Chapter 33

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I'm literally numb right now. I didn't knew what to say or what to do. Huriya got me out of the house, making me sit inside the car. I was in the passenger seat with Huriya. Izan bhaiya is driving and Asael is beside him. I can feel his gaze on my but my gaze is outside the window. The mansion is burning in fire.

I wonder what happened to Aaran? I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice anything around me. I didn't even realized when Huriya had brought me outside. Are all the people inside dying? Maybe Aaran too? I don't want him to die. I hate him but not to the point that I would want him to die. Asael can do anything. I lost my trust in him. If he can lie to me then he can kill his own brother.

Both Huriya and Izan bhaiya tried talking to me. I ignored them both. I don't have the energy to speak now. Allah why you did this with me? I never believed in a perfect marriage, a perfect husband until you sent Asael to me. I thought it was your way of proving me wrong and that the decision I took was right. Bu-but today I feel like this was the worst decision in my life I took. I feel hurt, betrayed, angry. There are many more emotions I'm feeling right now which I can't express in words now.

The car stopped in a penthouse. We are not going to our house? Should I even say our house now? It's this traitor's house, not mine. "We will stay here for few days." Huriya spoke.

I came out of the car going inside, basically following Huriya uptairs to a room. Huriya left me alone, I guess she understood I need some time alone which I indeed need. I laid down on the bed. My headache is getting worse. "Are you having a headache?" I immediately sat up after hearing his voice. How can he ask this question as if nothing happened?

I can't be quiet like this. I need to get answers from him! I need to hear everything from him directly. "Will you care to explain everything?" This is the first time I'm using my rude tone with Asael. He deserves it at this moment. "What Aaran said is the truth." That's it. It shattered my whole world. I'm telling myself again and again that I won't cry because of this traitor.

"I saw you in a shopping mall first time that's when I fell in love with you. At first I only stalked you then after one year I started sending you messages and gifts. I didn't knew at that time Aaran was also stalking you. I only got to knew that after our Walima." He looked at me meanwhile I didn’t say anything. First I want to hear what he have to say to me. "About me being in mafia. I knew you don't like this kind of job so I didn't told you." He didn't told me because I don't like? What kind of excuse is that?

I stood up from the bed and went towards him. I slapped him. "You didn't have the right to lie to me! You knew how much I hate it when people lie to me yet you did that thing with me. I trusted you the most even it's been few months since we met, got married. Today you broke my trust. Thanks to you Asael Ibrahim now I won't be able to trust anyone." I yelled at him while I'm crying. I can't stop my tears. I can't even explain how hurt I am today. "Is there anything else you are hiding from me you traitor?" He looked hurt but as if I care about that now. I don't care at least not now after all the things happened.

He is again quiet. That means there are more for me to know. "Huriya knew everything but she told not to stalk you and tell you the truth. She never supported me in my stalking. Maa knew too. I was the one who forced maa to become a professor at your university to keep an eye on you. Maa had to do that because I was being stubborn at that time. I-I don't want to keep you in d-dark anymore so I'm telling you everything. Please, Zaria hate me but not maa and Huriya. They were helpless in front me because of my obsession for you."

More tears are falling down my cheeks. Everyone played with me. All of these people whom I trusted, loved dearly broke my heart, trust. But Asael hurt me more than anyone. He is my husband! He was supposed to be honest with me, be my safe and comfort place. If he lied to me like this then whom am I supposed to trust anyone now? "Zaria don't cry. You can hit me, kill me but please don't cry. Don't be quiet like this. Your silence will kill me." He said in a broken voice.

"What do you want me to do?! You lied to me all this time. You stalked me. I was always scared of this stalker and it turns out my stalkers were my husband and brother-in-law. I was fine with Aaran being the stalker. I handled myself somehow. But I can't right now after knowing my another stalker was you. Why did you did it Asael?"

I'm crying more badly now. It hurts so much that I feel like I will die. Ya Allah where should I go? What should I do? I'm feeling suffocated to even stay in the same room as him. I might end up doing something bad to myself. Allah please guide me and help me. Give me sabr(Patience) to deal with this immense pain.

I can't stay with him anymore. I want to leave from here. "Don't think about it." Before I could react or say anything he hugged me tightly. "Don't leave me. You are my life and if you leave then I will die. You can hit me. You can even kill me but please don't leave or cry like this." I buried my face in his chest, sobbing like a child.

I'm hurt by what he did so I should hate him right? But here I'm feeling good in his arms. How can I not? He have been my safe place ever since we got married. He always comforted me like this everytime I cried. Though today I should push him away but I can't do that. I hate the fact that he lied to me, he betrayed me, he played with my feelings, he lied to me about his job but I can't hate him.

"You lied to me."

"I know."

"You broke my trust."

"I know."

"You shouldn't have done that."

"I know."

"You played with my feelings." He suddenly pulled away from the hug, cupping my face as he is looking at me angrily. "Don't ever say that. Do you hear me?" I didn't said anything neither I nodded my head like I always do. "I didn't played with your feelings. I genuinely love you. You mean the world to me, Zaria. I know what I did is wrong but my love and care for you were never fake. I lied to you about me being in mafia is because you don't like this stuff and I didn't wanted you to be in danger by knowing about it." He took a deep breath before he started speaking again. "I became insanely obsessed with you the moment I saw you that I couldn't help but stalk you just to know you jaan. I meant no harm. I can never harm you."

Now I'm angry again. Didn't he hurt Zayan bhai- "I didn't hurt Zayan." Before I could even finish thinking he spoke. "Wallahi that wasn't me. I will be honest that I'm obsessed with you and really possessive but I wouldn't hurt anyone at leaat not your family." At least not my family? So he will hurt other people? "That's my job. I have to hurt many people."

He pulled me closer to him, putting his arms around my waist. "Cause you are mine to look at only. I can't bear it if other man looks at you." I looked up at him meeting his eyes. "So you will kill other guys if they look at me?" He chuckled, "No. Cause I know my Zaria only loves me. She wouldn't give a fuck about those men. I won't do anything unless they are thinking to hurt you. And my one glare will be enough for those guys to look away from you." Again I'm quiet. What am I doing? Why am I forgiving him and letting him even hug me? I don't forgive those people who lie to me then why am I being like this in front of him?

I started struggling to get out from his hold but he tightened his hold on me. "I told you I will never leave you alone even if you are angry."Guess what guys? I started crying again. I'm so frustrated at myself. I always used to think how girls forgive a guy who lie to them or betray them. I used to be so angry at those girls. Now I'm doing the same thing, acting like a lovesick teenager girl.

"Leave me. You don't have any right to touch me." He let me go immediately looking at me, frowning. "You lost that right. I won't forgive you Asael Ibrahim!" I won't be so weak. I will make him suffer by staying away from him. Cause he said I'm his life right? Let's see how long he can stay away from me or will he die just like how he said. I will take care of this stupid heart of mine and not be so weak. I will not forgive him so easily. I will make him grovel badly!

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