Chapter 36

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It's been two months since that accident. I still didn’t went to Asael's house. Maa called me many times. I forgave her even though at first I was angry. She was his maa so she could stop him from doing such a thing. But whatever I forgave her and Huriya too. But I didn’t forgave Asael.

He did everything bringing my favourite food, chocolates, flowers then apologizing to me everyday even to my parents. He even begged on his knees. I felt bad but hey he deserves it for what he did to me. I didn’t wanted to give up so easily so that he would think he will get away with whatever he does. He needs to know he can't make any mistake like this again.

Today I will forgive him. I decided to go to his house and surprise him. Today he is at home that's why I decided this day. "Take care and tell me if he hurts you again." Maa told me sternly. I nodded my head. I hugged baba and maa then left. Baba dropped me at Asael's house.

I hugged maa and Alaida. Alaida immediately started crying. "I missed you bhabi. Don't fight with bhaiya again and leave like this." I feel bad for her. She didn’t do anything. "Don't worry. I won't leave." After talking to them I went to our room. It feels like I'm coming here after many years. It almost brought tears in my eyes. I missed him, maa, baba, Alaida and this house also. It has become my second house.

I went to our room. Asael immediately froze. I know he is shocked. When he realized I'm here he came towards me and hugged me tightly. "Jaan you finally came back." I hugged him back, feeling his tears on my shoulder. I started panicking and tried to get free from the hug but he held me tightly. "Stay, please! I missed you so much."

We stayed like that for few minutes then he let go of me. "Did you forgive me?" I nodded my head. "Will you stay with me again from now on?" I nodded my head once again. And then he smashed his lips on me. The kiss is so aggressive today. After a minute he pulled away from the kiss. "I missed you, your hug, kissing you, everything." I just kept staring at him. "Once again I'm sorry jaan. I promise I won't lie you again."

"Next time I will divorce you if you lie to me again."

"I won't repeat the same mistake again."

"We will see."

"I didn’t knew my wife was this much stubborn."

"After all I'm your wife." I smirked at him. He picked me up in his arms taking me towards the bed. "Yeah we will see many things tonight." I blushed cause I know what he is talking about. "I won't do anything unless you are comfortable." He kissed my forehead.

This is why I love him. He is always thinking about me, respecting my decisions. "I took as much time as I want in these two months. Now rest of the times are for you my husband." He is smirking now. "Oh? You won't regret your decision?" I shake my head as a no. "I love you, my antidote." I smiled before replying, "I love you too my Asael."

We spent time telling each other what we did in these two months without each other. Asael seems like he hasn’t been eating properly and yes he wasn’t, I knew that from Alaida. So today I made him eat a lot. "I'm so glad that you decided to give us another chance." Maa said while caressing my face making me smile at her. "Now go spend time with him. He is again being grumpy." Maa laughed

I entered inside our room not seeing Asael. When suddenly someone hugged me from behind immediately fear engulfed me. I still didn’t forgot that day. "Leave me." I started struggling without realizing who it was. "Hey hey jaan it's me." I relaxed after hearing the voice.

"Are you scared of me?" I shake my head as a no. "I'm still scared of him. What if he comes back again? I don't even know what happened to him after that day." Asael spinned me around making me face him. "He is not in London anymore so don't be afraid okay?" I looked up at him.

"You didn't kill him?"

"Because I promised maa that's why I couldn't kill him. Otherwise I would've killed him for what he did to you."

"Promise me you won't kill anyone."

"I promise jaan."

I stood on my tiptoe to kiss him on lips. I also missed kissing him. It's been such a long time since we touched each other. "Food is not enough to satisfy my hunger. Let me eat you now." Still I blush whenever he say things like this. "Last time we did it for the first time and that was the time things went downhill. I pray nothing happens this time and that we stay happy always, Ameen." "Ameen."

Then what? He started doing his unholy things to me which I obviously love. It's my second time still it hurts. But as usual Asael tried to be gentle as much as he can so that I wouldn't feel any pain. But today it was me who told him not to control himself. He don't have to control when it comes to me. The night ended like that with loving each other and especially telling each other how much we missed each other by our actions.


I'm sorry this chapter is short. Next chapter is gonna be long. Also this book is coming to an end soon 🥹
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