Chapter 30

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I became close with Zaria, she is like the sister I never had. I'm a only one child of my parents so I always used to feel lonely and wanted a sister. Zaria became that sister which I always wanted in my life. She is more like my sister rather than my sister-in-law. This is the reason I care so much about her. When I saw her in bhai's arms passed out, all the negative thoughts were running inside my mind. She was fine in the morning! Then what happened to her now? I was so worried. Alhamdulillah she is fine. Nothing happened to her.

As bhai said I wanted to know what happened to her so I asked her but she refused to say anything. Whatever happened effected her a lot. And then bhai told me yesterday she asked bhai if he was hiding something from her. I feel bad for bhai. He is in a situation where he can't do anything neither he can choose anyone. One is his brother another one is his wife. He also have to think about his parents.

Why did this happen with these two brothers? Both are in love with the same girl. And then I know how Aaran is. He gets whatever he wants be it a thing or a person. That scares me the most that he might harm Zaria if he lose his calm. It's a great thing that Aaran didn’t do anything stupid in these five months after Asael bhai and Zaria's wedding.

Obviously I kept an eye on him so that I will know right away if he is planning something. But who are we kidding? It's impossible to know what that bastard is thinking. He is such a twisted person. I can't kill him only because he is my cousin. Moreover my khala will be in so much pain if anything happens to Aaran. Khala loves her children more than anything in this world. I hate Aaran but not khala and Asael bhai. They are my most favourite person in this world after my parents. I will do anything to keep them safe.

During breakfast time I kept staring at Aaran. I figured it out he have something to do with Zaria's current situation. After everyone left for their work and Zaria went to her room I approached Aaran. I told him everything. I thought this will make him stay away from her but I was so wrong. Looking at his reaction I can tell he is furious and he is planning something. Did I made a mistake by telling him this? But he should know it that he can't get Zaria. She loves Asael bhai not Aaran. "If you dare to hurt her in any way I will forget that you are my cousin, keep that in your mind Aaran." With that saying I left from there going to do my next work which is also important.

I have to deal with another bastard, Saad. Asael bhai's business rival. He will love it if Zaria screams? I will also love to see him suffering then. I smirked thinking about the plan I made for him. No one mess with my family especially not my sister. I entered inside the warehouse where Saad was sitting on the chair, tied up. Asael bhai told his men to beat him. But that didn’t satisfy me. He needs to suffer more. He disrespected Zaria by saying that filthy thing about her. He will pay the consequences for it now.

[Warning: Mature content ahead]

Saad looked at me, fear evident in his eyes. "Please leave me." Then he should have thought twice before saying that shit about her. He already said what he wanted to. Now he thinks I will let him go? Even if I didn't do anything did he seriously thought that bhai would've let him go? Zaria is his life and he would destroy everyone who would even think of hurting her.

"Did you boiled the water?" I asked Faiz, bhai's right hand man. He nodded his head. "Bring the water then." After a while Faiz brought the water filled in a jug. "Now get ready, Saad." He looked horrified and I was satisfied with his reaction. I will be 100% satisfied after I will finish the work. He was tied up so I didn’t had to worry about him struggling still I told our men to hold him so that he can't move at all.

I grabbed his hair, making him face upwards. "Open his mouth." I told Faiz who did it. Then I poured the hot water in his mouth, I poured the jug's full water on his mouth. Since I held his hair and Faiz held his face, he didn’t have no choice but to drink the hot boiling water. I let go of his hair, smiling at him. "Now you won't be able to disrespect her anymore with this mouth of yours.

People do drink hot water but while mixing cold water or when it's not too hot. But if you drink hot boiling water then it will definitely damage one's vocal cords. That's what I did with Saad. Damaged his vocal cords cause what's the point of having a proper vocal words when he can't use it for a good reason? "Faiz." I called him out who now looked at me, waiting for my next command. "Kill him then you know what to do." I left from there cause Faiz will handle the rest.

I went to my home because I need to take a shower. I came out after taking the shower when I got a call from Alaida. She called twice already. "What?" I said after I answered her call. "I came outside and came to our favourite shop so I called you to know, do you want me to buy something for you from this shop?" I was about to tell her to buy some dress for me when my eyes widened in shock.

Alaida is outside that means Zaria is alone with Aaran. "You dumbass! I told you to stay at home to take care of Zaria." I couldn’t control my anger so I ended up yelling at her. "My friend had called. Bhabi was beside me who told me to go outside because she is fine. She forced me appi otherwi-" I didn’t let her finish her sentence as I cut the call.

I rushed outside getting in my car. Fuck I should have straight gone to khala's house. Aaran is not in his right state of mind, I know that thus he wouldn't hesitate to hurt her now that she is alone with him. I called Asael bhai to inform him about the situation. I started driving fast not caring about anything. Only Zaria matters right now.


I know Alaida isn't going out with her friend because of me. I forced her to go. I'm fine really. Everyone is worrying for me which is useless. And I'm not angry at Asael but I'm really scared and worried because of my stalker. He is back again. I didn’t even wanted to tell Asael anything. What should I tell him? That I doubted him because of what my stalker said? I sighed trying to stop thinking about this matter.

Maa messaged me to tell Alaida to give Aaran his medicines. Alaida isn't at home so I will have to give him his medicines. He ignored me yesterday but whatever maybe he was in a bad mood for some reason that's why he ignored me. I will go give him his medicines then leave. I knocked on the door, no answer. I'm already frustrated with everything so I can't keep standing here till he comes thus I opened the door on my own and entered inside.

But as soon as I entered inside the medicines fell from my hands, gasping after what I saw. There are paintings of me on his bed. What the hell? I stepped back only to get hit by something no it's someone and I know who is it. "Bhabi it's bad to come inside someone's room without knocking." He wrapped his arms around my waist. My mind is not working right now. The paintings, Aaran touching me. No no he can't touch me like this. "Leave me." I started struggling but he tightened his grip on me. "Aaran, is this some sort of prank? Stop it please! You can't touch me like this cause I'm your bhabi!" My heart is telling me that it's not a prank but I want to believe that it's just a prank nothing else!

"Are the paintings good? Did you liked them? I had hidden them before but today you came unexpectedly." It makes sense now why he took so long to open the door that day. Why he didn’t let the doctor come to his room. He wanted to hide these paintings. Anger took over me. How dare he do this thing? I trusted him. I forgot that once a jerk is always a jerk. It would've been better if I kept my distance from him.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get more worse, he said something which killed me from inside. Fear engulfed me completely. I could feel my panic attack coming back. Tears started streaming down my face. Aaran can't be my stalker! He is just lying. Nope, I wasn’t friend with my stalker and I didn’t lived with him in the same house for the past five months.

"Breathe, my rabbit." He whispered near my ear. Why he is so close to me? Someone get him away from me. More tears started falling down after what he said next. "Remember I told you the consequences of marrying Asael will be very bad? Now you will see what I will do. You have been a very bad girl for the last five months, rabbit. So now I have to be the bad guy too."


This is probably the longest chapter I wrote till now... Tell me what guys think will happen next? ☠️ What will Asael do now? Will Huriya do anything to Aaran? Will Zaria able to overcome from this shock?

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