Chapter 40 (Final Chapter)

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I'm so happy because there have been a little bit progress in Zaria's condition. She is also becoming happy. In Shaa Allah she will become well completely. I know my Allah won't disappoint me. Allah will heal her, In Shaa Allah.

I took Zaria's food and went to our room only to be shocked to see her standing. When she noticed me she started crying. "I can stand up." Allah thank you so much! "Walk towards me jaan." I told her after keeping the tray of food on the table. She was about to fall but she composed herself and slowly started walking towards me. I immediately hugged her and screamed so loudly that everyone came to our room. They are shocked to see Zaria standing. "You did it bhabi!" Alaida exclaimed with joy.

Maa hugged her and cried but this time their tears were of happiness. I called the doctor. Thankfully she ate everything today and laughed with everyone. Ya Allah I can't thank you enough. You always helped me. She can walk again!

The doctor checked on her. He said she will still need more time to walk properly like before. He also said someone to be near her as she might fall down anytime. I will be with her all the time. That's what I did from last three months. I barely went to office. I gave Izan the responsibility to manage everything till I return to the office. I will still be with her until she can walk properly.


I'm so so happy. I can walk! Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah for healing me. I thought I will never be able to walk again. I felt like a burden on everyone that's why I told Asael to divorce me. But now everything is fine. I know I need more time to be able to walk properly but In Shaa Allah I can do that soon.

Everyone is so happy that it's also making me feel happy. Huriya came immediately after knowing the news even my parents. Arin was happy but she couldn't come due to some problems. I feel so happy after many months.

Once everyone left our room I hugged Asael. "I'm sorry for that day." He started playing with my hair. "Don't say that ever again. You don't know how precious you are to me." I won't say that cause I realized he loves me a lot. I also love him a lot. I will never leave him neither tell him to leave me.

I told him to bent down so that I can kiss him. I didn't responded to his kisses last three months. I feel guilty for that that's why I'm making up for it by kissing him. "Okay angry bird we will make love later once you are okay completely." He is teasing me again. "I won't let you touch me if you keep teasing me." He laughed at what I said.

After few days I'm able to walk properly Alhamdulillah. I also started going to university again. This is my last semester. I have exams after a month then my graduation will be complete. Yayy I will be free from studies and assignments. Though I feel a bit scared in the car after my accident. I also feel guilty for Faiz bhaiya. We were in the same car yet I survived and he died. I pray for him everyday because that's what I can do for him now.

Aafia is back to normal I mean it's like fifty-fifty. She is back to being cheerful still I feel like something is wrong with her. I feel frustrated cause she is not telling me anything so I stopped asking her anything.

I started chatting with Zehra appi daily which I had stopped doing after my accident. Zayan bhaiya also message me. I didn't told them about Asael's mafia related thing. It's better if they don't know about it since it's in the past.

Asael left the mafia for me which made me feel like the happiest person in the world. I'm glad he left that job and is now focusing on his business. May Allah grant him more success in his life. As for Aaran I got to know that he is back to London but he lives in his another mansion alone. He never come to meet maa and baba to our house. He only talk to baba and maa on phonr or they go to meet him. He told baba that he wants to live alone thus he doesn't want to stay with us anymore. Whatever I'm just glad he will be away from me.

My gut feeling is telling me that Aaran changed for real this time even though Asael is worried because of him. That's why he drop me at university and he himself pick me up despite him having work at office. He have become more protective now. He doesn't even let me do any work though I'm completely fine now. I don't complain cause let me enjoy this queen treatment for a while.

"Where are you lost?" I shook my head saying nothing. He pulled me closer to him. "I can have my meal now that you claim you are completely okay." My cheeks heated up. "Yes you can." Immediately he started doing his deed with me. After many rounds we stopped. He laid down beside me pulling me closer to him and holding me closely as if I will go away if he leaves me.

"I love you Asael."

"I love you too my antidote."

That's how our story ended. Everything returned back to being normal. Now there are no more enemies to hurt us. No stalker is after me. No more drama, no more betrayal, no more lies. Everything is perfect now. And we started living our life happily and peacefully.


So finally this book came to an end. I'm sorry guys if the ending is not so good 😭
Thanks to all my readers who have been reading this story from the beginning, who voted and commented. Thank you so much 💗
Many of you commented which motivated me always to keep writing. I will never stop saying this!

"His Antidote" book ended on 25 November 2023.

I'm writing another book "His Second Addiction." Soon I will post the characters aesthetic and tropes. And guess what? Aaran is going to be the main lead in that book 😉

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