Chapter 35

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When Asael was leaving I wanted to stop him. I almost started crying. Allah I'm such a crybaby. Why do I always end up crying that for a traitor like him. I was wiping ny tears when maa came into my room. I won't hide the truth from her. I will only hide the fact that he used to stalk me but I will tell her about his mafia job.

My parents have every right to know what their son-in-law actually do. So I also told baba to come to my room then told them everything. Both were fuming in anger. "Divorce him." I looked at baba shocked. "You don't need to stay with a guy like him!" I'm happy that my parents are supporting me instead of telling me to adjust with everything but I don't want to divorce him.

"But baba I can't hate him. My love for him has overpowered my hatred for him." Baba calmed down a bit as he is now looking at me. "You still want to stay with him?" I nodded my head. "But I will make him pay. I won't forgive him that easily." Baba smiled at me, patting my head. "What you just said right now?" I looked at him confused, what I said? "Your love for him has overpowered your hatred for him. You will forgive him easily I know that." I looked down feeling ashamed of myself cause I know baba is right.

"It's okay to forgive. Everyone deserves a second chance. But if he lie to you again then don't forgive him that time. At least this time make him realize what he did is wrong so that he wouldn't think of lying to you again." I hugged baba tightly. My parents are so supportive, Alhamdulillah for this! "But baba please don't tell Zehra appi anything. You know she is pregnant so I don't want to stress her." Both baba and maa agreed with me. Though maa is still angry at Asael.

My day went on like this. My parents tried to keep me happy. In the evening Huriya had come to give me my phone saying Asael sent it. I didn't even talk to her. I was hurt by her too. She also kept this matter hidden from me though Asael told me not to blame them but I can't help it. I can't ignore this that they betrayed me.

After getting my phone I talked with Aafia though I didn't told her anything cause I feel like she is dealing with her own problems at this time so I don't want to stress her either. I'm alone in my room now. I won't lie that I'm a bit scared. What if Aaran barge inside my room and take me away again? I'm not that strong after all. I'm so weak still being afraid of him. I want my Asael. But he also betrayed me. Life is so unfair. I can't go to Asael neither I can go to Aafia or Huriya. Whatever I have my Allah with me and that's more than enough. That's what I kept telling myself to reassure myself and keep myself strong in this situation.

Next day Asael came to our house with flowers, chocolates and a sorry note. It wasn't a small note. It was more like a letter where he said he feels guilty, he shouldn't have done this with me and that he really loves me a lot. He also said sorry multiple times. I just gave him a blank stare. It's not so easy get my forgiveness Asael Ibrahim.

Baba talked him nicely and calmly but maa did something unexpected. She slapped Asael. Me and baba were so shocked. "You can slap me as much as you want if it makes you feel better, maa." Asael told her and she was about to slap him again but baba held her hand. "She is too angry. Just give her and Zaria sometime. They will forgive you. Even though I'm still angry at you. You didn't did that right with my daughter. But if she forgives you then me and her maa will forgive you too." After that Asael left not before apologizing to me again.

I did ate the chocolates he brought for me. I'm angry at him not at the chocolates. They were delicious actually. I want more. If we were in a normal situation I would've told him to bring these chocolates for me again but sadly I can't do that.

He kept messaging me asking me if I ate, liked the chocolates or not, if I liked the flowers or not. When I didn't replied he kept saying sorry, he had even sent voicemails where I could tell he was on the verge of crying. I felt satisfied to be honest. He is feeling the pain I felt. Good I should go on like this to make him realize of his mistake and how much it effected me.



I didn't wanted to hurt Zaria by telling her the truth like that. But she have every right to know the truth right? My brother can't keep her in dark always. If she knows about it later after some years then she would be more hurt especially if she got to knew it from an outsider. Though when I saw her standing like a statue, not saying a word I regretted saying the truth. I didn't knew it would effect her this much. I, Aaran Ibrahim never feel guilty or bad for doing shitty things but Zaria made me feel both guilty and bad.

I have to let her go now. I love her and still want her to be mine but I can't go against destiny. I also promised maa that I won't approach Zaria again in my life. I will leave London. What did I gained by kidnapping her? Nothing! I have to leave London, my family and her too. I will miss seeing her, her voice, her smile, her laugh, her angry face, every little thing about her.

Maa was really disappointed, she even slapped me multiple times. I deserved that actually. "If only you weren't my son I would've actually told Asael to kill you." This is what she told me before she stormed out of my best friend's house. Since then she didn't called me again. Baba wasn't informed about this cause baba is a really strict person who will kill me immediately if he knows what I did to Zaria.

"You started smoking again?" My best friend, Ahren asked. Yup, I started smoking again. I promised her I wouldn't but what's the point of fulfilling the promise when she is not even in my life anymore from today onwards? "I will start taking drugs too maybe." I joked despite being hurt. "Aaran." I know Ahren doesn't want me to start taking drugs again. "I promised maa so I wouldn't start again. Don't worry. I reassured him."

I stood up from the couch to leave for the airport. Besides Alaida no one came to see me for one last time. "Bhaiya I will miss you." I looked at Alaida who is crying. "No one will annoy you from now on so be glad." I laughed to make her feel better. I joked with her for a while then hugged her one last time. "Drop her at home safely." Ahren told the driver while looking at her.

"I told you many times to look away when my sister is here." I said through gritted teeth. I hate it whenever any man looks at my sister even if ut's my best friend. "She is like your younger sister so keep your distance from her." This bastard just kept staring at me blankly not giving me an answer. "Fuck it Ahren. Please let's not fight when I'm leaving." He nodded his head finally agreeing with me.

I hugged him one last time. "How come you agreed to let go of Zaria so easily?" I was taken aback by his sudden question. Though I composed myself after a minute. "Because she is my love. I'm happy when she is happy and her happiness is with Asael. I can't snatch away her happiness from her. I don't have that right. I will let her be happy with her love and sacrifice my love for her now." Ahren smiled at me, "You finally understood that." I smiled at him one last time before I left this country, my family, my best friend and lastly my first love.

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