Chapter 20

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My results came out today and I did well. I was really worried since it was important to do well in this exam for next semester. I was so happy after getting the results that I ended up hugging Asael and kiss him. We kiss a lot but it's Asael who takes the step first to kiss. Today was the first time I kissed him on my own. I blushed thinking about that moment and what he said before leaving.

“I wish you top in every exams so that you would  kiss me like this everyday, shamelessly.” This is what he told me after I kissed him this morning before he left for office. Sometimes his choice of words surprise me that he can even say things like these.

“Why are you blushing Zaria?” Huriya's voice brought me back to reality. She is smirking at me as she was leaning against the doorway. She is looking hot right now. If I was a guy I would be drooling over her at this moment. “I was thinking about your brother that's why.”

She started laughing as she came inside sitting beside me. Huriya doesn’t tease me that much that's why I told her the truth. She doesn't tease me but she tease Asael a lot. I love seeing him making those annoyed faces whenever Huriya tease him. “Though I still don't understand why you agreed to marry this soon? You are even younger than me!” This is the thing she has been saying to me all day. “I'm just one year younger than you. You behave as if I'm a baby. And I don't know, my heart wanted this. I felt like he is the perfect one so I didn’t wanted to lose him even if he said he would've wait for me.”

“You are a baby.” She said pinching my cheeks while I glared at her. “Asael bhaiya would be so jealous if I call you baby or sweetheart in front of him.” Again she started laughing. I don't understand why do Aaran and Alaida keeps calling her robot when she is such a sweet person? “Khalamoni will kill me cause I forgot I came to call you for the little snacks party we are having. Come quickly.” I nodded my head. I fixed our bed first then headed downstairs after wearing my orna as Aaran is at home currently.

“Listen.” I heard Aaran saying. I guess he is talking on his phone. No way he would say that to me so I kept walking ahead. “Bhabi stop.” I stopped in my track, my eyes widening in shock. He said what? I turned around to face him. There he was standing in front of me looking at me as he was scratching his neck. He seems nervous for the first time! Am I dreaming?

“I'm sorry.” Did I heard it right? I guess I'm dreaming. How funny that I'm seeing Aaran in my dream. I'm not even dying for him to acknowledge me as his bhabi then still why am I dreaming about him? But whatever since he is being nice in my dream I must enjoy the moment. “Done with your daydreaming?” Allah!! I'm not dreaming. I kept looking at him shocked. “Don't look at me with those big eyes.” I looked away from him immediately. “I didn’t meant to say it in a wrong way. I realized my mistake and I'm sorry for that. I was just finding it hard to suddenly accept you as my bhabi. Everything happened so suddenly then from the beginning we weren’t on good terms.” I doubt he changed.

Last time also he said sorry then again started acting like a jerk towards me. “I know it's hard to forgive me but please bhabi forgive me. I'm sorry.” It feels strange to hear the word ‘bhabi’ from his mouth. Now what should I do? I don't trust him but he looks so sincere. Unlike last time, this time his face is telling me that he actually feels guilty. “Okay I forgive you.” A smile appeared on his face which I saw for the first time. I think I might get a heart attack today because of Aaran. He is giving me shock one after another in just one day! May Allah have mercy on my poor heart. “I hope we will get along bhabi.” I smiled at him before leaving from there. I forgave him but I will make sure keep my distance from him.

I sat down on the couch between Alaida and Huriya. Maa and Aaran sat across from us. I noticed Aaran looking at me once in a while. Okay I guess that became his habit to keep staring at me. If not then why does he always stare at me? Next time I will tell him directly not to stare at me like that and if he wants something then he should say it directly.

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