Chapter 17 (Edited)

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Another day passed with me spending time with Asael the most. We talked, watched movies. My day here are not as bad as I thought it will be. Asael and his family don't even let me miss my family. My maa told me that I already forgot her after I got a new maa which is obviously not true at all. My maa is the most precious one for me. But I have to admit it that my mother-in-law is also becoming my favourite. I have never seen anyone so sweet and helpful like her. May Allah bless her with every happiness in the world. Everyone here is becoming my favourite person except that one cold person, Aaran.

Last time I bumped into him in the stairs and he pushed me away harshly. I was almost about to fall down from the stairs but he caught me before I could hit the floor. Why push me when you were about to catch me? This man is so confusing. And then he left my arm faster than a bullet as if I burned him. I wanted to say something then I decided it's better if I don't even speak to him. So I went back to our room without looking back at him. After I came back to our room Asael kept asking me what's wrong. I didn't told him anything though I don't want to hide this from him since we promised each other that we won't hide anything from each other. But this is not a big deal right? I just don't want these two brothers to fight. Cause after that day Aaran said I can never be his bhabi he scolded Aaran. I heard Asael scolding Aaran while I was passing Asael's office. Yes, he have a office at home too. If he have to work from home then he spends his time here. Okay back to what I was saying. I didn't heard Aaran say anything so I guessed that he remained quiet. Well when you are wrong you have to be quite. This is why I didn't told Asael about what happened.

About Asael and me our relation is improving Alhamdulillah. We got so close in just two days after our marriage. I know we will be more close gradually In Shaa Allah. Everyday when I'm praying Salah I thank Allah for giving me Asael. Asael said that he also do the same and he also prays for us to be always happy like this. And I pray that Allah fulfil all his wishes. Because nowadays seeing Asael makes me happy. Like yesterday when he cracked a deal he became so happy. I felt peace seeing him happy like that. It calmed me down. I never thought that in my life besides Allah there will be even a person who can help me to calm down, make me feel peaceful, feel happy just by looking at his smile ans his achievements. He is becoming more and more important to me by each passing day.

We also got close in another thing, we kiss a lot when we are in our room. He is always winning in the kiss. I can say that Asael will be a dominating person in bed. But he is trying his best to be gentle for me. I don't mind. He can be a beast in bed. My cheeks heated up just at this thought. At first I felt shy to think about these stuff then I told myself that why should I? He is my husband so I can think about him like this, I have that right. Though we didn't do anything else yet besides just kissing and hugging. I do think about many things though I know I still need time to agree to do those things. He doesn't say anything but I know what he wants. His eyes tell me everything.

"Where are you lost again bhabi?" Alaida asked me who came here with me to the parlor. It's our Walima today. My appi is also here. Aafia couldn't come because of some work at her home. She will directly come to the venue. "Bhabi?" I looked at Alaida confused. "Your bhabi ia busy thinking about your brother." Appi teased. "Well my bhaiya is hot so I can understand her." These two became close now and they are teasing me together. Someone save me from them! "I was thinking about our Walima." No way, I'm telling them what I was actually thinking about. "Yeah yeah we know." Both of them said it together. I groaned in annoyance. These two will give me a headache for sure.

We left the parlor. But today Asael will pick us up. Appi will go with Zayan bhaiya. Alaida was supposed to come with us but she said she will go with Zayan bhaiya and Zehra appi. Asael asked me if I'm nervous and I said no. I'm not nervous today cause only our close family will be there. There won't be too many guests. So my anxiety is in control for now.

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