Chapter 22

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My mood since morning is bad because my period started. The pain will kill me. I don't even want to go to university. Can I cry? Wallahi (I swear) I hate my mood swings so much. No wonder I yelled at Aaran yesterday. My period date was near so I was being grumpy. I thought about apologizing but I said the right thing. He can't expect me to be friendly with him suddenly. Forget him now I should think about myself.

“Why are you clutching your hand on your stomach? Are you in pain? You seem unwell since you woke up.” Despite the pain a smile broke out on my face. I'm happy that Asael even noticed the slightest change in my personality. “My period started.” He seemed puzzled for a minute before he composed himself.

He sat beside me looking at me. “Is it hurting too much? Should I give you a message? Or should I bring warm water? I heard that helps.” I shook my head, hugging him as I buried my face in his chest. “I don't want to go to university. I feel like crying. I also feel frustrated without any reason.” I complained like a child. “You don't have to go if you don't want. I will call and tell your professor that you are sick.” Aww he is so caring.

I lifted my head to look at him. “I can't stop going outside and stop doing my daily work.” I said this to know what he will say after that. But it true I can't stop my daily work just because of my period. “As long as you are with me you don't have to do a work or go anywhere. Your work will be completed by me. Whatever you want will be presented in the room for you immediately. Even if you are not on your period this is what will happen. You just have to say what you wish to happen.” I looked at him, tears forming in my eyes.

I know I'm overreacting because of my period but his words were heart touching. This is how much he loves me? “Hey hey what's wrong? Jaan please don't cry.” He wiped my tears making me realize I'm already crying. I hugged him tightly. “I'm just overwhelmed. You say things like these then you expect me to stay calm?” I could feel his tensed body relaxing now. “I just stated facts. Now stop crying.” I nodded as I stopped crying. “I will drop you and the driver pick you up. Come downstairs after you are done getting ready. I'm waiting for you.” He left the room. Though I'm almost ready. I just need to take out my orna and some books.

I stepped out of my room and was met by Aaran. “I'm sorry for yesterday.” As soon as he said that he left. He didn’t looked at me this time. I'm feeling guilty now. I don't like it if someone is hurt because of me unless they deserve it. Aaran doesn’t deserve to be hurt cause he apologized at least for what he did when some people don't even realize their mistake. I sighed, it's pointless to think about it anymore. I quickly went downstairs to Asael as he is waiting for me.

Maa left earlier as she have some work in university. I told Asael that I can go with maa but he said he would at least drop me since he can't pick me up because at that time he will be in his office. I sat inside his car, leaning back on my seat. Allah give me strength to bear this pain. “Asael focus on driving.” I told him cause he is glancing at me once in a while since he started driving. This might led us in an accident. “You are feeling pain.” I'm the one in pain and he is making faces as if he is the one in pain.

“Asael, don't worry that much. I can bear it.”

“Why you have to bear the pain?”

“Cause only girls get period.”

“It could be men too. Why did it have to be women? Now I'm frustrated with this rule that only women can be on period cause I can't see you in pain.”

I started laughing cause why not? He looks so funny saying something hilarious like this, on the top of that he is frowning, getting angry absolutely looking like a kid. He glared at me making me stop laughing immediately. I'm glad I could suppress my laugh.

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