Chapter 39

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It's been a week after Zaria's accident and she is not speaking. She isn’t even eating properly. Maa force her to eat to take the medicines. She is not even speaking to me properly. I'm giving her time cause I can understand that this is too much for her and really heartbreaking. I wish I had the power to fix everything.

The doctor said she might be able to walk again. She just have to get treatment properly and take medicines. But she is not cooperating. This broke her beyond repairs. Forget about her I feel like I myself will become crazy. Then she must be feeling more worse. Zaria was feeling more bad after knowing about Faiz. I didn’t wanted tell her but I didn’t wanted to hide this from her either. She deserves to know the truth.

I checked her last time before leaving the house for going to that bastard who is the cause of Zaria's condition. The same person who threatened to hurt her when I announced I will leave the mafia. I don't understand why he doesn’t want me to leave? He is my enemy so he should be happy but no he is being a bastard. And he will fucking die.

I went to his house. My men and some of my friends men also surrounded his house so that he can't think of doing anything stupid. I went to his room. He was shocked at first but later smiled at me. He have the audacity to smile at me after what he did. “Sit sit Asael.” I pulled out my gun pointing it at him.

I can tell he is afraid but he is trying his best not to show it. “I told you not to hurt my daughter-in-law!” Baba barged inside the room along with Aaran. What is he doing here? Aaran's arrival made me lose my attention on the bastard standing in front of me. I came back to reality only after he started laughing.

“This is the dark world you live in Asael Ibrahim. Even after knowing how dark your world is you still let her come to your life. This mafia job is the dark side of your world. And this side of yours will ruin her.” I clenched my fists. This bastard should shut up.

“Oh I forgot she became paralyzed. Your dark side already ruined her.” I shouldn’t let his words effect me but it's effecting me badly. He is right. Why did I let her come to my life? I should have stayed away from her. This ruined her. It's my fault that she is in this condition today. I will never forgive myself for this. “Shut the fuck up.” Aaran spoke up this time.

It made me come back to reality also. I came here to kill this bastard I will do that. I pointed my gun at him again. “Asael let me kill him.” I turned to look at Aaran. What is he plotting this time?! I don't want to deal with another bastard now.

“Do you want to become a murderer when you decided to start living a normal life with her?” He is right but this bastard deserves to die. “She wouldn’t like it if she comes to know about this. So let me do it.” I agreed only for my Zaria also because Aaran is right. I hate him but he is being logical at this moment. 

“Killing me won't do anything! There are many more people who will try to harm her. You can never leave the mafia.” He started yelling cause of course he is afraid to die now. “I will take over the mafia job and become the king so that no one can hurt him or his wife.” With that saying Aaran shot him and the bastard who hurt my Zaria is dead.

Aaran will take over? He also decided to leave it then why? Why did he came back? Did he came back after knowing about Zaria? “I called him here.” Baba answered making all my confusion go away. “I meant it. I will take over your position. I don't have a wife so I don't need to worry about anything. Now you can live a peaceful and normal life with her.” He left after saying that. I looked at baba who seems okay with his decision. I'm also okay as long as he doesn’t plan to do anything to Zaria again.

Everything came back to normal again. I just have to wait for Zaria to get well soon now. I'm really worried for her. Even the doctor said it's not good for her to be so quiet. She needs to be happy at least. But she is becoming depressed. She don't even have any hope that she will be able to walk again. This is so frustrating. But I can't be angry. I have to stay strong for her.


It's been three months still no progress in Zaria's condition. She is taking the therapy which are doing nothing. Thus she is losing hope. I pray to Allah and cry everyday for her. Zaria changed a lot. She became more slim as she doesn't eat properly. She doesn't talk to anyone not even with Huriya and Alaida. She doesn't even talk to her best friend Aafia who came to our house many times to try to cheer her. It didn't worked. Nothing is working.

There was a time I got frustrated because Zaria told me to divorce her now that she is paralyzed so she is useless for me. How could she say such a thing to me? I never considered her useless. She will never be useless for me no matter what happens. But I can't even blame her. She is going through a hard time thus she is behaving like this and said that shit to me. But I will not let her say that once again.

I have been trying to cheer her up in these three months. I did everything. I hugged her, kissed her. My kisses even don't work on her. I feel like my Zaria is going far away from me. I'm losing her. Sometimes I feel like I made a mistake by marrying her. She would've been happy and have a peaceful life if she didn’t marry me.

Ya Allah please guide me. Please heal my Zaria. You are the most merciful. You have the power to fix everything. Please Allah! Heal her. You can take away my life in return but just heal her. Make her able to walk again. I can't see her like this. It breaks my heart everytime.

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