Chapter 10

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Next morning as usual I went to university after doing my daily routine. I almost reached university when someone bumped into me and the book I was holding in my hand fell from my hand. “I'm sorry.” I apologized even though it wasn’t my fault. “Be careful Zaria.” The man whispered near my ear and his voice sent shiver down my spine. I didn’t realized when he came so near to me. I quickly moved away from him. I couldn’t see his face as his head was ducked down. He is also wearing a mask. “W-what?” I usually don't get scared during this kind of situation but this guy is not giving me good vibes! Covered in mask and all black clothes with that cap on his head, he seems dangerous. “Allah Hafez.” With that saying he left. What was that? I grabbed my book from the ground and quickly entered inside the university. At least I'm safe here. With so many people around here that guy or no one can do anything to me.

I obviously told Aafia everything who is now worried about me. “Try to avoid these kind of people, okay?” I nodded my head. “Forget about that creepy guy. Tell me what did you thought about Asael?” I became numb after she mentioned Asael. I totally forgot about him but today in the morning I decided what I would do. I decided to marry him. Asael is really a nice guy, exactly my type and I don't think I would find someone so perfect like him. “I agreed to marry him.” Aafia hugged me, she seems happy more than me. That's how best friends are. “From what I have heard from you I also liked Asael bhai. He is perfect for you. Did you told uncle and aunty about your answer?” I nodded my head. I told my parents my answer before I left for university. Maa was so happy and she immediately called Safia aunty. “Did Asael bhaiya said anything to you now?” I shook my head as a no. Aafia started calling him bhaiya now. “He probably doesn't know my answer yet.” Aafia hummed in response. For the rest of the day she kept talking about what she would do in my nikkah as if I'm getting married tomorrow. I glared at her still she kept blabbering.

I took out my phone as I got a message. “How are you my soon-to-be wife?” I blushed. He is doing this on purpose. I know it! “Alhamdulillah good. How are you?” I replied fast. “I'm also good Alhamdulillah. We will come to your home in the evening. I will see you then. I gotta go now. Allah Hafez.” I'm excited also nervous to see him. “Allah Hafez.” Aafia nudged me making me look at her. She is grinning. Why? “Someone is blushing.” I hit her on her arm. “Shut up.” Did she listen? No. She kept annoying me. She kept doing that until we separated on our ways to go back to our home.

I freshened up and completed my prayer then read Quran for an hour. I was about to sit to study when maa came telling me to wear a nice dress cause Asael and his family is going to come. I nodded my head at her then she left my room. I did studied for half an hour then as maa said I got ready. I heard the doorbell ringing but I didn’t went knowing maa would go.

I don't know why but I'm so nervous. I met Asael and Safia aunty before too but today I'm feeling nervous to meet them. “Zaria come downstairs. Why are you still in your room?” Maa came inside my room so I went downstairs with her. Everyone came which I didn't expected.

I thought only Asael and Safia aunty would come. I greeted them and sat down beside Safia aunty. “I'm so happy that you agreed. I can't wait for you two get married.” Safia aunty said excitedly which made me feel so happy that I got a mother-in-law like her. I glanced at Asael who was already looking at me and when his eyes met mine he smiled. I also smiled back at him.

“Bhabi!!” Alaida exclaimed with joy as she hugged me. “Promise me that you are going to spend time with me after you come to our home.” Everyone laughed at her statement as I smiled and nodded my head. My attention then shifted to Aaran who is oddly quiet. He still have that cold look on his face. Whatever, I don't care about him. Safia aunty and Alaida are nice to me which is more than enough. Even Nazib uncle is nice.

The elders kept talking until it was time for dinner. Everyone had dinner and now we were again sitting in the living room having ice cream well not me. “Zaria don't touch the ice cream.” Maa scolded me when I was about to take the bowl of ice cream. “Why? Let her have it, aunty.” Asael said making everyone look at him. “Already taking your wife's side huh?” Safia aunty smirked at him meanwhile his cheeks turned red. Is Asael blushing? Now that's something worth to see. Others laughed looking at his reaction. I wanted to laugh too but I controlled myself.

“She catch a cold after having ice cream that's why I don't let her have ice cream. Don't let her have ice cream after marriage.” I whined like a kid. I wasn’t about to tell Asael this. Now he will be like my mom who won't let me have ice cream. “She can have ice cream as much as she wants to and after that if she gets sick I will be there to take care of her 24 hours.” My eyes widened at what he said. I'm feeling butterflies in my stomach. How can he speak so smoothly like this? His words did something to me. It made me feel special. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now. I can tell everyone is amazed after what he said especially my parents. “I don't have to worry for my daughter now. She will get an amazing husband.” Baba said while smiling at Asael who returned the smile.

After few more minutes Asael and his family decided to leave. Safia aunty said she wants the nikkah done in a month. She wanted us to get married soon but she also wanted us to give time to each other so that we can get to know each other more. She is so thoughtful. I'm blessed to get a mother-in-law like her, Alhamdulillah!

“In Shaa Allah we will meet again soon my soon-to-be wife.” He is smirking as he is looking at me. I blushed. The word wife does something to me. “You are blushing when I'm only calling you wife. What would you do when I will call you by many other nicknames I thought for you?” I blushed more! Is this even possible to blush crazily like this? “What are those other nicknames?” I asked as I looked up at him. “You will know about them gradually. You have to wait.” Ugh I can't wait. I'm so curious to know. “Maa will throw a shoe at me if I don't go to them now. So Allah Hafez. Stay safe!” I laughed at what he said. “Allah Hafez.” That night was the most happiest day in my life. I felt so happy! I immediately told Arin and Zehra appi everything. Both were teasing me and I was blushing so much. And that night I slept peacefully.

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