Chapter 6 (Edited)

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Unknown Person:

Fuck! Yesterday in her sister's nikah she looked breathtaking. Men were staring at her. Some old women stared at her and I could understand their intention. They are dying to get their son married to Zaria. As if I will let that happen. Just how many men I have to kill for this girl? I can't wait to make her mine. I have to do something quickly before someone else take her away. Zaria pissed me off. I told her to stay away from Zayan yet she talked to him.

I shouldn't be pissed off because of that when she just told him she would hit him if he hurts her appi. Zaria don't have to do anything. If that guy hurts her appi then I will kill him. She loves her appi way too much so I know it would hurt Zaria badly if her sister gets hurt. So yeah whoever hurt her loved ones I will kill them. I need to calm down and the only thing that can calm me down is her pictures. I was looking at her pictures from yesterday. She looks so tempting in that pink outfit. I can't wait to taste her. Oof this girl will kill me one day that's for sure.


After I woke up I called Aafia to ask her how is she cause suddenly she became sick that's why she couldn't attend appi's nikah. "Send me your pictures!" She said as soon as she answered the call. "How are you?" I ignored her topic of sending my pictures to her. "Alhamdulillah good. Now send me the pictures. I'm waiting. Allah Hafiz." She hung up on me before I could reply. I sent her all the pictures then went downstairs for breakfast. The house seems empty without appi. I can tell my parents are also feeling sad. So I tried to cheer them up which worked Alhamdulillah. I will just chill today since I took a leave. And the day went by like that with me reading books, studying then sleeping.


It's been few days since appi got married. I started going to university again then coming back home studying or reading books. My days were going on like this. I spent my time well with Aafia. But I didn't saw Faris since professor Imtias resigned which I found weird.

Today is Sunday means university is off. Though I couldn't chill like any other day as I was cleaning the living room cauae baba invited his business partner for lunch today. Baba invited his whole family. His partner helped him a lot in his business and baba helped him too thus they became friends. Baba said I know that uncle's wife. I asked him how I know her and he said I will understand it once I see his friend's wife.

Maa told me to bring the snacks to the guests so I went in the living room with the tray. I froze in my place seeing Safia aunty. What is she doing here? Is she baba's friend's wife? Is that why baba told me I know her?

“Zaria come. Why are you standing there?” Baba spoke making me come back to reality. I placed the tray in the table before greeting them. Her sons also came, a girl too. I don't know who she is. "Sit with us." Safia aunty said this time so I obeyed her. "I never knew your wife teach in my daughter's university, Nazib. I just knew it yesterday when Zaria introduced me to your wife telling me that she is Zaria's professor in her university." Nazib uncle looked at baba smiling. “I barely tell anyone where Safia works. I don't know why but she doesn't like to share information of her workplace or anything related to her work to anyone easily other than close friends.”  Baba nodded his head in understanding.

“You are pretty.” The girl said who seems younger than me. “I'm Alaida the twin's younger sister.” She is exactly like aunty! Cheerful, energetic. I already love her vibe. "Hi! I'm Zaria." I beamed at her. I became friends with Alaida in such a short time. We were talking to each other when I felt eyes on me so I turned around to find both brothers staring at me.

Asael passed me a small smile once I made eye contact with him then he looked away from me engaging himself with his phone. As for Aaran he didn't looked away. Arrogant jer- I stopped myself from cursing. Asael probably didn't notice it that's why he didn't said anything to Aaran. I looked away from him since he wouldn't look away!

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