Chapter 15

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My Zaria looked so pretty yesterday in that red dress. I wanted to take her away from there because of how everyone was staring at her. Yes, I'm possessive about her. I became possessive in these few days. In our Nikah she was nervous and I couldn’t even hug her to make her feel better till the Nikah was done. Though in my car I held her hand and kissed. Her hand was so soft. My lips were itching to kiss her hands again. Yet I controlled myself from doing that again cause she might feel uncomfortable. She always complain that how come I know what she is thinking. She is just too easy to read to be honest. And in these few days I got to know about her more so it's not a big deal for me.

As my habit I went inside my room then closed the door which scared her. Shit I messed up already on our first night. I apologized. My Zaria is such a nice person. I always think about her and tell her to do things however she wants but she always want both of us to feel comfortable. She thinks about me too which I love about her the most. And last night she looked a seductress in that t-shirt! It made me want to fuck her right there. But no I didn't do that. I want her to become comfortable around me first. Till then I will keep my dark thoughts to myself. I'm not planning to hide my desire from her. Once she gets comfortable around me I will tell her just not now.

Right now she is clinging onto me like a koala hugging me tightly. I smiled looking at her. She is looking so cute. This girl got my whole heart. After few minutes she woke up and looked at me shocked because of our position. Her face turned red. How more cute can she be? “Good morning jaan.” She wished me back before getting up and quickly going to the bathroom. I chuckled, she is feeling shy just by hugging me in the morning. We have a long way to go.

I got up and took care of some works on my laptop since I took few days off from office. Maa told me to do that. I agreed because I wanted to give Zaria time. After Walima she will go to her home for few days then I will start going to office again. She came out from the bathroom so I closed my laptop, looking at her. MashaAllah! She is looking breathtaking. This girl is so pretty that she looks good in everything especially white and I know white is her favourite colour. Almost all her clothes are white. I walked towards her, placing a kiss on her forehead. “You are looking so pretty jaan.” She thanked me with that breathtaking smile of hers. “You should freshen up. I'm going downstairs.” I nodded my head then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Zaria's Dress

Zaria's Dress

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After my shower I went downstairs before that I fixed my hair. I should look handsome and presentable in front of my Zaria. Till now I never cared about how I looked but now I do care. I can already tell that she is going to change many things about me. I smiled at that thought. She is a blessing in my life, Alhamdulillah that I got her.

Asael's dress

Asael's dress

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As I came downstairs I could feel Zaria looking at me. Haha she is already whipped for me. That’s what I wanted! I looked at her meeting her eyes and she immediately looked away, a blush crept on her face. “Bhabi is blushing.” I hit Alaida on her head. “Don't tease your bhabi like that.” I sat down beside Zaria smiling at her. “See maa he is already taking bhabi's side!” Now this stupid girl is teasing me. “As he should.” Maa answered making that smirk disappear from Alaida's face. “I love you maa.” Maa smiled at me in return. Today Zaria served everyone food instead of maa. She was adamant on serving even though maa told her not to.

Aaran greeted everyone but didn’t greet Zaria good morning. I should teach my dear brother a lesson soon. He is getting out of hand. I only remained quiet because maa glared at me and because Zaria is here. Zaria seemed unaffected by it for which I'm glad. She shouldn’t care about Aaran but I definitely want her to care for my other family members cause I know they will care for her too.

After breakfast we all sat in the living room. Living with family sucks cause I can't even spend time with my wife. They are keeping her busy. Being annoyed I left to my room as Zaria is talking to my parents. After few minutes Zaria knocked on the door. “Come in jaan.” I told her to sit down on the bed. “You don't need to knock.” She rolled her eyes. She rolled her eyes at me?! Wow the audacity to do that. “You can knock but I can't?” I smiled. She is so sweet. “What if I say none of us have to knock?” A smile appeared on her face. The smile I love the most. “Okay deal my husband.” Nothing can make me blush but her calling me ‘my husband’ makes me blush, I don't know why.

I found her smirking at me. I will get back at her for this. “I will love it too when you will blush.” She started laughing. After her smile her laugh is my favourite from now on. “I always blush Asael. You probably even got used to it by now.” I did got used to it. I nodded my head. “My Zaria is so shy I know that.” She gave me a shy smile now.

“Can I hug you?” The words left my mouth before I could stop them. She seemed surprised at first but then nodded her head. Immediately I hugged her. Ya Allah this feels surreal, so peaceful. It's like I got my life back. “This feels so good. I can hug you all day still never get tired of it.” I could feel her smiling. She hugged me back inhaling my scent. Instead of teasing her I let her do that without any disturbance. She can do anything to me. I won't tease her for that. Okay I will do it but after she is done doing things with me. I won't tease her when she is doing anything to me. I will never let anyone disturb her not even me.

Her being in my embrace like this feels so damn good. I can't explain it in words just how happy I am right now. She is like that rare antidote which is hard to find and I'm that man who got this rare antidote in his hand.

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