Chapter 16

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During breakfast everyone talked to me except Aaran. I don't care. If he wants to be a jerk let him be. I won't die if doesn't talk to me. So I ignored him, I didn't even looked at him. After having breakfast we went to the living room. Baba is also sweet and so funny. He said many funny things making me laugh. We were talking but then suddenly Asael stood up and went uptairs probably to our room.

"Go go see him. He is being like that because he is not getting your attention." Both baba and Alaida laughed at what maa said. I guessed that too actually. I smiled at them before going uptairs. I went inside. Asael and I talked on the topic of knocking on the door. Then finally we both made a deal that we won't knock the door. I mean we are husband and wife so it's no need for that. Plus if he doesn't want me to knock then this rule will be applied for both of us.

Asael asked me if he can hug me. I gave him the permission. He smells so good that I couldn't help but inhale his scent. I know Asael knows this but he kept quite. I expected him to tease me. "Won't you tease me for inhaling your scent?" Asael started laughing instead of answering me. "I won't tease you jaan rest assured. You can do anything with me." He pulled away from the hug looking at me smiling. Hayee his smile will kill me one day. "Anything? Are you sure about that?" He nodded his head, again kissing me on my forehead. "Don't regret it later." He is caressing my face staring at me lovingly. He is looking at me like I'm the most precious thing in his life. "You are." I looked at him confused. "You are the most precious thing in my life." I kissed his cheeks after he said that.

Asael seems shocked. Didn't he like it? I was busy overthinking when he kissed me on my cheeks. "Your lips felt good on my cheeks." I blushed at this. He said this so directly. His fingers touched my lips. He is looking at me, I can't figure out the emotions in his eyes. It's different than earlier. My breath hitched when he leaned in closer. "May I kiss you?" I nodded my head immediately. I was waiting for this! I wanted him to kiss me and I thought he will take a long time to do this. Whatever I'm happy that he is asking to kiss me this soon.

My thoughts broke as I felt his lips on mine. I started kissing him back immediately to let him know I want this too. Asael was gentle at first but after a while the kiss turned dominating that I couldn't keep up with him anymore. I whimpered when he sucked my lower lip. I clutched onto his shirt tightly gasping for air. He stopped kissing me after like a minute, panting heavily as I was also panting heavily. Both of our eyes locked with each other. A smirk appeared on his face. "So my wife was desperate actually?" After I got my breathing in control I glared at him. "You said you won't tease me!" He deceived me. "I didn't said anything like I won't tease you later."

I took a pillow throwing it at him. "Oops it's only the first day after our marriage and you already started torturing me jaan." I took a pillow to hit him with but he caught the pillow kissing my both hands. And my anger vanished immediately. I can't be angry at this man for too long. "Okay sorry now don't be a angry bird. Though I don't mind cause you look hot that way." He pecked my lips after saying that. "I-I am g-going to the bathroom." I need to get this heart of mine in control, it's beating too fast.


Oh shit her lips feels like heaven. I couldn't control my desire anymore as a result the beast inside me took control. Did I scared her by being dominating while kissing her? I pulled away looking at her to see if she is uncomfortable. She isn't. I guess my Zaria will like the dominating side of mine. It's better if she likes that side of mine cause I can't control myself all the time.

I teased her to see her cute angry face. She became a blushing mess when I told her that she looks hot when she is angry. I know she is feeling shy that's why she is going to the bathroom. I let her go not saying anything else. She will probably faint if I tease her furthermore. I shook my head smiling at her behaviour.

After what seemed like hours she came out from the bathroom. "Do you want to watch a movie or do you just want to talk?" After lots of thinking she had chosen to watch a movie. I got my laptop ready then asked her which movie she wants to watch. "Joker." Honestly I didn't expected her to choose this movie. Whatever I put it on. She snuggled closer to me, her orna was on another side on the bed. Glad that she is getting comfortable with me to even not care about wearing a orna in front of me.

I know she is feeling sleepy yet she watched the full movie. And finally when the movie ended she fell asleep, her head resting on my chest. I kept my laptop on the bedside table with my free hand carefully not to wake her up. I don't care about the laptop but if the laptop fall down then it will make a sound which will wake her up. I covered her properly with the blanket. I will tell maa to tell her that she can wear t-shirt here. This is also her home now so she don't have to change anything about herself. Though I have never seen her in a t-shirt except yesterday but she told me she wears t-shirt at home. She wears a salwar kameez when they have guests at home that's why I never saw her in a t-shirt. If she wants she can wear t-shirt even in front of the guests at our home. I know maa wouldn't say anything cause she had never told Alaida to change her clothes even in front of our guests except telling her to wear orna if she is wearing t-shirt.

I placed a kiss on her forehead pulling her more closer to me. In the afternoon maa came to call us for lunch. By then Zaria had woken up and freshened up. I told maa to tell her to wear comfortable clothes and maa said that she already thought about it. I kissed maa on her forehead. My baba is lucky to have a woman like her and Zaria is lucky to have maa as her mother-in-law.

I came out from the bathroom when I heard Zaria saying, "But baba and Aaran are here so how can I?" I guess it's about her wearing comfortable clothes. "Is Asael's baba is not like your own baba? Aaran is like your younger brother. So what's the problem?" Before she could speak I interrupted her. "Maa is right." Zaria didn't argue anymore. We went downstairs and sat down, this time maa served everyone not letting Zaria do that. "You eat less." Maa said while serving more food on her plate. "Seriously maa? I eat way too much." Maa scolded her telling her that it's not enough so she should eat more. Yes she should...


I can't eat anymore. Maa made me eat too much already yet she is putting more food on my plate. "Nazib she can wear anything like Alaida right? If she don't wear salwar kameez then would you mind?" Maa said suddenly making everyone look at baba including me. "Why would I mind? It's her home and she is also like Alaida for us so she can wear whatever she wants and can do anything. No one will say a word to my daughter." I smiled, tears of happiness forming in my eyes. Their behaviour towards me makes me feel so special.

"Aaran say something to your bhabi. Why are you so quiet?" Aaran slammed his hands on the table loudly making everyone silence and look at him but he is looking at me only with those cold eyes of his. "She will never be my bhabi." With that saying he left the dining room. I thought he changed but I forgot once a jerk is always a jerk. But I can't shake off this feeling that I'm feeling bad. If everyone can accept me as their own family then why can't he? What's his problem with me? If he have some issues with me then he can say it directly in my face instead of behaving like this.

Asael held my hand smiling at me but the disappointment is noticeable in his face. He is disappointed at his brother. "I'm sorry for his behaviour. Don't mind him." I smiled to reassure him that it's fine even though it's killing me from inside. I wanted my brother-in-law to be friendly just like those female protagonist gets the best brother-in-law in the books. "Aaran takes time to open up to someone. I'm sure he will change his behaviour towards you. Just give him some time." I hope what everyone is saying is true that he is just taking his time to open up to me.

After that incident during lunch time my mood was spoiled but Asael fixed my mood by saying jokes then reading me a book. I talked with my parents and appi so that also made me feel happy. The day went on like this by spending time with Asael and his parents then playing games with Alaida. Aaran didn't joined us. Nope, I won't care about him. And just like this my first day at my husband's house passed away so soon.


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