Chapter 29

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I don't know what happened that made her have a really bad panic attack that she passed out. I took her in my arms putting her in the passenger seat before I grabbed her things. I already called our family doctor to come to our home. I know she only passed out because of the panic attack but I won't take any risk when it comes to my Zaria!

Everyone were laughing in the living room but once they saw Zaria in my arms, passed out their laugh stopped. Immediately my parents including Huriya started asking me questions that what happened. "I don't know." She probably saw something on her phone. Because I saw her holding her phone before she turned it off. I don't know her passwords otherwise I would've check her phone. But I wouldn’t do it even if I knew her password cause I would never check her phone without her permission. I would rather want her to tell me her problems on her own.

The doctor came and checked her. "There's no need to worry. She will wake up soon but make sure not to trigger her in any way that will led her in having a panic attack again." Noted. I won't let her stress. I will talk to maa to get her few days off from university. I will also stay at home and take care of her whole day. "You guys can go to sleep. Huriya stay, I need to talk to you."

Maa and baba left only Huriya stayed. "What happened? She was fine in the morning. Did you two fought or what?" She kept asking questions in one breath. "We went on a date. Everything was fine. I went to pay bills then when I came I noticed she was having a panic attack. She saw something on her phone. She might not tell me what's the problem is but I want you to try to make her tell you everything." She nodded her head looking at Zaria. It makes me feel happy that Huriya cares for Zaria so much. "You can go. I'm here for her."

Huriya was about to leave when I called her again. "Did you took care of Saad's matter? I hope it's not that baatard who told her something." Saad is our rival who had attacked Aaran. Aaran told me everything. Wallahi I barely controlled myself from killing him. He dared to say such a thing about my wife. He is lucky I didn't kill him, instead I told Huriya to take care of him. Now it's upto Huriya that how she will take care of him. "Don't worry he won't approach her anymore." She left after saying that.

I kept staring at my Zaria. I won't be able to sleep and I didn’t. I kept staring at her till she woke up in the middle of the night. Her eyes jerked open as she first looked around at her surrounding then her eyes turned towards me. "How are you feeling?" No response. "Are you okay?" Again no response. "Zaria?" My voiced turned cold. What the fuck happened that she became like this?

"You are not hiding anything from me right?" I was taken aback by this sudden question of her. "No. Why would I?" She kept staring at me blankly which is scaring me now. "You are saying the truth right?" Her voice cracked down. She is holding back herself from crying. I pulled her closer to me, hugging her tightly. "Zaria I'm not hiding anything from you. Trust me please." Now I'm sure someone told some shit about me.

But what they said that she panicked so much to the point she passed out? "Please Asael don't break my trust. I hate it when someone lie to me. Especially if it's you lying to me then I won't be able to bear it." My chest feels heavy suddenly. I'm hiding Aaran's matter from her. But no one knows about this except me, Izan and Huriya. And Aaran wouldn't tell her anything by himself because obviously he wouldn't want her to know the dirty truth about him.

"Sleep jaan." I made her fall asleep but I couldn’t sleep that night. I was feeling so guilty that it was breaking me from inside. She trust me so much. Should I tell her the truth? She will hate me then especially when I told her that I'm not hiding anything from her. I looked at her who looks so peaceful while sleeping. May Allah protect my jaan from everything and always keep her safe, Ameen.

Thankfully Zaria agreed to take few days off from university. But still she is talking less, she is not even joking around with me. I asked her what happened. Guess what? She didn’t told me anything neither she is willing to share anything with Huriya. I wonder what she is thinking. She overthink a lot and that's bothering me. Only Allah knows what's going on inside her head.

Aaran was looking at her worriedly once in a while during breakfast. I really hope he didn’t do anything this time. Though his expression is telling me he did something cause he looks guilty whenever he was glancing at Zaria! I notice every little think about everyone. Aaran also don't go unnoticed by me. This situation is so messed up. I can't force her to tell me the truth either. I don't want her to have a panic attack again. I didn’t wanted her to leave alone and go to office but I went because she forced me to go.


Yesterday in the morning I got so pissed off after seeing hickeys again on her neck. I couldn’t control my anger thus I ended up being rude to her again. Then I got to knew they went on a date. I lost my calm, ended up sending that message. I didn’t expected it would effect her this much. I thought she wouldn't believe me as usual. Though I didn't lied. She don't know what my brother is hiding from her. If she got a panic attack just by this text that Asael is hiding something from her then I wonder what will happen to her when she will get to know the  actual truth?

I'm being selfish right now but I want to tell her the truth even if it will make her get sick. At least she would start hating Asael. She might even leave him and I would use that chance obviously to make her mine. But then again there is this part inside me which don't want to see her in that condition again she was yesterday. No matter what I love her so I would never want to see her suffering.

"Don't do that." I looked at Huriya. How come she knows everything? This bitch is getting on my nerves. Why does she even care for Zaria so much when she usually don't give a fuck about people? "Shut up." I looked at her blankly. If she wasn’t my cousin I would've killed her already. "They already consummated their marriage so don't even think about doing anything stupid Aaran Ibrahim!" She yelled at me. Wait- what? They did what?

My whole world just crumbled down by this mere sentence. They didn’t do it. Huriya is just lying to me to play with my mind. It's Asael and her plan. I won't give up easily. I won't believe it. 'They are married they can consummate their marriage.' My subconscious mind spoke. It makes sense. What if they did it actually? That thought is infuriating. Right now all I'm seeing is red. Now I will make her mine by hook or crook. I don't give a fuck about the consummating thing. She will be mine that too soon and I will make sure of that. Get ready to be mine, my rabbit!

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