Chapter 37

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I can't explain how happy I was to see her! She finally forgave me. Allah I missed her so much. My home didn’t felt like home without her. Now that she is back I feel like I can breath properly. I used to feel suffocated since that incident. I couldn’t even sleep at night without having her by my side.

I won't let her leave again. I will keep her by my side at any cost. These two months made me realize how much she means to me. I realized her importance in my life, I also realized what I did was so wrong. I was an idiot and a selfish person back at that time. Past is past. I won't think about that. From now on I will try to be more perfect for my Zaria.

Yesterday night was a blissful night. I craved touching her, feeling her. I could finally touch her again. I thought she wouldn't want me to hug her or kiss her and still take time. I forgot she is an unpredictable person, she does and says unexpected things then shock me. I laughed thinking about it but I wasn’t being too loud since she is sleeping. As I said before also I can stare at her all day no matter what she is doing. It feels so damn peaceful to stare at her and admire her thinking that she is mine to admire.

She stirred in her sleep making me come back to reality. Slowly she opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. As soon as she saw me she covered her face. “Don't be shy now when you moaned so much yesterday.” She glared at me, her face red like a tomato. I better suppress my laugh otherwise this angry bird will get more angry.

“Laugh as much as you want to.” She said angrily before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. “Do you need my help?” I teased her. “Shut up.” I started laughing now that she ran away like to the bathroom. She is so cute also funny.

I have to go to the office even though I don't want to go. I also have to take care of some business. One of my enemy has been following Zaria since last month. Though he didn't do anything instead of just following her. Still I can't take any risk. I tightened the security at my house. I also told my every men to be extra careful and to inform me right away if they notice something strange. Wallahi this mafia job is hectic. I wonder why baba was involved in this kind of job? Because of him me and Aaran got involved in this too.

Baba had retired a long time ago from the mafia job. Aaran also left so now I'm left with every responsibility. But I'm thinking to leave this job and just focus on my business. I want to live a normal life with Zaria where I don't have to worry about my family being in danger. Not only Zaria but maa and Alaida are also in danger all the time. I talked with baba about this. He told me to do whatever I think is right.

I had talked to Huriya and she said I made the right decision. Huriya is also in mafia and she said she wouldn’t leave at least not now. Though we don't kill any innocent people neither we kill our enemy unless it's necessary. This is the reason why other mafia leader wants me and Huriya dead. We are logical in every matter instead of choosing the option to kill someone.

“Asael?” Huh? Shit I got too lost in my thoughts. I looked at Zaria who is frowning. “Sorry jaan.” I didn’t even listen to what she said. “Go Zaria hit him on the head.” Huriya said smirking. I glared at her. She is lucky she is a girl otherwise I would've hit her multiple times for getting on my nerves. “Huriyaaa!” Zaria ran towards her hugging her.

I'm jealous of Huriya. I don't care if she is a woman still. “Shoo shoo go to your husband. He is burning in jealousy.” Can I hit her? “No you can't.” Zaria spoke sternly. One thing now she also can tell sometimes what I'm thinking. My wife is becoming a genius. “I'm sure you are thinking about another woman!” Shit! What no no. She walked away to our room. “What bhai? What were you thinking that you didn’t paid any attention to her? It's only been a day since she came back. Do you want her to go away again?” No!! I quickly went to our room.

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