Chapter 11

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If I knew that my morning would be this bad after checking my phone then I would've never woke up from my sleep neither check this stupid phone of mine. My mood is bad because I got a message from my stalker. He knows that I'm getting married so he is probably damn pisssed off. Ugh this guy gets on my nerves everytime he message me. I have to remind myself again and again that I don't curse. Look at me, I was so happy yesterday but now I'm in such a bad mood that I even talked rudely with maa when she only came to call me for breakfast. I feel guilty! 

“Heard that you are getting married. Say no before I kill that guy.” This was the message he sent me. I didn’t replied to him yet. What would I reply to such a sick person? It's better to ignore him. He is trying to scare me. But I'm scared! What if Asael gets hurt? This stalker had hurt Zayan bhaiya so he can hurt Asael too. What should I do? Should I say no? No no I won't do that. Will this stalker take my responsibility then? He won't come in front of me, he won't let me get close to any other man, he won't even let me marry. What exactly he wants? Me? No way. If he wanted me wouldn’t he have kidnapped till now like how the stalker do in those books I read.

I heard the beeping sound which made me come to back to reality. “Asael Ibrahim will die! Mark my words.” My eyes widened in shock. He knows Asael and his full name also. I got up and wore a dress then headed outside to Asael's office. He told me earlier that I can go to his office if I ever need him urgently.

I could call him but these kind of serious things should be discuss in person not over a phone. After reaching his office I went towards the receptionist to ask where Asael's cabin is. “Assalamu Alaikum Zaria madam.” I looked at her puzzled. Does she know me? “Walaikum Assalam.” I greeted her back still in a daze. “Sir told us about you and told us to directly take you to his office if you ever come to the office. Come with me.” The girl said politely smiling at me. She led me uptairs.

While I was walking with the receptionist everyone greeted me respectfully. I never got this much respect anywhere. My future husband is something else. Glad that I decided to marry him. That’s it! I won't let any stalker come between us. I will tell Asael everything. He is a famous businessman so he can easily help me, that's what I'm hoping for at least.

I entered his cabin as he turned around to look at me and as expected he seemed shock to see me. “Did my wife missed me so much that she came to my office to meet me?” He teased me as that smirk appeared on his face again. I rolled my eyes at his statement. “You wish husband.” His cheeks turned red. Cool! I will call him husband from now on to tease him.

“You told everyone in the office about me?” I asked him as I sat down on the couch. He came towards me sitting beside me but keeping a good distance between us. “Yes, I told them that my wife might come to office from now on so you guys better respect her.” I smiled after listening to him. “But we are still not married and you already told them that I'm your wife?” Asael looked at me, his smile widening. He seems happy also proud? “Since the day you agreed to marry me I've been considering you as my wife.” This man knows how to shut me up and make me blush everytime with his words.

“Is something wrong? You came to my office suddenly without even sending me a message.” Oh yes I forgot why I came here. “I need to tell you something. It's serious. Don't think of it as a joke, please. Okay?” He nodded his head telling me to continue.

I took a deep breath before starting to speak. “I have a stalker.” His expression changed, it looks like he will kill someone right now. This is the first time I'm seeing Asael like this. Though after a while he gave me a small smile again telling me to continue. “Today he messaged me and told me not to marry you. Otherwise he will kill you. I'm afraid, Asael. Last time before I could tell Zayan bhaiya anything he met with an accident. And that stalker did it. He might actually hurt you. I don't know what to do. What if you get hurt because of me?” At this point I'm literally panicking. “Zaria calm down.” Asael told me softly. “Take a deep breath.” I did as he said. After a minute I calmed down.

“I want to hug you, hold your hand to reassure you that nothing is going to happen. But I can't do that cause we are still not married so I know you wouldn't like it if I touch you.” My poor heart! Why is this man such a gentleman? He is making me fall in love with him everyday. “Are you listening?” I nodded my head. “First of all he can't hurt me. Secondly don't be afraid at all. Thirdly I will try to find him as soon as possible. He can't hurt anyone. Do you trust me?” I nodded my head again. “Now will you tell me for how long he has been stalking you?” Uh I'm nervous to say this to Asael but I have to tell him everything. “Three years.” He clenched his fists that means he is really pissed off right now. “You didn’t told anyone?” Now his voice sounded scary. Allah save me! “I t-told my appi and my best friend Aafia. I even informed the police but they couldn't find his location. In the end they told me it must be a prank so I never went to them again.” I can say Asael is trying not to burst out in anger. “Can you show me your phone? I want to see all the messages.” I gave him my phone. For the next few minutes he was reading the messages meanwhile I kept sitting like a statue not knowing what to do.

Asael kept my phone on the table as he leaned back on the couch touching his hair. “Is there anyone you suspect?” He asked looking at me. He calmed down now. “A friend of mine.” He looked at me raising his eyebrow. I told him why me and Aafia suspect Faris. “Hm that's suspicious. I will look into this matter. Don't stress yourself about this. Your exam will start after a week so focus on that.” Finally he smiled. I feel relieved to see him smiling again after seeing him angry like earlier. I don't want too see him in that state again, never. Something inside me felt so scared. I can't explain this feeling. It's creepy. He didn’t yell but still just by seeing his expression I felt so scared.

“I'm sorry Asael.” He gave me back my phone, his eyes are still on me. “Why?” He asked when I wasn’t saying anything else. “About this stalker thing. You are already a busy person and I added another problem. I feel bad now.” He chuckled, “To compensate that go on a date with me after your exam ends.” I smiled. “Okay deal. I should go now.” I stood up picking up my bag from the couch. “My driver will drop you. He will be waiting for you in the parking area. I don't want to hear a no. My office is far away from your house so it's not safe for you to go alone.” I was about to protest but he seems serious thus I didn’t argue anymore.

Soon I left his office. As he said his driver was waiting for me. I got inside the car then the driver started driving. I just hope everything turns out be fine. I won't worry about this issue anymore. As Asael told me I will focus on my studies now. I need to do well in my exams. That's my main focus in my life.

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