each other. Zaria if anyone or Asael troubles you then call me immediately okay?" I nodded my head. "Allah Hafez. I will see you all after one month In Shaa Allah." "In Shaa Allah" We all said then we bid goodbye to baba. "Let me send a email then we will leave." Asael said then went to uptairs.

I was talking with maa and Alaida when someone ringed the doorbell. A girl came inside immediately pulling maa and Alaida into a hug. Then she turned to look at me. I feel uncomfortable under her gaze. I mean why is she staring at me up and down? "Finally I'm meeting my bhabi." She suddenly said that too loudly and pulled me into a tight hug. I awkwardly sat there letting her hug me.

"You are suffocating my wife." Asael's deep voice made her leave me. I released a deep breath. "Bhaiyaaaaaaaa" Again she screamed. "Are you a mic? Why is your voice so loud?" Asael's words made me and Alaida laugh out loud even though I tried my best not to laugh. "Khalamoni see your son is bullying me." She said while side hugging maa. Oh so she is Asael's cousin. Asael sat beside me asking me if I'm okay or not. "She is Huriya, my cousin from maternal side. My khala's only child." (Khalamoni and khala means aunt. Basically Safia is Huriya's mom's sister)

Huriya sat beside me. This time I greeted her properly. "Sorry I was in Dubai that's why I couldn't attend the wedding." I smiled in return telling her that it's okay. "We should leave Zaria." I was about to get up when Huriya stopped me by holding my arm. "You guys are leaving today? I wanted to talk to bhabi." Asael glared at her "Leave her." She glared back at him instead of leaving me. "Huriya she will come back after three days then you can talk to her. Let her go for now." This time maa spoke. "Yeah we will talk a lot that time." I also said. After that she let go of my arm. We left, Alaida was continuously telling me to come back soon, Huriya too. Huriya acts like she knows me since long time ago. But she doesn't then why is she acting like that?

"Sorry about her. She was excited to meet you since I told her I'm getting married soon."

"I don't mind. At least she is nice and not toxic."

The ride was silent. None of us spoke. Again my thoughts are surrounded by my stalker. I can't be at peace until he is caught. The question is can anyone catch him? The police couldn't find him in these three years so what Asael can do when he is just a businessman? "We reached." His voice brought me back to reality. We got inside. Asael got engrossed in a conversation with baba so I went to my room. He will leave after dinner. Since he is talking I should pray my Salah. I was done when he came. He also prayed his Salah.

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