Chapter 21

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After the stunt Asael did this afternoon I couldn’t even look at him without blushing. He got a reason to tease me now. Even now as we are having dinner I looked at him as I had to pass the juice to him. Immediately I started blushing while he is smirking. So annoying! Someone either make me stop blushing or save me from his teasing. My mind is still full with thoughts about what he said. I can't get his words out of my head, no matter how hard I tried. If I look at him I start to think about what he said more! Oof I shouldn’t have looked at him.

“Why is your face red bhabi and why are you smirking bhaiya?” Alaida asked looking at us both. Her question made me choke on my water. Meanwhile Asael being shameless it didn’t effect him. He remained calm, his smirk just widened more nothing else. “Are you okay?” Huriya patted my back as I started coughing due to choking on water. “And you monkey! Can't you keep your mouth shut? Why do you speak so much?” Alaida glared at Huriya after she said this. “Okay stop glaring you two. Alaida don't say something like this again okay? It's not good.” Maa gently said to Alaida making her nod her head in response.

After washing the dishes I started going to our room hurriedly, cause I want to be with Asael even if I'm feeling shy.  But because I was walking fast as a result I bumped into a wall. Oh wait it's not a wall. It's Aaran. Why do I keep bumping into him everytime? It can be anyone else but no it has to be Aaran from whom I'm trying to stay away. “I'm hurt that you are avoiding me.” He gave me a sad smile now making me feel guilty. Did I hurt him? I didn’t meant to hurt him.

“I'm not avoiding you. It's just that I didn’t saw you again after our last encounter. You also didn’t came for dinner either.”

“I wasn’t hungry before.”

“So are you hungry now?”

“Yes but I'm sure maa went back to her room by now.”

“Can't you take out the food on your own and heat it up?”

“I can but I'm not in the mood to do it today.”

He said it grumpily. Why he is always so grumpy? Whatever he shouldn’t sleep without eating. It seems like he is hungry at this moment. “Come. I will heat up the food for you.” No one should sleep hungry. Plus he can't even sleep if he is hungry. I'm his bhabi so I can do this for him at least. “Are you sure?” I nodded my head then again went back to downstairs in the kitchen.

I'm heating up the food and setting the plate for him. I can feel his gaze on me. I won't even say anything about this anymore. He probably stare at everyone like this. I placed the plate filled with food in front of him. “Thank you.” I kept quiet.

I don't know what else to say. “I will try my best to make things less awkward between us if you stop avoiding me, bhabi.” Second time, he smiled at me today. Ugh he is still stuck on that matter that I was trying to avoid him. I mean yeah I wanted to stay away from him but I said the truth also! I didn’t saw him again after afternoon so how was I supposed to talk to him?

“You have a habit of getting lost in your thoughts.” His voice snapped me back to reality. “Uh umm sorry. Were you saying anything?” He shook his head as a no, the smile still lingering on his face. “Won't you start going to university from tomorrow?” I nodded my head at his question. “Will you keep nodding your head at every question of mine? You should talk to me, bhabi.” Why he is so complicated? Why does he have to ask so many questions? Why he is behaving like as if we were like normal brother-in law and sister-in-law? It's getting annoying for me now.

“Look Aaran we weren’t on the best terms from the beginning so don't expect me to be comfortable around you!” I didn’t wanted to raise my voice but I ended up slightly yelling. “I'm sorry. I uh I didn't mea-” He was cut off by Asael, “Keep your explanation to yourself, Aaran.” Asael then looked at me his expression softening. “Let's go.” I looked at Aaran who wasn’t looking at me anymore neither at Asael. I didn’t try to speak to Aaran this time. Let him be like that. I also need time to calm down.

I came back to our room, Asael closing the door then he came towards me as he cupped my face gently. “Are you okay? Did you got hurt? Tell me if he did anyth-” “I'm okay! Don't worry. I just suddenly got really annoyed at him that's why I ended up yelling otherwise he did nothing so please don't say anything to him.” I smiled to reassure him that it's really fine.


Zaria wasn’t coming back. It wouldn’t take that much time for her to finish working in the kitchen. Maa wasn’t feeling well so she said she would wash the dishes. It's been more than 15 minutes and she is still not back. I started panicking thinking something might have happened to her. I hurriedly went downstairs to check on her only to get surprised by seeing the scene in front of me. Aaran is talking to her. I gritted my teeth. I told him to stay away from my Zaria! I didn’t made my presence known yet until Zaria yelled. After  what happened there, I made her return to our room.

I was relieved to know that she isn't hurt. “Go to sleep jaan.” She nodded her head then left. She looks fucking cute when she nods her head like that. Will she nod her head like that if I ask her that I can fuck her or not? Or when she will finally be under me will she nod her head like that if I ask her any questions about if she is enjoying what I'm doing to her? Now that will be a scene to watch. Zaria just nodding her head makes me want to do crazy things to her. I shook my head to get rid off my dark thoughts about her for now.

She laid down on the bed, immediately she fell asleep. I chuckled looking at her. She loves sleeping too much that I get jealous of her sleeping. I pulled her closer to me. Even her warmth is enough to make me feel better. I'm looking at her, admiring her beauty. MashaAllah how beautiful she is! I can understand why most of the guys like her. Her beauty is the first thing that will attract a man then secondly her personality. I'm glad to have her and I will always be glad for that. I covered her properly then leaned back, staring up at the ceiling blankly.

I was hurt, frustrated when I came to know Aaran is her stalker. It makes sense now how her stalker was able to take her picture in our Walima. Her stalker is my brother who easily attended our Walima. Seriously my brother? The brother whom I love dearly despite his bad behaviour. Even after knowing she is now married to me he didn’t stop sending her messages.  How can he do this to me? I'm his brother. I remember he told me once that he respect me so much and that he would never try to do anything to hurt me. That same brother broke my heart. People get their first heartbreak by their love and here I got my first heartbreak from my dear brother.

I would've forgive him if only he didn’t message her anymore even after our marriage. This pissed me off too much. He could stop himself from doing that. He could tell me that he loves her and wants her. He didn’t share this with me when he shares everything with me. And I know how much of a twisted person Aaran is. No one can tell what's going on inside that head of his, not even me. This is more frustrating right now cause I know he is being nice to Zaria only because he is plotting something. But I can't figure it out that what exactly he is plotting.  I don't want him to hurt her in any way. I can't even bring myself to hurt him cause he is my brother!

I chuckled bitterly remembering that I said I will kill her stalker for making her cry but what I didn’t knew is that her stalker is someone really special to me and that I can't hurt her stalker, never.

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