Chapter 13

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I didn't saw Asael again after that day I went to his office. I have been busy because of my exams and he said he is also busy so we both couldn't meet but he doesn't forget to message me, always reminding me to take care of my health, eat on time and not to stress too much. We talk a lot in message. We even got to know a lot about each other in these few days. Especially Asael had put efforts into this matter. He is so caring! I don't even feel good nowadays if we don't message each other for a day. Already getting addicted to him. I was smiling while thinking about him which is rare. Till now I never smiled for any real man except fictional men.

I didn't receive any message from my stalker. Asael said he found my stalker's location but when they went to that place they found no one. The house was empty, there wasn't even any picture anywhere or any furniture which is really weird. Thus Asael said he probably got the idea that Asael's friend tracked him so he left the place. Asael told me about his best friend Izan and that he knows hacking. He also said that I can meet him after my exams end cause Izan is excited to meet me, so am I. I mean I will meet a hacker so yes I'm excited. Also I said it right that my stalker is a coward. This time I'm not hoping that he wouldn't message me anymore cause I know he will message me again. He message me everytime I'm in peace. Wallahi that guy can't bear my happiness. I shouldn't think about him anymore. I should focus on my studies. I only have two more exams left then I will be free! Alhamdulillah my other exams went well.


Finally my exam ended today. I'm waiting outside my university cause Asael said he will pick me up as I will go to his home. Today our parents will fix our Nikah's date. Yes it's almost the end of this one month.

Safia aunty delayed the Nikah only for my exams and so that Asael and I could know each other more. Now I know why Asael is so thoughtful, he got this amazing personality from his mom. A smile appeared on my face. These days I smile way too much, even maa caught me sometimes though she didn't said anything. I guess she understood why I smile so much nowadays.

"What are you thinking that you are smiling so much?" I got startled as Asael suddenly came and spoke. "Sorry, I scared you." So sweet of him to apologize. "It's okay and nothing. I was just thinking about a character from one of the book I had read recently." I said while we were walking towards his car. "Are you sure you were smiling for that reason? Or is there another reason?" His tone indicates that he is teasing me. That means he knows why I was smiling? Oh yes he can know my thoughts. "Fine I was thinking about you." Now he is grinning at me. "Oh I didn't meant me when I said another reason. But I'm glad to be the reason of your smile." I gasped, did he tricked me? "No I didn't tricked you. Your maa told me that you smile a lot these days since you started talking to me so I figured it out already that the reason was me." A huge smile broke on his face, he seems so proud of it. Ugh why maa told him about this? Now I'm so embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed. I also smile a lot at your text." This made me look at him immediately though his eyes are fixed on the road. He also smiles? Now that made me feel happy. I kept staring at him. Cause why not? He looks so hot while driving. "If you want I can drive all day for you jaan so that you can keep staring at me." I started blushing, he caught me again.

Wait waittt he called me jaan? Can this one word make my stomach filled with butterflies? "Hm? Do you want it?" He asked again as I wasn't saying anything. "You wish!" He smirked, "I wish many things and I can make those wishes come true after you will be mine officially." I looked at him as I started playing with the end of my orna(scarf)

"What you wish?" He looked at me for a second then again looked back at the road. "You will know about them later." I scoffed at his statement. "Do one thing. Don't marry me now. Marry me later!" He doesn't tell me anything. Why can't he tell me anything right now? Why it have to be later all the time? "You know you look cute when you are angry. I will love to make you angry frequently." He said while chuckling. Ya Allah this guy is impossible! My anger doesn't even effect him. "I'm not talking to you anymore." I looked away from him, looking outside the window. "I will see for how long you can stay without talking to me." I didn't respond to him. I have to be angry at him!

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