Chapter 24

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I came back to our room after 20 minutes. Zaria is still not asleep. She was tossing around the bed. I also noticed a book on the bedside table which wasn’t there before. I ignored that for now and laid down beside her. She immediately turned towards me, facing me as she hugged me burying her face in my chest. She does this a lot and I obviously love it. “My stomach hurts.” I started stroking her hair.

“Should I give you a massage?” She shook her head as a no in response. “Aaran came.” My body stiffened hearing that. He is even coming to my room now? That basta- “He gave me a book. But Asael I-I did-” She is hesitating to speak. Did he did something to her? If he did I will kill him. But I can't show her that I'm angry. I need to keep my anger in control for her.

“You can tell me anything without hesitating.” I kissed on the top of her head to make her feel better. “I thought you came so I didn’t bother wearing my orna.” Her voice was so soft. If I wasn't laying beside her hugging her close to me I wouldn't hear what she said. “I feel bad that I was being so stupid. I should have wore my orna before I opened the door. He saw me without my orna. He also probably saw the hickeys.”

I feel satisfied that he saw the hickeys. But why is she apologizing for this? Even without her orna she looks decent enough. “Jaan don't be sorry. It's fine. And you know that I don't knock. We  made a deal remember?” She looked at me nodding her head. “So from now on if someone knocks then assume it that it's not me.” I don't want Aaran to see her without her orna or in a t-shirt. Though I won't tell her to wear salwar kameez, because of my trust issues I won't make her feel uncomfortable. Plus I'm here to protect my Zaria always. No one can hurt her as long as I'm with her. “Sleep jaan.” I kept stroking her hair till she fell asleep.

Next morning I woke up early. I can't drop her at university today cause I have to leave early. So I told her to go with maa after she woke up. She looks more pale today. Should I take her to a doctor? I went to Huriya to ask this. “Seriously? Bhai she will be fine after two or three days. It's normal for girls to be like this. Don't exaggerate things. She wouldn't like that either.” With that saying she shut the door in my face. Huriya is not a morning person even after knowing that I woke her up.

“I'm leaving. Allah Hafez jaan. Sorry that I can't drop you.” I gave a peck on her lips. “It's fine. Allah Hafez.” She gave me a quick kiss then dashed out of the room. She is so shy! I smiled at her cute behaviour.

The rest of the day went by with me being busy but I managed to message Zaria to know if she is okay or not. She didn’t reply. Maybe she is busy with her classes. Though now it's almost time for her university to end. I hope she is okay. As I was engrossed in her thoughts I received a message from her. “I'm fine. But can I go to Aafia's house today? Her Nikah is fixed that's why.”

It's good if she stay at her friend's house rather than in our house where Aaran is there. I will be late also today so I will be worried for her. “You can. You don't need my permission but just inform me that you are going somewhere.” She sent a heart emoji making me smile. “You are so so in love.” Izan's voice brought me back to reality. Seeing him I remembered I didn’t talk to him about Arin. “We need to talk.” His smile disappeared after seeing me this serious.

“Do you remember Zaria's best friend Arin” I could feel him tensing after I took her name. I hope it's not what I'm thinking. “Yes. What about her?” I kept looking at him blankly for few minutes and I could tell he is getting restless. “Are you interested in her?” I already know the answer yet I asked him the question. “Yes since the moment I saw her I felt a strange kind of attraction towards her. I even told maa about her. So I hope you know that I'm serious about her.”

Shit shit this shouldn’t have happened. Till now Izan was never interested in any girl. So you can say it like that Aafia is his first love. I don't want my friend to be heartbroken but there’s nothing we can do about it. “She is already engaged. Just a while ago Zaria messaged me that her Nikah has been fized.” Izan seems hurt now. I knew he would be hurt badly if he is indeed serious about her.

“You will get over it Izan. You guys never talked so it's just a small attraction cause you found her pretty probably.”

“You don't understand. I never felt like that how I felt when I saw her. I w-wanted to try to at least make her m-mine.”

“We can't do anything. Can we?”

“No. I'm leaving. I need some time alone.”

I let him go cause I know he needs time to digest everything. Why did this happen to him? He is like my second brother and seeing him like this breaks my heart. Destiny is really something else.

I finished my work just then Zaria called me to pick her up if I'm done or to send driver uncle. Uncle already left so I will pick up her. I told her to wait for few minutes till I reach there. After I went there Aafia greeted me. She and her parents insisted a lot for me to have dinner but I declined politely. It's late thus I don't want to trouble them.

“How are you feeling right now?” I asked her after I started driving. “Alhamdulillah good. She invited everyone to her Nikah. You will come right?” I nodded my head. They will feel bad if I don't go plus I don't want Zaria to be embarrassed that why her husband didn’t came with her.

I know how those gossiping aunties are like. I decided to tell her about Izan. She is Aafia's best friend and Zaria was also worried for her regarding this matter. She probably wants to know if I even talked to Izan or not. I told her everything who is now shocked after listening to everything. “I do feel bad for Izan bhaiya. I'm sure he will find someone else.” I also hope for that cause I can't see him hurt.

After reaching home and freshening up we had dinner. There is a good news which is that Aaran is outside and wouldn’t come home tonight so I'm happy he can't approach Zaria today.  I'm looking at Zaria who is studying. Even while studying she looks breathtaking. How come someone looks pretty even when they are studying? I kept looking at her without blinking the whole time she was studying. After she was done I closed my laptop as I know she would like to cuddle with me.

“Are you happy with me?” I don't know why suddenly I felt like asking this question. “I'm really really happy with you. I never thought I would get this much love and respect from you and your family. At first I was hurt that Aaran didn’t accepted me but now he also accepted me. I'm sure we will get along well.” I was feeling happy until she mentioned Aaran. I'm glad she told me what she feels about Aaran's behaviour. She was hurt because he didn’t accepted her as his bhabi then she will be more hurt if she knows the real side of Aaran.

I'm feeling guilty for lying to her. She is starting to trust Aaran while Allah knows what he is planning. She will be hurt if Aaran breaks her trust. I will kill him for real if Zaria is hurt because of him. ‘You don't have the heart to kill your brother.’ My subconscious mind mocked me. Somehow it's true. But I also know if Aaran cross his limits then I won't be quite anymore. What about me? I'm also playing with her by not telling her the truth and Zaria hates it when someone lie to her. Am I doing the right thing? What if I regret my decision in future?


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