Chapter 28

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Next morning was the worst, I couldn’t get up from the bed. The pleasure we girls get from sex is amazing but the pain afterwards is not so amazing. I couldn’t even feel my legs anymore. I was thinking how I will take a shower and how will I manage to do my work for today when Asael picked me up and took me to the bathroom. He helped me to take a shower. Ehem the shower was hot too. We did another round there despite me being in pain. I just couldn’t control myself. Though now I'm feeling much better after I took rest for some more time. I can walk but slowly. I would've skipped my university but I have to submit the assignments today.

Maa looked at me worriedly once I went downstairs. "Are you okay? Why are you walking slowly? Did you got fever again?" My cheeks heated up so I looked down. "I'm fine maa. Don't worry." This is so embarrassing meanwhile my husband is smirking at me. "Good morning!" Huriya yelled coming to the dining room sitting beside me after shoving away Alaida. Allah these cousins fight a lot.

"Hide the hickeys properly bhabiiii." She whispered near my ear making my eyes widen in shock. She winked at me. Is that why maa smiled sheepishly at me a while ago? I'm so embarrassed. I can't even look at anyone. I wore my orna then how come the hickeys are still noticeable? "Zaria why aren’t you eating?" Maa asked making me look up at her, immediately my cheeks started heating up once again. "I'm eating." I started taking bites from my food to avoid getting embarrassed again.

"Why didn’t you told me the hickeys were noticeable?" I hit Asael on his arm, who is getting ready for his office. "Not a big deal anyways cause these hickeys looks pretty on you." He is so shameless. "Yeah yeah I know I'm shameless. Now don't curse me inside that little head of yours." I glared at him one last time before I walked away to get ready. Even though I wore my orna, I used makeup to hide the hickeys for safety in case anyone can notice them like Huriya and maa did.

Strange, I greeted Aaran but he ignored me. I swear if he starts being a jerk again I won't forgive him this time. I kept looking towards his room when someone put their arm around my shoulder. It was Huriya. I smiled at her. Today she said she will drop me at my university. "I can drop my wife. Also don't you have work? You will get late if you drop her." Asael spoke from behind us. “No, I won't get late." It was hard for me suppress my laugh when Asael kept glaring at her meanwhile Huriya looked unbothered by his glare. I suppressed my laugh because I'm angry with him which I need to show to him.  "Huriya let's go. I'm getting late." Asael looked at me shocked but I ignored him and left.

As soon as we got inside Huriya's car she started laughing. "What was that for?" She could barely speak properly due to laughing. "He didn’t told me that the hickeys were noticeable. I felt so embarrassed that maa saw it maybe baba also saw!" I covered my face with my both hands. I will surely die because of embarrassment.

"So you guys did it huh?" I'm not looking at her but I'm sure she is smirking. I nodded my head even though I'm feeling shy. "Don't be shy! It's normal for married couples to do it. About you being embarrassed in front of khala and khalu, I understand that. But in front of me you don't have to feel embarrassed at all! I'm a girl, moreover I'm like a friend to you." I removed my hands looking at her. This is why I love her! She is so understanding and never fails to comfort me just like Aafia. I feel hurt by thinking about my best friend. "What's wrong? Why do you look so sad suddenly?" I shared everything with her about Aafia.

"I feel like something is wrong. Why don't you visit her?"

"You think I didn’t tried? She refuse to give me the address."

"Now that's something to worry about."

"I know. Even if I call her she doesn’t talk for too long and cut the call as soon as possible. Huriya, what should I do? I want to help my friend. But I don't even know if she is in trouble or she is just finding it hard to manage everything like she told me."

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