Chapter 14

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After that day coming from Asael's house I couldn’t meet him again cause we both were busy with Nikah'a arrangements. Zehra appi came to our house and has been living here since two days. I'm so happy to have her with me cause she helped me a lot in everything like choosing my Nikah and Walima dress. Appi also helped me to calm down everytime I got a panic attack while thinking about my Nikah. As much as I'm happy I'm also freaking nervous! Tomorrow I will get married then I will have to start living in another house. My husband and in-laws are good still I can't shake of this feeling. I will also miss baba and maa so much. Just by thinking about it that I have to leave them alone, I feel like crying. 

“Kadtochos keno tui?” (Why are you crying?” Zehra appi asked that's when I realized I'm actually crying. “Appi” I said while crying as I hugged her tightly. “I will miss baba, maa and you too.” She started patting me on my back. “Zaria come to ea- what's wrong? Why are you crying?” Maa yelled in the end rushing towards me. “She is crying because she will miss us.” Maa looked at me, the sadness is visible in her eyes. “You can call us anytime and I'm sure Safia or Asael won't stop you to meet us so you can come anytime.” I nodded my head as I stopped crying now. Maa sat beside me, holding my both hands gently. “I can't believe my baby is getting married.” Appi laughed cause maa called me baby and I whined like a kid. “Okay Zehra stop laughing at my daughter. Listen to me Zaria obey your in-laws okay? You have to be patient all the time. But I'm not telling you to obey everything. If they treat you wrong then you will call me or your baba immediately. We don't want our daughter to suffer. Got it?” I nodded my head once again. Maa had said this same thing to appi also. “Now come eat. It's your last dinner with us today.” Maa smiled at me.

We went downstairs and had dinner. We talked with each other, laughing and having fun. Ya Allah give me Sabr (Patience) I will miss this so much. I don't know how I will survive there without missing my parents and without crying like a baby everytime I miss them. I might not show it but I love my family way too much. They are my everything. Allah will guide me and give me Sabr In Shaa Allah. After dinner I went to the living room cause today maa didn’t let me wash the plates telling me I will get married tomorrow so now I should just chill. The only good thing about getting married is that you can chill all day. Your family will pamper you, fulfil all your wishes, make your favourite foods. “Where are you lost?” Baba's voice brought me back to reality. I hugged baba tightly. “I will miss you baba.” Baba hugged me back before saying. “You can call me anytime. I will miss you too my princess.” I pulled away from the hug when maa and appi came. After talking for a while maa sent me to sleep early. But can I sleep? No, sleep is far away from me today.

“Can't sleep?” I nodded my head at appi's question. I feel sick to the stomach due to this nervousness. I can't explain it in words. “I was also nervous like you. It's okay to feel like this. You will feel happy at the same time you will feel nervous also. You shouldn’t think about anything. Just relax then go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for you so you need to sleep.” I laid down on the bed but today I hugged appi. “How come my sister is showing me affection like this?” Appi chuckled making me laugh. “Shut up monkey and go to sleep.” Soon both of us fell asleep.

Next morning after I woke up and freshened up maa made me eat so much. I will gain weight definitely though I don't care. And the nervousness is back again. Ugh this is so annoying. It's afternoon now I have to go to the parlor. So I took a shower then did my prayers praying to Allah for today and thanking him for giving me a man like Asael. I just got up after finishing my Salah(Prayer) when I got a message from Asael. “I hope you ate properly instead of skipping your meal due to your nervousness.” He knows how nervous I'm. “I think I will gain weight that's how much I ate.” He sent a laughing emoji. I wonder if he is actually laughing? “I hope you ate too?” Safia aunty told me that Asael doesn’t take care of his health. “I will eat something later.” If he was in front of me I would've scolded him. He is so careless.

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