Chapter 31

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I opened my eyes slowly as the realization hit me I sat up immediately. Where am I? I looked around and the room is dark. But I can say this is not our room neither Aaran's. The smell here is different. I tried getting up only to realize my legs are tied up with a chain. What the hell!

Allah why did you put me in such a situation? Tears welled up in my eyes again. I can't even try to run away! I tried moving my legs but my legs were paining due to the chain. I shouldn’t have let Alaida go out maybe then I wouldn't be in this situation. I should have tried to fight with him when we were at home. But no my stupid self started panicking.

"Don't cry." I was so startled by his voice. He was in this room the whole time? The room was completely dark so I wouldn't be able to see him anyways. "Remove this chain from my legs." I spoke after mustering up the courage. "Then you will run away from me, rabbit." That was his reply. Suddenly the lights were turned on. It took me a while to adjust to the light.

The room is completely designed in black. Even the bedsheet is black. The wall, cupboard, everything is black. What caught my attention is that there are many pictures of mine hanging on the wall and some painting too. There are some pictures which I never posted on social media! How he got them? Stupid! He is stalking me from the last three years. That's how he got them.

I turned my head to the right side when I felt someone sitting on the bed beside me. Of course that someone is Aaran. I scooted back from him only to hiss in pain. This stupid chain! "Don't move! Otherwise you will get hurt." I glared at him. How dare he act like he care about me after kidnapping me?

"Let m-" "I won't let you go!" He yelled at me making me flinch. My breath hitched as he started caressing my cheeks. "Ahh finally you are with me. I waited for this for so long." He leaned in closer to me so I put my hands on his chest to push him away. "S-stay away." He held my hands with his hands so tightly that it hurts.

"Why can't you love me?"

"Because I love Asael!"

"Why can't it be me? You can love me too."

"You are my brother-in-law. It's a sin to even be this close to you!"

"Then you are my most wanted sinful desire, rabbit."

"You are sick. Go to mental hospital, bastard!"

"It's okay you can curse me as much you want to. I will tolerate everything because it's you."

I don't have the ability to speak anymore. He is a psychopath who won't understand anything no matter what I say. I won't show him that I'm afraid. I will be strong till Asael rescue me. I'm sure Asael will find me. Wait- Asael said he knew who my stalker was. Did he knew it was Aaran?

All this time he kept me in dark? No I won't jump into any conclusion. Once I get out from here I will talk to him regarding this. He must have his own reasons. Was Aaran talking about this matter? Was Asael hiding this matter from me? I do feel betrayed but I can't break down now. I have to stay strong.

My body shuddered when I felt him kissing my neck. I pushed him away as I slapped him. "Don't touch me you shameless bastard." My heart is beating so fast. I will have another panic attack if he doesn’t go away from here. He started laughing like a maniac. Bipolar bastard! "I'm shameless only for you." Again he js looking at me with those cold eyes of his. I hate that look. He didn’t looked at me like that last five months. I feel sad, betrayed. I thought we became really good friends not knowing he is a two faced man.

"Why did you do that?" His cold face was gone as he looks confused now. "Why did you treated me nicely? Why did you became my friend?" He started grinning at me, the audacity of this man! "To gain your trust. My plan was going smoothly until Huriya told me you guys consummated your marriage." What? Why would Huriya tell him that? "Tell me did you guys actually did it?" He asked me bitterly.

"Yes we did it." I told him while glaring at him. "That's not a problem. I will still make you mine." He said while smiling at me creepily. What is his problem?! Nothing is effecting him. What should I do now? How can I escape? If I stay here any longer than I know he would do something to me. No I can't let him do anything especially not let him touch me.


I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. My Zaria is away from me. He took her away from our own house and I couldn’t do anything! I was way too much late. Maa is asking me where Zaria is, I lied that she went to her home. I don't know in what condition she is in. She probably had another panic attack if Aaran told her the truth of him being her stalker. My office is a mess. I threw away everything, broke things. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so helpless. Izan is coming back to London cause I told him to come asap. Only he can find out Aaran's location quickly. I don't trust these cops.

"Bhai I'm sorry." I looked at Huriya, sighing. It's not her fault. I can't blame her. It's my fault! I didn’t took any action against Aaran. I let my brotherly love come between this matter. As a result today he took away my antidote. "It's my fault Huriya." I smiled at her sadly. I am regretting my decision of not doing anything so badly. Goddammit this feeling of regret will kill me.

I will kill Aaran. I don't care that he is my brother. I don't even care what my parents will say. It's fine even if maa starts hating me but he will pay for what he did today. My love for him as a brother died from that moment I got to knew he took away Zaria to Allah knows where. I sat down on my chair. It will take time for Izan to come back to London.

Faiz is already working but in this field of finding someone, Izan is the best. Though Izan said he will start his work from there and told me not to worry. But since Zaria's phone is here and Aaran's phone is turned off it's hard to find out their location. How can I not worry? My Zaria, my antidote, my wife, my life is away from me with a person who won't hesitate to harm her. Ya Allah please keep my Zaria safe. I don't want anything else from you but her safety only.

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