Chapter 32

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Thankfully Aaran left me alone. He brought food for me which I didn't touched. He is really stupid if he thinks I will eat the food he made after he kidnapped me. I was busy glaring at the food when he came standing in front of me. "Eat Zaria." I remained quiet. "You make me angry." I can say he is pissed off by his tone. "I will forcefully feed you then." That's it! I lost my calm. "Yeah force me to eat. Force me to be yours. Force me to stay here. Why don't you just kill me then?!"

Next moment he is on top of me as he pinned my hands above my head. His eyes are back to being cold again as usual. "Kill you? If I wanted that then I could've kill you easily in these five months. Force you in everything? I'm at least not forcing you to have sex with me even though I'm crazy to feel you, touch you, mark you as mine." My lips parted, I'm speechless to even say a word.

"It hurts Zaria. I loved you for three years. Why my brother had to come between us?"

"Why didn't you approach me you idiot?! If you stay in the shadows then obviously you can't have me. You are too late now. I love Asael and only him!"

"I know you love him. I knew it from the moment you met him."

"Then le-mmmpphhh" He didn't let me finish my sentence as he started kissing me. Bipolar jerk. He doesn't force me? Then what is this? I can't even push him away cause he pinned my hands and my legs are chained up. After what felt like an hour he pulled away from the kiss.

I'm panting heavily. Tears formed in my eyes again. He is making me feel disgusted. I hate this feeling. "Say that you want to leave again then next time I will do more than just a kiss. I'm not like my brother who can control himself all the time and give you time." He is indeed bipolar.

He got off of me sitting down on the bed. "Will you eat? Or should I kiss you again?" I glared at him, the urge to slap him is getting stronger. "What if you have put poison in the food?" He took a bite from the food, eating it. "Now eat!" His voice was demanding that I started eating afraid he will again do some nasty things with me again.

"I would've eat the food even if it was poisoned. I mean if you can't love me and be mine then we will die together so that you can't even be together with Asael." I didn't stop eating. “Death doesn't scare me. At least I can stay away from you at peace in Heaven.

"Destiny doesn't want us to be together in this world neither in afterlife." He chuckled sadly. If it was a different situation I would've definitely feel bad for him. "I want to go to the bathroom." He is staring at me not saying a word. "Fine I'm opening the chain. I don't want to hurt you anymore."

I looked at him shocked. He agreed so easily? "Don't worry rabbit you can't escape from here. My men are everywhere in this mansion." He grinned at me. After he took off the chain I feel so relieved. I stood up to go to the bathroom and I was almost about to fall on the floor but he held me. I immediately pushed him away. "Does my touch burn you?"

"Yes! I hate your touch." I didn't let him say anything else as I hurriedly went towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I look so messy. My hair is messy even my t-shirt. I fixed myself then came out of the bathroom.

"There are clothes for you in the closet which you can wear after the shower."

"You even arranged my clothes?"

"I planned everything before you got married to my brother. If only he never came into your life."

"You are a sick psychopathic bastard, do you know that?"

"I know that rabbit and don't curse. It doesn't suit you since you are a good girl." He again grinned while looking at me. What's his problem? Why does he always grin at me? "Go take a shower. It's Magrib time. You won't pray your Salah?" I didn’t said anything to him and went to take a shower.

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