Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I don't even know how the time passed by and it's already my appi's Nikah (Nikah means marriage) today. Alhamdulillah after Zayan bhaiya's accident that stalker didn't sent me any message. Maybe Allah listened to my prayers for which I'm grateful. But still I'm afraid, I was avoiding bhai these days which didn’t go unnoticed by him. Bhaiya asked me if he did anything wrong and I didn’t said anything. He is upset because of this, I know it. But I'm doing this for his safety.

I won't let anyone ruin my day today. After all my sister won't get married everyday so I need to enjoy while I can. I was attending all the guests, now I have to do it since appi is the bride and she is on stage. After talking to my khala (Mother's sister) I turned around only to get shocked when I saw my professor Safia ma'am in front of me. She is also shocked to see me.

“Assalamu Alaikum ma'am.” I greeted her. “Walaikum Assalam Zaria. What are you doing here?” She asked me. “The bride is my older sister.” She seemed surprised, I mean obviously she will be surprised. “I'm from Zayan's side. His mom is my childhood friend.” She said after noticing my confusion. “MashaAllah! You are looking so pretty.” She complimented me making my smile widen. She is the first one to compliment me today.

We were talking with each other when a guy approached aunty, “Maa I was look-” That guy stopped speaking as soon as his eyes fell on me. I looked at him back for a while then looked away. Why did he stopped talking when his eyes fell on me? Is something wrong with me? I can't tell what he is thinking cause he looked expressionless. His eyes looked so cold that it scared me. He was looking at me like I did something wrong. But why? I don't even know him.

“What do you need, Aaran?” Safia ma'am asked breaking the silence which this guy Aaran created. “I was looking for you. I told you to sit and not to move from your place but you didn’t listen to me.” Aaran said in a angry tone. Safia ma'am is probably sick that's why he is being like this. If my maa was sick and she was roaming here and there, I would also get angry. “I'm fine. Don't worry so much.”

I looked at him again only to find him still staring at me. What is wrong with this guy? Can't he avert his gaze from me? “Aaran stop scaring the poor child.” Safia ma'am scolded him. I'm not afraid! Maybe I am. The way he is looking at me is making me nervous. “Why do you care if she is scared?” Okay, this guy is now getting on my nerves. There are guests everywhere that's why I'm not starting a fight with him. “Don't be rude. She is my student, Zaria and Zaria, meet my son Aaran.” Oh so he is her son. He doesn’t look like her son by his attitude. Ma'am is a kind soul however this guy seems arrogant to me. Though I shouldn’t judge anyone like this without knowing them properly.

Since Safia ma'am introduced us I should say something otherwise it would be rude of me. I don't care about this guy but I care about ma'am. “Assalamu Alaikum.” Silence... I was right he is arrogant. “Walaikum Assalam.” He only greeted me back after ma'am had hit him on his arm. “Aunty you already met Zaria?” Zayan bhaiya asked as he approached us. Safia ma'am told him everything that how she knows me. “You never told me that Zehra's younger sister study in my university.” Zayan bhaiya was scratching his neck nervously, “It slipped from my mind. But now you two met na? So it's okay.” Ma'am nodded her head then turned her attention towards me. “Outside university if we meet call me aunty okay?” I nodded my head with a smile on my face. “Aaran, how are you?” Zayan bhaiya asked that arrogant guy. “Fine.” Can I slap him? I mean he can answer politely but no he have to be arrogant.

Baba is calling me so I excused myself going towards baba, attending other guests. I enjoyed a lot! I took many pictures, talked and enjoyed with my cousins. I was standing near the stage taking appi's picture when I felt like someone is staring at me. So I turned around to see that Aaran guy is staring me. But something is weird. His eyes looks different now. Just by looking at him I'm getting a different vibe from him like he is another person. Weird right? I must have lost my mind. “He is my other son, Asael.” I didn’t even realized when Safia ma- I mean aunty came beside me.

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