Chapter 38

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Allah don't let anything happen to my antidote. I shouldn’t have let her go to university today when I was feeling restless. Faiz was with her then how come she met with an accident? Fuck fuck this can't be an accident. Someone did this intentionally. Whoever did this will die by my hands. I don't kill anyone easily but it came to her so now I wouldn't show any mercy.

Maa came towards me hugging me as soon as I came to the hospital. Baba also came who is calm. Huriya is consoling Alaida who is crying. “Don't cry” Baba took maa with her. I went to Huriya for answers. I need answers. Where is she? Where is Faiz? “Can you please take care of Alaida?” Huriya told Ahren who is Aaran's best friend. What is he doing here? I don't want him near Alaida but she is crying so much, someone needs to handle her. Baba is busy with maa so he can't do it and I need Huriya for answers.

I stared down at Huriya for answers who kept looking at me instead of saying anything. “Their car stopped in the road because Zaria wanted to buy some flowers from a little girl w-when a truck came c-crushing their car.” Huriya told me and I can say that she is on the verge of crying. It's not a fucking accident.

Someone tried to kill my Zaria! Goddammit I'm seeing red everywhere now. I will kill everyone if something happens to her. “Where is Faiz?!” My voice was loud, I don't care. I'm fucking pissed off. “He is also badly injured. Even the little girl who was selling flowers.” This is so messed up. A little girl who is innocent also got hurt.

But wait how did the truck driver knew Zaria's car will stop there to buy the flowers? “Where did their car stopped?” I asked Huriya. “In the highway.” The fuck! A girl selling flowers in the highway road which isn't a busy road? This was planned. I'm only doubting one person who can do this. The same bastard who has been following Zaria. He must have got to knew that Zaria likes flowers. So he planned this probably. Just how far can someone go? They dragged a innocent kid in this too. 

I will think about this later. I will get every information soon. “How is Zaria?” No answer from Huriya. “You are scaring me! Answer me.” Again I yelled at her. “S-she is hurt b-badly.” This sentence made me lose my calm. She is hurt badly. My antidote must be in pain. “Bhai! The car was completely ruined. Ahren was passing through that road when he saw the car, he recognized that it's your car.” If the car is ruined then the accident was really really bad.

“I want to see her.” I demanded. “No you can't. She is in the operation theatre.” Baba said sternly. But I want to see her! “If you want her to be alright then pray to Allah for her. You have to stay calm, got it?” Baba's tone was cold so there was no point in arguing with him.

I went to the prayer room and did my Wudhu first then started praying Salah. For the first time I'm crying for someone. Allah please don't disappoint me. The second thing I'm asking from you desperately is her wellbeing. Please don't let anything bad happen to my Zaria.

Nazib (Asael's Father):

My whole family is distressed. Even Asael who never worry. I mean he does worry but he always stay calm. I can understand his wife is in the operation theatre. I wish I could do something but I can't do anything. After I managed to calm down Safia I went to the prayer room to check on Asael.

My son is crying. I'm seeing him cry for the first time. Asael never cried since he turned 10. And that too in front of Allah. He is crying in front of Allah for his Zaria. This made me realize that how much he loves her. Ya Allah I'm begging you please don't break his hopes.


After my Salah I went back to where my family is. Zaria's parents came too. Her mom was continuously crying. “You said you will take care of my daughter then how did this happen?” Her maa started hitting my chest while crying. It breaks my heart to see maa crying like this. I disappointed her twice. I failed to protect her precious daughter even though I promised to always protect her. “Nazeera it's not his fault.” Her baba spoke while taking her away from me so that she can't hit me anymore.

After 2 hours the doctor came out. Her maa went towards him so I stood behind her. I can understand she is restless for Zaria. “The operation was successful. But we have a sad news.” My heart started beating faster again. If the operation was successful then why there is a bad news? “She will most probably be paralyzed.” What the hell? “We are still not sure about it until she wakes up but there are high chances of her being paralyzed.” Baba held me before I fall down.

Her maa also started crying again. “Doctor Asha!” Another doctor came rushing towards the doctor. The doctor looked at me. “You guys must be Faiz's family who was brought here  with Mrs. Zaria Ibrahim?” I nodded my head cause Faiz lives alone so I'm the only one he have. “I'm sorry to say he couldn’t make it.” I forgot about him. Allah no why? Why he couldn’t make it? Faiz was always beside my side no matter how dangerous the situation was. I can't bear to lose him.

“Baba.” I hugged him. My Zaria is still unconscious and Faiz died. What should I do? Both are special to me. “Calm down.” Baba started patting my back. How can I calm down? Again everything is ruined when finally everything was getting back to normal. I guess I'm unlucky. Happiness is not meant for me.

I did everything what was needed for Faiz's funeral then again came to the hospital. Alhamdulillah the kid also survived. “Mrs. Zaria Ibrahim woke up.” I immediately went towards her room. “Only one person can come inside.” I should let her maa go then. “You go Asael.” I was shocked that her maa was telling me to go. “I will start crying in front of her which won't be good for her now.” I nodded my head and entered inside the room she is in.

I feel hurt seeing her all covered in bandage. Her head is wrapped in a bandage. “She had severely hurt her head.” The nurse informed me. Getting hurt in head is not so good. I composed myself before going to her. “A-Asael.” She can't even speak. “It h-hurts.” I held her hand, “I know jaan. But please don't speak. You are still unwell.” The doctor told me to move to check her.

“Can you move your hands? Show me okay?” Zaria slowly moved both her hands and face. “Move your leg.” After a while she started crying which made me panic. “I c-can't feel my l-legs. I can't m-move them.” The nurse rushed towards her trying to calm her down.

“D-do something. Asael tell him to do something!” Shit what am I supposed to do now. “I'm sorry to say as we said she became paralyzed.” My world crumbled down. How many bad news I will get? “Go to her. She needs you. I will inform your family outside about this.” The doctor left. The nurse helped her to sit down then she also left.

She started crying more after I stood in front of her. “Why did this happen with me?” I hugged her trying to calm her down. It's so unfair Allah. Why did you did this with her? You could've make me paralyzed instead of her. She is so fragile that she can't handle this. She will break down. But it already happened. I can't fight against Allah. I'm just requesting you Allah that give her strength. Don't let her become weak mentally.

She fell asleep after half an hour of crying. I laid her down on the bed. I stepped out of the room. Everyone is silent. I know all of them are sad after hearing the news. “In Shaa Allah everything will be fine.” Baba reassured me. I hope so. But the question is will everything be fine?

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