Chapter 25

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It's been 5 months since our marriage. My love for Asael was growing more and more. It's the same for him which I know by how he behaves with me. In these five months he was always there for me in every situation. Whenever I was too stressed about my exams and cried he consoled me. He even help me with my studying. He is just too good for me. He does everything to keep me happy but I feel like I'm not doing anything for him even though he tells me that I'm here with him which is enough for him. Is it actually enough?

What if he is just saying that casually? What if he expects more things from me? I don't even let him touch me. I only let him kiss me on the lips and neck. I do trust him but I'm way too much afraid to consummate our marriage. I don't know why though. He once told me that he wants us to consummate our marriage still he said he will wait till I'm ready. I let out a sigh, I honestly feel so bad for him. No, I won't take any quick decision. I will do what my heart wants. I can do many more things for him beside thinking about consummating our marriage.

As for other family members they are also really nice to me. Baba and maa are almost like my own parents now. Alaida and Huriya also became like my own sisters. Though Huriya left for her home 3 months ago. At first the house felt empty without her but Alaida always gave me company. I hang out Huriya whenever we are free from university and studies. I also got close with Aaran. He is actually a nice person and really funny. My dream of having a perfect brother-in-law like those in books came true. Alhamdulillah for everything.

Everything is fine except my relationship with Aafia. It's been four months since she got married. Since then she changed. I mean she is the same sunshine girl, indeed but my gut feeling always tell me that something is not right with her. She is hiding something from me. Sometimes she doesn't come to university for few days straight which is rare. She never used to skip university unless she is really sick.

Her grades are dropping. I just hope my friend is fine and happy. I tell myself again and again that maybe she is finding it hard to manage everything as she is married now. Of course not every in-laws are good like mine. I miss her. We don't talk that much nowadays. I even felt like crying many times because I can't help her, I can't even find out what's wrong with her. Thus I can only pray for her wellbeing. May Allah keep her safe and happy, Ameen.

After Aafia's Nikah I heard that Izan bhaiya went to New York. Till now he never came back to London again. I wonder if he is okay or not. At first I didn’t wanted to believe that he fell in love with her but after hearing this I felt like he was serious about Aafia. Asael never tell me anything about him except that he is better now so I shouldn’t worry about him.

About my family Alhamdulillah my parents are also happy. When baba is out of town I visit my maa to stay with her or maa ( She meant Asael's maa) tell my maa to come here. See she is the mother-in-law any girl wants. And Zehra appi is two months pregnant! I'm so happy for her. So many things changed in these five months. It feels strange right? For me it definitely feels strange. I still feel like as if I just got married yesterday. 

“What are you thinking jaan?” I looked towards the door seeing Asael entering inside taking off his coat. Even after five months he still looks sexy while taking off his coach. “Ouch.” I winced in pain as he flicked his finger on my forehead. “Come back to reality.” He said while smirking at me. He still tease me a lot like he used to before. “I hate you.” I sat down on the couch starting to write my assignment ignoring him.

“If I start kissing you then your anger will vanish right away.” I threw my book at him which he caught in his hand, laughing at me. “It's not fair you always tease me then kiss me making me forget that I'm angry with you.” I glared at him and he is still laughing. “Okay then I won't kiss you.” I huffed in annoyance. “Don't you dare do that Asael Ibrahim!”

He sat beside me, wrapping his one arm around my shoulder. “So you are desperate for my kisses?” Ugh I want to wipe that smirk off of his face. It's so annoying. “Yes, I'm desperate because I'm your wife.” With that saying I pulled him closer to me, kissing him. At least I don't feel shy anymore to kiss him. Just like him I'm starting to become shameless. He deepened the kiss, pulling me onto his lap now.

I'm panting heavily right now after the kiss and he is looking at me. He gave a quick peck on my lips. “My antidote.” He gave me another nickname, antidote. He have been calling me by this name for few days. “Why do you call me your antidote?” He pushed a hair of strand behind my ear, kissing me on my forehead. “Because you're the one who heals every poisonous things inside me.”


I'm sorry because I know this chapter is too short and boring.. But I promise next chapters will be long and interesting! Please vote & comment. 

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