Chapter 12

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I'm f*cking pissed off right now. Someone is stalking my Zaria that too since 3 years? Only Allah knows how I controlled my anger in front of Zaria so that I won't scare her. I have anger issues though I try my best to stay calm but if something trigger my condition then I'm done for. Zaria's situation triggered me to the point I wanted to find that stalker right away and kill him him on the spot. How dare he look at her? How dare he threaten her?

Zaria was scared to tell me about it, I knew it from the beginning. She apologized for that damn stalker when it's not even her fault. I know if I told her not to apologize or said it's fine she would still feel guilty that's why I told her to go on a date with me to compensate for that. That way she will feel less guilty. She shouldn’t even feel one percent guilty cause she will be my wife so it's my responsibility to take care of her, help her, support her in every situation. I took a deep breath to calm down then I called my best friend, Izan and send him that stalker's number to find out that stalker's location. Izan is a hacker and no one can beat his hacking skill so I'm counting on him.

I want to kill the police officers too! They couldn't track down a stalker's location and on the top of that they said it might be a prank. Jeez I thought London's police officers are good but they are actually useless. I will ask Zaria later who was the police officer to whom she went for help then fire that officer from his job. I have enough power to do that. And I will do it so that these police officers would do their job properly.

A girl's life is in dangerous. What if the stalker had hurt her? Anyone can be in Zaria's situation. Anyone can lose their sister, mother, wife, friend for the officers reckless job. I will make that officer pay for this badly. And that stalker guy wants to kill me? I guess he didn’t check my background properly. It's not easy to kill Asael Ibrahim. Anyone can know my full name, it's not a big deal. He used my full name to scare Zaria which worked.

I picked up my phone as I got a message from Izan. “Who is this?” I frowned. Why is he asking me this instead of finding out his location. “He seems someone powerful cause it's really hard to track his location. I will advice you to stay away from these kind of people if you don't want to ruin your reputation or get in serious trouble in any way.”

Fuck my reputation. Zaria's safety is my first priority from now on. “He is stalking Zaria from 3 years so I need to know about him.” Izan saw the messages but didn't replied. Since I mentioned Zaria now he knows nothing will stop me from finding out about this guy. I told him about Zaria immediately after I got to know she agreed to marry me so yeah he knows about her.

After few minutes my driver called me to inform me that Zaria reached home safely. Now I will be worried for her 24/7. I just want to marry her quickly so that I can be with her all day. For now I will tell maa to keep an eye on her but what should I tell maa? Maa will worry so much if she knows about Zaria's stalker.

Zaria also wouldn’t like if I tell maa about this. Oh I can tell her that Zaria is stressing about her exams so she should check Zaria to see if she is overworking herself or not. I knew from Zaria's parents that she stress too much when her exams are near so I can use this to convince maa to look after her in university. And outside I will hire a bodyguard without her knowing. She is a bit stubborn and I know she wouldn’t agree for this bodyguard thing.

A smile formed on my face. My girl is so hardworking and serious about her studies. I'm falling in love with her more and more. I want to know everything about her which I will eventually know in this one month. I will finish my all important works so that I can give her time after her exams end. Ya Allah I'm behaving like a teenage boy! I can't wait to be hers and make her mine officially.

But I have to wait till we get married. I want to marry her soon after knowing that she have a stalker. Allah knows who is this man. If I get my hands on him then he will not see the daylight anymore. But I also nees to be patient. If I do something recklessly then he might hurt Zaria. 

He is indeed someone powerful. No wonder he knows everything about her. I saw all the text he had sent her. That bastard even sent her gifts. I will send him gifts too. But for that I need to know who he is, where lives, where he works. I need to know everything about him in order to destroy him. 

I kept looking at my phone to see if Izan messaged me or not. But he didn’t. Why it's taking so long for him to do this? Usually he find out about a person in a minute. This is making me start to worry more and more now. Just who the hell this guy is? Is he some prime minster? 

I need to stop thinking about this stalker otherwise I will lose my mind. I will just think about my Zaria. Just by thinking about her bring a smile on my face. How can someone be this pretty? I can't stop saying MashaAllah whenever I look at her. Her pinkish lips, big doe eyes, long hair. All these are enough to make me crazy for her. May Allah keep her safe and happy always.

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