Chap 40- Dance With Me

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A/N: Can't believe we made it to chap 40! Huzzah!

Have any of you heard the song; Two Birds by Regina Spektor? If you haven't, I suggest listening to it, not just for the sake of this fic but it's also just a good ass song. It trended on TikTok for awhile before the concept of this fic came to my mind. But when I relistened to it while starting this fic, I felt like it was perfectly describing the dynamic I was building between Y/N and Tomura. Basically how Tomura is going to keep going, climbing towards his dreams and wants and how Y/N says she'll be apart of it but when the time comes she just.. doesn't. I hope that makes sense. I'm not going to make it the theme song of this chap, but more so the theme song to the relationship of Y/N and Shiggy. :)

As always, thanks for reading and sticking with me this far babes. Only a handful of chaps left!❤️


"No matter what happens between us, I'll always be there for you y/n."

Tomura's words rang through your head as you took in his burnt body. Your hands were shaking as steamed billowed out of your skin, your emotions scattered, making your quirks react.

"Tomura!" You shouted, his eyes meeting yours slowly as a ghost of a smile graced his features. His mouth was moving but you couldn't hear his words.

"Who the hell did that to him?" Spinner asked, his hands shaking as much as yours as they clenched into fists. You forced your eyes off of Tomura to take in your surroundings.

Multiple Nomus were fighting heroes further in the distance, while another group of heroes were to your left, everyone seeming way smaller than normal due to Machia's height. But you could clearly pick out who was who.

Erasurehead was being taken care of by some other heroes and even some students, as they worked to fix his chopped off leg. You recognized Izuku, even Touya's youngest sibling Shoto, but your eyes widened as you realized who was next to them. You knew he was here, but it still filled you with unbridled rage to see him as thorns riddled your skin. Endeavor.

He looked pretty pissed off upon seeing your League and the beast you all rode in on. You couldn't help but snicker at the gnarly scar on his face that was thanks to your Nomu from months before. You slid down Machia's shoulder, requesting Spinner to look after Tomura for you, to which he happily obliged.

"Hey, there you are! From up here everyone looks like tiny ants!" Dabi called out, one of his hands holding a can as he shook it. He was looking down at Endeavor as a wicked grin grew on his face. "Shoto's with you. Perfect!"

You knew what he was doing. But it seemed only you knew as you smirked. You slowly stood and walked up beside him, your arms crossed, once your thorns retracted, as you glared down at the hero.

"Dabi! Dryad!" Endeavor called out, his fists tightening as he stood.

"Hey now don't be rude! You're acting like we've never met!" Dabi called back as he poured the contents of the can onto his head, his once black hair now pure white, the ends staying a light gray.

You watched him in awe, his head slightly turning so his icy stare was on you, a dangerous smirk on his face as you grinned back. You may have seen him with white hair and no scars a few months prior but this was different. This was the Touya you knew. The white bounced off his dark scars perfectly, adding to the more dangerous look that he already had, and it made your heart thump hard in your chest.

His stare turned back to Endeavor, his arms lifting from his sides as he cackled; "Call me Touya! After all, that's the name you and mom gave me."

You watched as Endeavor's and Shoto's eyes grew wide, the shellshock filling their faces, even causing Shoto's fighting stance to loosen a little. You knew at this time, Skeptic was putting Touya's plan into action thanks to the hard drive that Touya gave him earlier. The video was being broadcasted for the entire nation of Japan to see, and the thought made your chest tighten.

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