Chapter 26

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The best feeling in this world is when you can get close to the person you love the most. Right now I'm the most happiest person in this world because my rabbit got really close to me. At first she used to talk less but gradually she started talking to me like how she talks with Huriya and Alaida. We even went out to hang out many times, enjoyed a lot. But there is this sadness inside me which suffocates me because I know she only see me as her friend and only her brother-in-law. But what about me? My feelings for her are growing everyday.

I love seeing her smiling especially when she laughs. Her laugh makes me feel like I'm in heaven. I want to be with her even after death in heaven. But we can't be together there cause she is the goddess who never did any sins in her life meanwhile I'm a person who sin every day. I'm a sinner for loving my own brother's wife. Allah will never forgive me for this, I know that.

She is like a beautiful painting and she is my most favourite painting to look at. My room is full with her paintings which is why now I don't let anyone come to my room. I can't let anyone see her paintings. Those paintings are only for me to see. Only I have the right to look at her. Once I get her I will cage her in my room so that no one can see her especially my brother. I know she loves Asael but that will change. I will make her fall in love with me just like how I made her get comfortable with me in these five months. Ugh I just want to snatch her away from everyone. The urge to love her, touch her, worship her everyday is getting more uncontrollable each day. I'm afraid I might lose my control in front of her someday.

I was lost in her thoughts that I didn't notice when few cars started following me. Shit I let my guard down but too late the cars surrounded me from everywhere. Do these bastard have no other work? That they have to come after me? I got out of my car smirking at the man standing in front of me. "I forgot I made your boss jobless so now he don't have any work to give you guys rather than making you guys come after me to attack me." He clenched his fists, one of his man came towards me to hit me but I dodged him. Soon my men surrounded his men. Did that bastard thought I wouldn't do anything? I already messaged my assistant about the situation before I got out of the car.

My men started beating the shit of out of his men. Trying to harm Aaran Ibrahim? Nah nah not possible. I'm always ready for every kind of situation. I'm looking at the fight happening around me. Jeez it definitely sucks having a rival. It suck more when your rival is not as intelligent as you are but a dumbass. Suddenly I was pushed against my car by none other than my rival's assistant. I think I should say our rival cause he is also Asael's rival.

I looked at his assistant smiling. "Shit sorry I'm not a girl so you can't have any romantic moment after pushing me against my car." I mocked him, laughing only to hiss in pain after a while as this bastard stabbed me on my stomach. Well I knew he would stab me. Let him enjoy a little after stabbing me after all he and his boss always lose to me and Asael. "Satisfied that you could stab me?" I smirked at him.

"Boss told me tell you something. You should pass this information to your brother." Now he is smirking at me. He looks more ugly while smirking. But I'm curious to know what his boss have to say to my dear brother "Asael your wife is really pretty and I would love to have her underneath me, screaming." My smirk disappeared. He did not just said this about my rabbit. "This is what boss said and want you to pass it to Asael. You should also keep this in mind cause she is your sister-in-law right?" I grabbed his throat, I could do that earlier also but I was being generous but not now when he fucking said that shit about my rabbit.

[Warning: mature content ahead❗]

I pushed him away on the floor who is now gasping for air. "Give me a gun." I told one of my men who gave it to me. "Now you won't be able to say a shit." With that saying I shot him on his throat. That fucker deserves that. I threw away the gun, looking at my most trusted man. "Send his boss all of his men's head and then tell him not to even think of looking at Zaria Ibrahim. He wouldn't like the consequences if he even think of hurting her." As long as he is messing with me or my brother it's fine. But he did a big mistake by dragging my rabbit. No one can hurt her, I repeat no one. I will kill everyone who will think of hurting her or even thought in the past. I got inside my car, driving to home. My men would take care of the mess. As for the cops, no one can do anything to our family.

I entered inside shocked to see Zaria in the living room who is also shocked to see me. Of course she would be shocked seeing me in this condition, covered with blood. Why she didn't went to her university today? I thought to ignore her and quietly go to my room but her voice stopped me. "Aaran you need treatment!" She made me sit on the couch by grabbing my arm. Her touch made me feel euphoric. We did got close to each other but she kept her distance, never touching me or letting me touch her. But today this mere stab gave me the chance to feel her touch. "Aaran?!" Her screaming my name got me out of my thoughts. "The doctor will come. I called him." She relaxed after I said this.

Soon the doctor came. "Let's take you to your room." Oh shit no no. I can't let them go to my room. "No!" I shouted making the doctor and Zaria look at me confused. "Do whatever you want to do here. I'm dying because of the pain so I can't move!" I glared at the doctor who got the sign. He better obey me otherwise he knows what Aaran Ibrahim can do to him. The doctor treated my wound then left. Now I'm shirtless, a bandage wrapped around my stomach. I'm not feeling any pain, I'm used to it. Though I'm enjoying this moment cause my rabbit is so worried for me. She is in pain cause I'm in pain. Ah shit I might die out of happiness.

Zaria sat opposite of me looking at me. I know she wants answer. She wants to know how this happened to me. "You know bhabi we are renowned businessmen. We have many rival who needs the chance to attack us. And today I was a bit careless so they could easily hurt me." Thankfully she didn't ask anymore questions. "Now go to your room and rest. You don't have to do anything. I will take care of you till you heal fully." She will take care of me? If I can get to make her take care of me only because of a stab on my stomach then I will get thousands of stabs like this to get her attention 24/7. I don't care how many scars I will get, the only thing that matter is that her full attention will be on me.


Who do you think the rival is? Would the rival get scared now or get more angry and hurt Zaria?

Also Aaran is being delulu right? ☠️

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