Chapter 27

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I wasn’t feeling well today so I didn’t went to university. No one is at home except Alaida. Her exams just ended so her school is off. She is in her room sleeping and I was in the living room reading a book when Aaran came but all covered in blood. What the hell happened to him? I quickly made him sit on the couch. He had already called the doctor at home so there was no need to take him to the hospital. The wound wasn’t that much deep thankfully that's what the doctor told me. He just needs rest and have to take his medicines on time.

I looked at him for answers. When I got my answers I was beyond shocked. They have rival just for being renowned businessmen? If Aaran got hurt like this then isn't the situation same for Asael also? I will message him but first let me take care of Aaran. “Let's take you to your room.” He looks horrified now. Why? “Umm I'm hungry!” What? He was scared for this? “I'm going uptairs to freshen up. Till then can you make something for me to eat?” I nodded my head then let him go on his own to the room. Cause it seems like he is not in pain that much.

I went to the kitchen to make soup for him. Soup is the best thing for him at this moment. After I was done I went to his room standing outside his room. “Aaran? Open the door.” I couldn’t knock as I was holding the tray. “Wait bhabi.” I kept waiting.

What is he doing? It's been more than a minute still he didn’t open the door. I was about to call him again when he opened the door panting heavily. What was he doing? “I was cleaning my room. You will come to my room for the first time so I didn’t wanted you to have a bad impression on me.” I laughed at his response. I heard from maa that he is messy and never cleans his room. Alaida or maa have to clean his room always since he don't let any maids enter in his room. “Amar debor ei choto bishoy niye voy pacchilo?” I teased him.
(My brother-in-law was getting scared of this small issue?)

“Please don't tease me now. Come inside.” I went inside placing the tray on the table, looking around his room. Maa was right. I don't know what he cleaned actually cause his room still looks messy according to me. But I can't judge him cause I'm the same. It's Asael who organize everything and keep our room clean. “Come back to earth.” Aaran was waving his hand in front of me. “Have the soup before it turns cold. I'm leaving now.” I left from his room to give him privacy, coming back to our room.

I quickly messaged Asael asking if he is okay or not. He remains busy at office or mostly attend meetings thus I never call him. He replied early. Alhamdulillah he is fine. Nothing happened to him.

“Aaran got hurt today.”

“What happened?” So I told him everything that happened with Aaran.

“Don't worry I'm fine. Also send Alaida to his room if you want to give him something.

I frowned looking at his message. Is he telling me not to go to Aaran's room? I will only go to give him food or to ask if he is fine or not. Before I could ask him the reason, he answered.

“You might feel uncomfortable that's why I said to send Alaida. Don't overthink, my antidote.”

“Okay I understood and I wasn’t overthinking!”

"Sure sure. I will see you in the evening."

"In Shaa Allah. Take care! Allah Hafez."

For the rest of the day I was busy doing my assignments but still there are more left. I can't do this anymore. Out of frustration I threw away my pen on the floor. "Why are you so angry? As far as I remember I didn’t do anything." I got up and went to Asael, hugging him. "You didn't do anything but these assignments are annoying.” He chuckled, patting my head.

"I will write your assignments for you." I pulled away from the hug looking at him, shaking my head as a no. "You are tir-" He put his finger on my lips making me shut up. "I'm never tired for you." Again he started with his cheesy lines making me blush. "Let me freshen up first." He went to the bathroom so I went downstairs to get something for him to eat. "Maa do you want me to make something for you?" I asked her who is in the kitchen. "No need. I just came to get water." She smiled at me lovingly and left after taking out a bottle of water from the fridge.

I came back to our room to find Asael already started writing my assignments. I sat beside him. "I will eat later." As if I will let him stay hungry. "I'm feeding you." He didn’t say anything but smiled at me. I kept feeding him while he was writing my assignments.

It's almost dinner time when Asael finished writing. "I'm sorry because of me you couldn’t ta-" He again cut me off by kissing me. "You talk too much." I glared at him. "Don't cut me off again." He smirked at me. "Okay okay angry bird calm down. Let's go to have dinner." We went downstairs. Maa wasn’t surprised to know about Aaran's condition which shocked me.

"They got hurt many times like this that's why your maa isn’t surprised." Baba told me making my confusion clear. I looked at Asael. He also got hurt? How can someone hurt a person just because they are good at business? That's pathetic!

"Don't be sad." Asael said after we came back to our room. "I wasn’t hurt severely." I hugged him almost on the verge of crying thinking he got hurt before. "My jaan don't cry please." I nodded my head, stopping myself from crying. "Where is my payback for writing your assignments?" He pouted.

Aww he looks cute. I kissed him on his lips. "Here is your payback." He pulled me closer. "Not enough." Then he started kissing my neck also leaving hickeys. He then reached my shoulder kissing me there. He pulled back after a while. I know why he pulled back so that he wouldn't lose his control. "I should go." I stopped him from going to the bathroom.

"You don't need to take a cold shower today." He looked at me confused. Oof this guy didn’t got the hint. "I'm ready." He looked shocked at first but later he looked so happy like a child. "Are you sure?" I nodded my head. "I won't be so gentle on bed so think about it one more time. Are you sure Zaria Ibrahim?" I nodded my head again and that's it he pulled away my orna, pushing me on the bed as he hovered above me. "I will try to be gentle but I can't promise jaan."

I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking at him. "Don't control yourself today. I want you Asael." He kissed me after I said that then he took off my clothes and his too. I was a bit shy at first obviously. And the night was spent by both of us making love to each other. He gave me hickeys all around my neck, shoulder. He was right, he is not gentle on bed. It did hurt but the pain was worth it. Cause the pleasure he gave me was amazing. Now I will crave for this pleasure every night.

After many rounds he stopped, laying down beside me pulling me closer to him and covering us with the blanket. "I can't get enough of you." I blushed at his statement. "You made me the happiest person today jaan. I was controlling myself all these months for you. To be honest I was a bit sad that maybe you do not trust me enough to be ready for it. But I respect your feelings and understood that you need time. I love you." I smiled, also feeling guilty that he felt like that because of me.

He never told me anything until today. I feel bad but I don't regret my decision of denying cause having sex is a big thing for me even if he is my husband. I wanted to be mentally prepared before I agreed for this. My heart wanted him near me today thus I agreed. "I love you too." I snuggled closer to him more to feel his warmth which helps me to fall asleep always. I'm happy and I know he is happy too. Finally, we consummated our marriage.


They finally did it! 🥹 I'm sorry I probably disappointed many of you guys by not writing smut. But I'm not good at writing smut neither I'm comfortable in writing it that's why I avoided writing smut. And there won't be any smut in the upcoming chapters either, please keep that in mind. What do you guys think Aaran will do if he gets to know that Asael & Zaria consummated their marriage? 👀 

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