Epilogue 1 (Edited)

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Everything is going well now Alhamdulillah. Another great news is that I'm two months pregnant. At first I was so scared and nervous but maa reassured me that she will always be with me to support me. My maa also told me the same thing. I'm gonna cry again. What did I do to get such a amazing mother-in-law like her and get a supportive mother like my maa?

Asael is also supportive, he also became overprotective and wouldn't let me do any work. He told Alaida to keep an eye on me so that I won't work. Alaida is also just like her brother who became overprotective after knowing about my pregnancy. Only maa and Huriya are normal. They helped me to make Asael agree to let me work outside at a company where I was hired as a fashion designer. I always wanted to do something on my own so I didn’t wanted to lose this chance.

Asael agreed on one condition that he will drop me and pick me up. Also that after coming back home I will take rest instead of doing any other work. Sometimes it gets annoying cause I get bored but I can also understand that he is just worried for me and our baby. But it gets annoying which I told him. He apologized and said I can work then if it makes me feel happy.

This is the thing I like about us. If we don't like anything what one of us said to another then we will talk about it, after that we will understand each other's situation, point of view and feelings then we figure out a solution for the problem together.

My mood swings have been worst. I cry without any reason most of the time or sometimes I'm way too much happy. And don't let me get started on food cravings. That's the worst part of being pregnant! Also good as I get to eat whatever I want to eat but I'm afraid at this point I will become fat. I'm confusing right? These mood swings are the reason for it. Sometimes I eat without a care in the world and sometimes I cry and don't eat thinking I will get fat.

We decided we won't know about the gender of the baby cause both of us wants to be surprised at the arrival of our baby and be surprised and happy after knowing our baby's gender for the first time. Asael already thought about many names. He is more happy than me! Seeing him happy makes me forget all my pain and sufferings. That's how much I love Asael Ibrahim now.

Also after five months I saw Aaran at the birthday party. I did noticed him but pretended like I didn’t saw him. Even with all the people around me I felt scared and suffocated that what if he takes me away again like before? I only felt at peace after he left the party. I didn’t wanted to see him again but next day baba brought him back at our house.

I know how strict baba is so no one can say anything. I can't be afraid of him always. I have to overcome my fear neither I can let baba and maa to stay away from their another son. I would've forgave Aaran but first of all he didn’t apologized till now secondly I gave him once chance which he messed up badly. So even if I forgive him this time it will take time.

I didn’t expected that he would actually apologize to me. But he came to me and apologized after lunch. He seemed sincere. Well he seemed sincere last time too. I won't forgive him easily neither trust him. Once someone breaks your trust you can never trust that person again easily. The fear of getting your trust broken again haunt you like a ghost. That's what is happening with me. I'm afraid to trust Aaran again. So without saying anything to him I left.

I came back to our room cause I feel safe only after seeing Asael. I know as long as he is with me he will never let anyone hurt me. Right now we both are laying down on the bed, my head on his chest. “Asael?” He hummed in response. “Were you the one who made my professor resign?” I was always curious about this but so many things happened in between that I forgot to ask him about this.

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