Chapter 23

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The whole day I was worried for Zaria. I searched in Google that what should a husband do when their wife's period starts. The first one was to send chocolates. There were many more things but I didn’t wanted to trust Google. So having no other choice I called Huriya. She is the only cousin who is so close to me otherwise I don't talk with my other cousins that much.

Though I was hesitating to speak about this with her because she might feel uncomfortable. But what she said shocked me. “You were hesitating for this? What’s there to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable? You are my brother and we are close since we were kids.  Also I'm glad you asked me cause you should know how to treat her during this time. As your sister I will help you always you know that bhai.” This is what she said. This girl is really good at heart actually. People just don't try to understand her.

After talking to Huriya she told me to buy chocolates, Zaria's favourite food, spend time with her and if she is in pain then I should give her a massage. Huriya also told me to keep quite if Zaria is fighting with me and to keep trying to pacify her if she is in a bad mood. I wanted to go home early for her but today there was an important meeting. This had to happen today! Though I messaged her and told her to have her dinner if I'm late. I also informed this to maa so that she wouldn’t wait for me either.

I was supposed to go late but my client had a family emergency so the meeting was cancelled. I was happy! I thought to surprise Zaria with her favourite food. I went inside the house happily but my smile disappeared when I saw Zaria in the living room with Aaran talking and laughing. My blood boiled in anger.

I didn’t expected her to forgive him neither expected Aaran to again talk to her. “Bhai why are you standing here like a statue?” Huriya asked while laughing though once she noticed Zaria and Aaran in living room her laugh stopped. “I'm not dreaming right? Aaran bhaiya is laughing with bhabi? He wasn’t even ready to call her bhabi few days ago.” Alaida whispered.

Both of them were so engrossed in talking to each other that they didn’t noticed us yet. “Zariaaa baby I missed you.” Huriya went to her hugging her. Aaran's expression is back to being cold again. Of course he is angry cause Huriya interrupted them. Allah give me Sabr (patience) to control my anger.

“Asael?” My Zaria called me out. I smiled looking at her. “You said you have an important meeting.” I went to her placing a kiss on her forehead for Aaran to see this basically. “I came early for you my jaan.” She blushed. Aww my shy Zaria. “I brought pizza for you.” Her eyes sparkled. She told me that she loves pizza a lot thus I brought it for her.

“Is there any fo-” Huriya interrupted Alaida. “Come with me.” Aaran scoffed. He is really annoyed which satisfied me. “Why do you interrupt everyone?” The question was obviously for Huriya who only smiled at him in response. “I obviously brought pizza for everyone. But me and Zaria will have our pizza in our room. Huriya can you please send the pizza and cold drinks to our room?” She nodded her head in agreement. This is why I love my cousin, even without saying anything she understand everything and is always ready to help me.

“Come jaan. You need to rest. Why did you came downstairs?” I started escorting her to our room meanwhile she started telling me why she came here and what happened between her and Aaran. I put on a fake smile listening to her. I can't even tell her to stay away from Aaran, she might misunderstand me and I know my brother will use that for whatever he is plotting.

I didn’t told her about Aaran being the stalker because she will be scared in her own home then, I can't sent him away from here either. In order to do that I have to tell baba and maa everything. They will be hurt which I don't want. Maa is already disappointed in Aaran, she always have to apologize for him. Even if maa takes his side I know from inside she feels hurt by his behaviour everytime.

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