Chapter 34

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It hurts seeing Zaria crying like this that too because of me. She have been crying for a long time, now she fell asleep in my chest. I gently picked her up then lay her down on the bed, covering her with the blanket. I push a hair of strand out of her face looking at her. Her face, nose is completely red due to crying so much. Even though she told me not to touch her I had hugged her because she was crying so much.

I came out of my room and went to the living room. Izan and Huriya looked at me questionably. "She is sleeping." I sat down on the couch looking up the ceiling. I didn’t wanted her to know the truth like this. I know I'm a bastard but I never intended to tell her the truth cause I knew what would happen after that. Aaran ruined everything for me. Why couldn’t he just stay away from her? I couldn’t even kill him because maa requested and cried before we left for his mansion. Maa told me she will make him go away from London where he can't contact Zaria again.

I burned his mansion with his men inside. I can't burn him but I can burn his men. He had pictures and paintings of Zaria in that mansion. Now they turned into ashes. Faiz and my other men had took him away from his mansion. The urge to beat him up by myself is getting stronger. But I can't see maa crying.

There are two women in this world whom I love and respect so much. First woman is my maa and second one is my Zaria. I will also listen to them and never my promise with them. Though I broke my promise with Zaria. I really feel guilty for that.

I also know she wouldn’t forgive me easily. And I will do anything for her forgiveness. If she tells me to kill myself then I will do that. But I can't stay away from her. I just don't want her to say that she wants to leave me. Aaran did all this because he knows there are chances that Zaria will leave me after knowing all these.

"Asael." I looked at Izan. "Umm one of our rival is trying to hurt bhabi. You have to tighten your security and not leave her alone at all." Fuck this. It had to happen now. I doubt she will let me stay near her now. "Where is Aaran?" I asked Huriya. "He is at his best friend's house right now. He will leave for New Zealand after few days." Alhamdulillah that he is leaving. At least I don't have to worry about him hurting her anymore. But dammit my enemies can hurt her especially because these enemies are in mafia. "I'm going to my office. You both go to sleep."

I came to my office room after making a cup of coffee for me. I can't sleep. I'm so worried about her. She slept without eating. After an hour I went to check on her. I was surprised to see her praying Salah. There were clothes for her here. After our marriage I had told Huriya to arrange it. I'm glad I told Huriya to do this work for me. It came in work for Zaria today. I'm admiring her as she is praying Salah. She looks so peaceful and she feels like home. She is crying and that's when I realized I have hurt her badly. She is crying in front of Allah because of me.

After she was done she looked at me being shocked at first then she composed herself. She is ignoring me. "At least eat your food, jaan. You can't stay hungry please. You will get sick." She started coming towards me so I started walking downstairs making her follow me. I could feel her looking around the penthouse as it's her first time to come here. She sat down on the chair and I went to heat the food. She started eating her food slowly. Damn it hurts! She always used to ask me if I had my food or not but today she is not saying anything.

"I want to stay at my home for few days." This is what I was afraid about the most. "Zaria plea-" "My decision is final. I won't hear anything you say. If you don't agree I will leave on my own then." Her words shut me up. "What do you want me to do for your forgiveness?" This time she looked at me though she was quiet for few minutes before she started speaking. "Grovel." What did she meant?

"Make me trust you again. Make me believe that you won't lie. Suffer like how I suffered by staying away from me. This is your punishment for betraying me. I want to see how far you can go for my forgiveness." She is damn serious thus I know she will not hear a thing I will say to her now. I also how stubborn she is. So it's useless to argue back. "I will drop you there tomorrow in the morning." And she went back to the room leaving me alone.

Then I have to tell my bodyguards to stay around her house to protect her. I will inform her about this because I don't want to take any risk by lying to her once again. Though I'm afraid she might not like this idea. I have to make her understand that it's for her safety and also for her parents. Ugh my headache is getting worse. I should get some sleep otherwise if I become sick I wouldn't be able to take care of her.

Next morning as I promised her I dropped her at her home. She didn’t even had her breakfast. And I guess her parents guessed something happened between us. "Before you leave go talk to her." Her maa said as I was about to leave. I went to her room and entered inside only after she gave me permission. I told her about the bodyguard matter. She looks furious once again. "I don't need your men around my house." I knew this would happen.

"It's for your parents and your's safety, jaan. Please don't refuse. One of my enemy is after you." I begged cause this is the last option. "Don't call me jaan." She said through gritted teeth. "I will kill you if something happens to my parents. Fine keep those men. Now get lost." She didn’t even say Allah Hafez like she always says. "Allah Hafez." I told her before leaving. I can tell from her face that she is about to cry again so I left from there quickly so that she wouldn’t feel hurt anymore by my presence.

I will seek for her forgiveness but after today. I want to give her some time alone to adjust to the whole situation first. She is still hurt and really angry so even if I do anything, she wouldn't still forgive me. From tomorrow my mission to get her forgiveness will start. Allah please help me to win her back. I can't afford to stay away from her for too long otherwise I will die without her. I'm already missing her so much and it hasn’t even been a day since she is staying away from me.

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