Chapter 19 (Edited)

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How will you feel when the girl you are obsessed for three years got married to your brother? That's what happened with me. The girl I love, the girl I'm obsessed with, the girl whom I have been stalking for three years got married to my brother. The first time I came in front of Zaria was during her appi's Nikah. I couldn’t stop looking at her. I know she felt uncomfortable that I kept staring at her, I just couldn’t control myself. I have a sister thus I don't stare at girls so that they won't feel uncomfortable. Cause if any guy ever stare too long at my sister or make her feel uncomfortable I will kill them. I'm a bastard I know that but I'm not that kind of bastard to hurt girls in any way. Though when it comes to Zaria I forget everything. I forget my morals. I become shameless when it's her. I can stare at her all day and I wouldn’t care even if she feels uncomfortable. I'm acting like a sick psychopathic bastard. But then again I'm indeed a psychopathic bastard for Zaria.

Stalking her was a piece of cake for me. I had few of my men follow her every move. My men are the best so there was never any chance for her to know that someone follow her everyday. I also hacked her phone and installed cameras in every corner of her house. They needed a mechanism to fix something so I sent one of my men who had installed all the cameras.

I used to look at her through the cameras most of the time whenever I was free. One look at her and I can tell what she is thinking next. That's how I got to knew that she is planning to tell about me means about her stalker to her brother-in-law. I mean that man is the only one she talks to and is close with so I guessed if she is planning to tell about this to someone then that would be that man. Cause she wouldn’t tell her baba as he is a heart patient. I never meant to hurt her brother-in-law but I had to do it on order to let her know that I can do anything. She took me for granted so it was necessary to make her realize how dangerous I am!

But I'm an idiot! I never knew someone else used to stalk her too and send her gifts like me. And that someone was none other than my own twin brother. How come my men also didn’t notice Asael's men following her? Well his men are also best at their work no doubt in that. That's why why they weren’t caught by my men just like how my men were never caught by him.

Everything was fine until she met my brother. He had to become the good guy in front of her. Though he is always like that. If I do something wrong he will scold me always. I respect my brother a lot that's why I keep quite. I was quite the whole time thinking nothing will go wrong even when I could feel the connection between him and Zaria from the first time. The way my brother looked at Zaria was different than how he looks at other girls. His eyes were admiring her. That day when he told me to look away from her I already could feel the possessiveness in his voice which no one noticed except me. She didn’t looked at me like how she looked at my brother. We are twins so we look alike yet the emotions in her eyes were different when she looked at my brother and that's when I knew she fell in love with my brother at first sight. I know that she didn’t realized that at that moment but she will realize it later. I'm selfish because I wished she never realize that so that I can make her fall in love with me.

But how could I forgot that she will never love me. I made her feel uncomfortable on our first meet. I smoked in her house, I touched her without her permission. I definitely deserved that slap yet I couldn’t control my anger so I threatened her that I would make her suffer for it. Still how could I expect her to fall in love with me? I had a plan that I will try to be nice to her and make her fall in love with me. I could try for my rabbit. And still if she doesn’t like me even after I'm nice to her I will force her to marry me, simple. I have many ways to make her agree. Before I could execute my plan my dear maa fixed her marriage with my brother. Still I had hope that she might refuse since she is still studying and wants to focus on her career. I was devastated that time when I got the news that she said yes for the marriage.

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